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Writing up Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing up Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing up Research

2 Experiment research (1)controlled scientific experiment
(2)correlational (3)survey questionnaires or case studies (4)computer models to explain or predict

3 Common characteristics
A research question A hypothesis Design the study to reject or support the hypothesis Statistical tests

4 Typical sections of the experimental research repor
Abstract Introduction Method Results Discussion or Conclusion

5 Introduction First Stage: setting
Second Stage: already studied by other Third Stage: need for more investigation Fourth Stage: purpose of this study Fifth Stage: give a value for this study

6 Stage 1: The setting Begin with accepted statements of fact related to your general area (Universe) Within the general area, identify one subarea(Galaxy, which includes your topic) Indicate your topic (Star) Arrange ideas in logical sequence Linking ideas through old and new information order

7 Stage 2: Reviewing previous research
Use a logical plan to order your citations Citations ordered Chronologically earliest …… latest Citations grouped by approach Citations ordered from distant to close One approach another approach

8 Stage 2: Reviewing previous research
Use information prominent at the beginning in Stage 2 Use author prominent to report specific findings later in Stage 2 information prominent author prominent (related to your own) information Last name of author Date information Last name of author Date

9 Stage 3,4,5:Advancing to present research
Indicate a gap in the research in S3 the previous literature described in Stage 2 is inadequate because an important aspect of the research area has been ignored by other authors There is an unresolved conflict among the authors of previous studies An examination of the previous literature suggests an extension of the topic Raises a new research question not previously considered by other workers in your field {However, few studies have reported on ……}

10 Stage 3,4,5:Advancing to present research
Stage 4: the statement of purpose {The purpose/aim/objective of this thesis is to……} {The purpose of this study/investigation/research was to…. Research orientation Research question

11 Stage 3,4,5:Advancing to present research
Stage 5: the Statement of Value Practical benefits {The results could be useful to….} {This research may provide an alternative to...} Theoretical importance {Results of this study may suggest a broader hypothesis for further research into …. {This study may be of importance in explaining….}

12 Method Overview of the Experiment Population/Sample Location
Restrictions/limiting Conditions Sampling technique Procedures(step-by-step, chronologically) Materials Variables Statistical Treatment

13 Materials Laboratory equipment Field equipment
Human or animal subjects Natural substances Fabricated materials Surveys, questionnaires and tests Computer models Mathematical models

14 Describing specially designed materials: three steps
A: Overview: give a general idea of the material and the purpose for which it is intended B: Description of principal parts: in logical sequence From top to bottom, front to back, left to right From center to the outside From beginning to end C: Functional description: how the features described in Step B function together

15 Integrating Materials with Procedure
Materials and method are described separately Materials and method are described in an integrated form {The nickel was then allowed to settle….. method materials

16 Results Three information elements Element 1:Location of results
A statement that locates the figure where the results can be found Element 2:Most important findings Element 3:Comments Statements that comment on the results

17 Results Two patterns for ordering comments (1) R1+C1;R2+C2;R3+C3
(2) R1+R2+R3+C R=Results(Element 2) C=Comments(Element 3)

18 Comments(Element 3) Generalize from the results
Explain possible reasons for the results Compare the results with results from other studies

19 Element 1:Location of results
{Results of the t-tests are presented in Table 1 {Table 4 summarizes the test results on…}

20 Element 2:Most important findings
Comparison {A had faster eye movements than B} {The highest A was found among…} Tendency {Prices showed a tendency to increase…} {…tended to decline ….} {…rose /fell/increased/decreased/dropped/remained constant/declined….} Correlation or association {A was correlated with/negatively correlated/associatied with B} {A was not highly/significantly/closely related to B}

21 Element 3:Comments {This is consistent with earlier finding suggesting….} {These results can/may be explained by…} {It appears/seems/is likely that….}

22 Discussion or Conclusion
Original hypothesis Finding Whether or not finding support the hypothesis Whether finding agree with other researchers Explanation for findings Limitations Implications of the study Need for further research Practical applications

23 {One possible explanation is that…}
{We acknowledge that…} {We can no longer assume that…} {Clearly, this…..} {It is possible that….} {This research attempted to ….} {These results are in substantial agreement with those of….}

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