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What is a Star and how are they formed?

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Star and how are they formed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Star and how are they formed?

2 Some pictures of Stars

3 Our Star, the Sun

4 Now Read The Life Cycle of a Star

5 Nebulae

6 Protostar

7 Our Sun

8 Red Giant

9 A Dwarf?

10 White Dwarf

11 Black Dwarf

12 Sizes of Stars

13 Sizes of Stars On the bottom right are Arcturus (orange giant), Rigel (blue giant), Sirius A (blue dwarf) and the Sun (yellow dwarf). Meanwhile on the left at the top the Sun is shown blown up and compared with Proxima Centauri (a red dwarf) and Sirius B (a white dwarf).


15 Pictures Pictures were found at the links below:

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