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2016 Development Regulations Update

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1 2016 Development Regulations Update
Use Type and Use Level Consolidation Other Development Regulation Amendments Planning Commission Meeting March 22, 2016

2 Introduction Package 1 Package 2 Package 3
2015 Comprehensive Plan update – development regulations Package 2 Comprehensive Plan amendment and Other updates Package 3 Use Type Consolidation and new additional Other updates

3 Use Type and Use Level Consolidation

4 Restored Use Types Multi-Family Building Materials and Garden Supplies
Motor Vehicles and Related Equipment Sales/Rental/Repair and Services: Levels 5 and 6 Restored Intermediate Manufacturing: Restored Examples

5 Use Type Changes Senior Housing Administrative and Professional Office
Agritourism Commercial Centers Sales of General Merchandise

6 Senior Housing Senior Housing. Senior Housing Use Type refers to living accommodations where at least one member of the family or an individual is age 55 or over and no member of the household is under 18 years of age. Level 1: Assisted living facilities that provide rooms, meals, personal care, supervision of self-administered medication, recreational activities, financial services, and transportation. Level 2: A retirement community that includes a mix of living quarters where no more than 25 percent of the total units consist of independent units as described in Level 3 and subject to density requirements of the zone, and the remainder consist of assisted living facilities as described in Level 1. Level 3: Housing types that consist of independent living and are comprised of grouped multi-family housing where elderly individuals or families reside and care for themselves. These housing types are subject to density requirements of the underlying zone. Housing shall be located within one unified facility. Individual units cannot be located on individual or subdivided lots.

7 Administrative and Professional Office
Administrative and Professional Offices. Administrative and Professional Offices Use Type refers to offices, private firms, or organizations which provide professional or administrative services to individuals or businesses. Typical uses include employment services, property management services, title companies, law offices, engineering/ surveying consulting firms, architecture and landscape architecture firms, advertising and public relations firms, medical and dental offices, diagnostic testing services, advertising agencies, travel agencies, talent agencies, insurance offices, real estate offices, investment brokers, financial planners, banking services with or without drive through facilities, offices for non-profit and quasi-public agencies, firms involved in the development of high technology in an office setting which does not require industrial processes for research purposes, and other business offices customarily associated with professional or administrative office services. Level 1: Offices with a maximum floor area ratio of .75:1. Level 2: Offices with a maximum floor area ratio of 2:1. Level 3: Offices with a maximum floor area ratio of more than 2:1. Level 41: Office buildings with a maximum size of 5,000 square feet. Level 2: All other office buildings. Level 5: Office buildings with footprints of more than 20,000 square feet and 2 stories or more in height.

8 Agritourism Agritourism. Agritourism Use Type refers to uses which are agriculturally based operations or activities that bring visitors to an active farm or ranch. The uses are associated with an ongoing agricultural use and may involve the sale of locally grown agricultural products. and agriculturally-based operations or activities that bring visitors to an active farm or ranch. Typical Aagritourism uses includes a wide variety of agricultural and non-agricultural accessory activities including, but not limited to, corn mazes, harvesting fruit and vegetables, feeding animals, riding animals, lodging, farm gift shops, farm- related events, learning about farm practices, small scale breweries, wineries, distilleries, barn wedding venues, and produce stands, and wineries. Agritourism may include tractor rides, but shall not involve motorized off-road vehicle racing or similar motor vehicle activities. Nonagricultural accessory uses and activities, including new buildings, parking, or supportive uses, may not convert more than one acre of agricultural land to non- agricultural uses and shall not be located outside the general area already developed for buildings and residential uses. At least 50 percent of products offered for sale must be produced in Pierce County.

9 Commercial Centers Commercial Centers. Commercial Centers Use Type refers to any lot or combination of lots with a store or variety of stores, offices, and services integrated into a complex utilizing uniform parking facilities. A variety of goods are sold or services provided at these centers ranging from general merchandise to specialty goods and foods. The Commercial Uses permitted in Commercial Centers are only those allowed in a particular zone. The allowable square footages for each commercial use within the Commercial Center may not exceed those allowed in the zone for that use. (For example, if the maximum square footage for a food store is 80,000 square feet in a particular zone, this would be the maximum allowed in a Commercial Center.) Commercial centers can be grouped into three levels:

10 Sales of General Merchandise
Sales of General Merchandise and Services. Sales of General Merchandise and Services Use Type refers to establishments that sell general merchandise or provide services to individuals or businesses. including apparel and accessories, pharmaceuticals, optical goods, furniture and home furnishings, computers, and electronics. Also see Building Materials and Garden Supplies Use Type for establishments primarily engaged in selling lumber and other building materials, paint, glass, wallpaper, hardware, nursery stock, and lawn and garden supplies. Level 1: Total floor indoor/outdoor retail sales area up to 5,000 square feet. Level 2: Total floor indoor/outdoor retail sales area over 5,000 and up to 15,000 square feet. Level 3: Total floor indoor/outdoor retail sales area over 15,000 and up to 30,000 square feet. Level 4: Total floor indoor/outdoor retail sales area over 30,000 square feet and up to 80,000 square feet. Level 5: Total indoor/outdoor retail sales area greater than 80,000 square feet.

11 Other Amendments to the Development Regulations

12 1. Amend New Section 18A.37.040 – Bed and Breakfast (B&Bs) and Vacation Rentals (VRs)
A Bed and Breakfast shall be allowed, on a parcel upon which the bed and breakfast proprietor resides, within a legally established single-family dwelling or accessory structure when the following criteria are met: 1. Not more than five guest rooms are provided; 2. Not more than ten travelers are lodged at any time; 3. Lodging for each guest does not exceed two weeks; and 4. Compensation of any kind is paid for the lodging. 5. The B&B owner files an affidavit with Pierce County Planning and Land Services which indicates the location of the property and that the property will be used as a bed and breakfast

13 1. Amend New Section 18A.37.040 – Bed and Breakfast (B&Bs) and Vacation Rentals (VRs) cont.
B. A Vacation Rental (VR) is a short term rental accommodation within a legally established single-family or accessory dwelling. Longer term rentals exceeding 30 days are not regulated under this chapter. Vacation rentals shall be allowed when the following criteria are met: 1. The VR owner resides in the dwelling or on the site a minimum of three months each calendar year. 2. A total of five guest rooms may be provided; 3. Two guests per bedroom, not to exceed a total of ten guests may be lodged at any time; 4. Compensation of any kind is paid for the lodging. 5. Two off street parking spaces shall be provided. 6. The VR owner or representative shall provide notification to all neighboring property owners within 300 feet of the site of the vacation rental property. 7. The property owner shall file a Vacation Rental Affidavit with the Pierce County Planning and Land Services Department which indicates the following: a. The property owner’s intent to use their residence as a Vacation Rental. b. Contact information for either the owner, representative or property management company including phone number and . c. Listing of the internet site(s) where the Vacation Rental property is advertised. d. The required neighborhood notification has been provided. 8. A Good Neighbor brochure for short term rentals is provided to each renter describing the appropriate etiquette of residing in a Vacation Rental. C. If the standards described in either subsection 18A A. or B. above are exceeded or otherwise cannot be met, the proposed use shall require a Conditional Use Permit.

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