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*Gain CPD hours which can be used as evidence for revalidation*

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1 *Gain CPD hours which can be used as evidence for revalidation*
2nd Masterclass in Neuroscience Nursing from the National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery Thursday 16th November 2017 Venue: Lecture Theatre, 33 Queen Square, NHNN Draft programme: Registration 08.30 Introduction Flo Panel Coates Chief Nurse History of the NHNN NHNN Matrons Spasticity Liz Keenan Clinical Nurse Specialist Epilepsy Anthony Linklater Charge Nurse / Clinical Nurse Specialist Promoting Continence Collette Haslam Clinical Nurse Specialist Continence advisor Excellence in Spinal Surgery Jacqueline Mullane Assessing capacity Lesley Morton Ward Sister Hughlings Jackson Ward Hydrocephalus Simon Thompson Consultant Nurse Career in Neuroscience Nursing Panel of Consultant Nurses / Matrons Closing comments Julie Hogg, Deputy Chief Nurse, Specialist Hospitals *Gain CPD hours which can be used as evidence for revalidation*

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