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Photography Presentation

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1 Photography Presentation
Kate Hardaker

2 What I am doing? I am doing a presentation on two different genres of photography, portrait and commercial. I get inspiration from a wide range of photographers, but these two caught my eye. I have chosen these photographers not only for their unique approaches but, for the photo itself. One of these photos chose the photographer. With my portrait, it was difficult to replicate and edit, but, I am proud of how it came out as it was my first time really editing the minor details of a photo.

3 Todd Vorenkamp - Summary
Todd Vorenkamp is a middle aged commercial photographer. He is the Senior Creative Content Writer for Explora. This Master of Fine Arts degree holder has been taking photos for almost 30 years. He not only is a photographer, but was a US Navy and Coast Guard helicopter aviator and licensed merchant marine officer.

4 Waxing Crescent Moon by Todd Vorenkamp.
I chose a Todd Vorenkamp photograph of the moon for my other photograph. And for this, I let the subject of the photo, decide the photographer. This Is a photo of a waxing crescent moon, shot a day before the first quarter moon. I believe that the moon, although it be a floating rock in an endless amount of space, it has more to offer. I think that it is a beautiful thing to look at at night, especially with this autumn crisp and fresh air that seeps through your clothing, layer by layer and frosts your breath instantly. When you zoom in on the moon, you can see every bump, crevice and crater and you see it change with each phase of the moon. If you zoom in far enough on a crescent moon, you can see the shadow on the rest of the moon. Overall, I love this image, I could look at it for ages. It makes me feel at ease, and gives me a sense of wonder like, if you think about it, we are just a tiny spec of dust when it comes to the rest of the universe, along with others, and someone, somewhere all the way on the other side of the universe could be looking at their moon, thinking the exact same thing.

5 My image of the moon. This is my own image of a waxing crescent moon. Taken on my Canon Powershot SX 530 HS camera. Admittedly, I took this photo in January from my bedroom window. I was looking back through my SD cards and I found this photo, I just stopped and looked at it for a few minutes, the brightness of the moon against this blacked out background was pleasing to look at, as I've said before, simple black and white photos are my aesthetic. Not only that, but the clarity of the image and the fine detail captured is amazing. Without even zooming in further, you can see the depths of the craters and the patterns made by the use of the shadow. It is just a very crisp image. I didn’t have to edit this image at all. I would the only noticeable differences are that of which the positioning and country it was taken in, you can tell this by the shallow craters and the position of them, not only this, but my photo was taken earlier in the transition from waxing crescent moon to first quarter moon. I am very pleased with my image. Despite the miner differences, I would say these photos are pretty dead on similar.

6 Annegien Schilling - Summary
Annegien Schilling is a 17 year old digital artist and photographer. Annegien was born in Seattle, Washington and presently lives in the Netherlands. Schilling was recognized for her amazing self- portraits and is most admired and known for her Instagram accounts.

7 Behind the tears, inside the lies
Behind the tears, inside the lies. A thousand slowly dying sunsets by Annegien Schilling. For my portrait photograph, I chose a photo I have previously used in a blog post, by Annegien Schilling. I chose this photo because of what the artist is saying. The caption reads, "Behind the tears, inside the lies. A thousand slowly dying sunsets". I think this speaks true to a lot of issues in this world, like discrimination, homophobia, immigration and it’s even in politics, as a whole. I also think that this photo is timelessly open to interpretation. I see it as that, when you don't exactly have a lot and you aren't the most popular or don't have a lot of friends or don't really get invited places, they tend to be the happier person, yes it gets the down, but it also doesn't effect them as much, they know that the friends they have are true. And people who 'have it all' tend to be unhappier in themselves, and sometimes don't want a huge amount of friends, but to 1 or 2 best friends to do experience things with. Overall, I just love this image. It was hard to chose just one of her many amazing self portraits, but felt that this was the easiest to attempt to recreate.

8 My recreation attempt. This is my attempt at recreating the image. My friend Maddy Curtis was kind enough to help me out by being my model. This picture was taken in my house, mid-morning on a gloomy day. Although it has its obvious differences, I am happy and proud of how this photo turned out for my first time editing the fine details. To make this image, I painted black and rainbow paint under Maddy’s eyes, I then positioned her by the backdoor so that the light could be reflected on her eyes. For editing the photo, I had to black out her left eye whilst keeping the reflection and the realistic look of the eye. For her other eye I sharpened and lightened her cornea. I then edited the brightness and added contrast. I also enhanced her collarbones and blurred around her face. There are ways I could improve this image, but I am overall very happy with how it turned out.

9 Conclusion. In conclusion, I really enjoyed this project. I feel that it pushed me out of my comfort zone, and built/installed more confidence in me. I enjoyed the creativity of the task and the way it made you really think. I think the best part for me was recreating the portrait image because it made me rethink my ability/skill in art and photography. It also reassured my creative eye. I feel that I could have taken more time on my photo of the moon and maybe to have chosen a different genre. There re definitely areas I can improve on with lighting and editing. But overall I am very pleased with the production of my project.

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