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TOEIC® Survey: Speaking vs. Listening & Reading

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1 TOEIC® Survey: Speaking vs. Listening & Reading
Masaya Kanzaki Kanda University of International Studies JALT2014, November 22, Room 404


3 TOEIC® Survey: Speaking vs. Listening & Reading
Masaya Kanzaki Kanda University of International Studies JALT2014, October 22, Room 404

4 Purposes To compare the scores of the listening, reading and speaking tests of the TOEIC To see if there is a L-R score threshold under which S scores remain uniformly low To find out how test-takers felt about the TOEIC speaking test To compare TOEIC and vocabulary test scores

5 Participants 87 university students attending a private university specializing in foreign languages Year: 68 in 2nd year, 15 in 3rd year, 4 in 4th year Sex: 10 male, 77 female Major: 51 International Communication, 22 English, 12 International Business Career, 2 Chinese First language: 84 Japanese, 3 Chinese

6 Materials TOEIC Listening and Reading Test TOEIC Speaking Test
A questionnaire Two vocabulary tests (VLT and VST)

7 TOEIC LR: 200 multiple questions, 2 hours, 10-990 points
Listening Part Task # 1 For each question with a photo, listen to four sentences and choose the one that best describes the image. 10 2 Listen to a question or statement followed by three responses and choose the most appropriate response. 30 3 Listen to a conversation and answer comprehension questions. 4 Listen to a short talk and answer comprehension questions.

8 TOEIC LR: 200 multiple questions, 2 hours, 10-990 points
Reading Part Task # 5 Choose a word or phrase to fill in a blank in a sentence. 40 6 Choose words or phrases to fill in three blanks in a passage. 12 7 Read a passage or a set of two passages and answer comprehension questions. 48

9 TOEIC Speaking: Computer-based

10 TOEIC S: 11 questions, 0-200 points, 20 minutes
# Task 1–2 Read aloud the text that appears on the screen. 3 Describe the picture on the screen. 4–6 Answer three questions about a single topic as though you are participating in a telephone interview. 7–9 Read the information on the screen and answer three questions about it as if responding to a telephone inquiry. 10 Listen to a recorded message about a problem and propose a solution for it. 11 Express an opinion about a specific topic.

11 Please refer to the handout.
A questionnaire Please refer to the handout.

12 Two vocabulary tests Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT)
Schmitt (2000) version, 2000, 3000, 5000, and academic word levels, 120 questions Vocabulary Size Test (VST) Versions A and B (20k versions), first 40 questions from each to cover up to 8,000 level

13 VLT 1. business 2. clock _____ part of a house 3. horse _____ animal with four legs 4. pencil _____ something used for writing 5. shoe 6. wall

14 VST 1. see: They <saw it>. a) closed it tightly b) waited for it c) looked at it d) started it up

15 Results Descriptive Statics (N = 87) Mean SD Minimum Maximum L 370.98
Mean SD Minimum Maximum L 370.98 54.06 205 495 R 265.57 65.55 115 400 LR 636.55 109.86 320 890 S 113.45 25.69 40 160

16 Correlations (N = 87) * = p < .01 L R S 1 .68* .50* .48*

17 Speaking vs. Listening & Reading
r = .53, p < .01

18 How did you find TOEIC S? (N = 82)

19 Were you at a loss during TOEIC S? (N = 82)

20 Which do you prefer, S or LR? (N = 82)

21 I want to take it again. (N = 82)

22 My score will improve next time. (N = 82)

23 TOEIC vs. Vocabulary tests (N = 82)
* = p < .01 VLT VST VLT+VST L .49* .39* .50* R .69* .61* .72* LR .65* .56* .68* S .58* .33* .55*

24 Q&A Thank you. Acknowledgement This study was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number


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