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Wednesday, June 1, 2016 ESL Level 3 Week 15.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, June 1, 2016 ESL Level 3 Week 15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, June 1, 2016 ESL Level 3 Week 15

2 Announcements Listening Quiz tonight Data Entry make-ups
Reading Quiz tomorrow Next Wednesday: End of the semester party Next Thursday: Progress reports

3 Agenda Review of Units 1-8 for the final exam
Listening Quiz after break

4 Units 1-8 review for the final exam
Most of you have the notes from these units from the midterm review, but this is mostly for the new students.

5 Unit 1 Present Progressive review
We use the present progressive (continuous) to talk about things that are happening now. She is drinking coffee. They are wearing sweaters. Present progressive is made of two parts: S + be verb + verb(ing) She is drinking coffee. They are wearing sweaters. I am studying English. How do we make questions? Be verb + S + verb(ing) Are you working?

6 Unit 1 Simple present review
We use the simple present to talk about things that happen regularly (routines) I walk 4 miles every day. Past Now Future Maria eats from home * __X_______X_____X____X_____> Use the simple present with adverbs of frequency. (pp.5) always usually often sometimes rarely hardly ever never I always watch a movie on Friday nights. Sometimes/ Usually, John works at night. John sometimes/ usually works at night. I am hardly ever late to school.

7 Unit 1 Simple present review
Use the simple present with most non- action verbs (states or situations) Emotions I feel tired. Mental states I remember my teacher from last semester. Possession John has 4 daughters, Senses and perceptions The food smells great.

8 Unit 1 Simple present and present progressive review
Action non-action She is smelling the roses. The food smells great. Shhh! I am listening for the lottery 0 Numbers I am thinking about George Clooney. I think class starts at 6:30.

9 Multiple choice What __________? He is an engineer.
Is your father doing Is your father do Does your father do Does your father doing?

10 Why ___________ sunglasses? It’s cloudy today.
Do you wear Are you wearing Do you wearing Are you wear

11 How often ___________to the cinema?
About once a month. Do you go Are you going Are you go Do you going

12 _________________ a really good book at the moment.
I read I’m reading I reading

13 He ___________ an iPad, a computer and an iPhone. He is so lucky.
Is having Have has

14 Unit 2 Simple Past We use the simple past to talk about actions, states or situations that are finished. They are commonly used with past time expressions. I ate a big dinner yesterday. To make verbs past tense- most verbs end in –ed, but some irregular verbs change. (See your best friend).

15 Correct six errors in the paragraph.
ate Roberto and Marcela had a good Saturday. In the afternoon, they eaten at one of their favorite Mexican restaurants. They saw some of their friends there. Their friends were happy to see the new baby. After lunch, they go shopping. They needed to buy food for the week. After shopping, they return home and put their food away. Then Marcela done laundry while Roberto gives the baby a bath. In the evening, they invited their neighbors over and they play a board game.

16 Unit 3 Past progressive and simple past.
With past progressives, we focus on how long the past action lasted, not when it was finished. you/ we/ they were + verb(ing) She/ he/ it/I was + verb (ing) I was teaching when Ace walked in. Past progressive + when + simple past Teaching, teaching, teaching  Ace walked in When introduces the simple past verb

17 Unit 3 Past progressive and simple past.
While I was running, my mom was cooking dinner. While comes before the past progressive. This means that two actions were happening at the same time.

18 Unit 3 We left the building when we heard the fire alarm. Which event is happening first? He was working when he saw the accident. Working, working, working  saw accident

19 Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive)
While Tom (read) ____________, Amely (watch) ____________a documentary on TV. Marvin (come)______________ home, (switch) ____________on the computer and (check) ___________ his s. The thief (sneak) __________ into the house, (steal) ___________ the jewels and (leave) ____________ without a trace. Nobody (listen) _____________ while the teacher (explain) ______________ the tenses. While we (do) ___________ a sight-seeing tour, our friends (lie) _________ on the beach. He (wake) __________ up and (look) ____________ at his watch.

20 Unit 4 Used to and would Used to and would are used to talk about repeated actions or habits in the past. When I was young, my sister and I used to steal sugar from the store. Did you use to study when you were in school? I didn’t use to like garlic, but now I do. Would is used with action verbs. Begin stories with used to, then you can use would + verbs.

21 Used to and would

22 Unit 5 review- wh questions
I saw Tommy. S V O When asking for specific information, use wh questions. How do you make wh- questions? Ex. Wh + aux + S + verb (pp. 61 Note 2 b.) Who(m) did you see yesterday? (object question) Jack saw me. S V O Who saw you? (subject question) Wh + V + O

23 Note 3 (detailed information about people and things)
Questions about the subject Which car is red? (choice) The big car is red Whose water bottle is this? (possessive) How many students missed class yesterday? (number) Wh + N + V Question about the object Which class do you like? I like grammar class. Whose class do you like? I like Luisa’s class. How many students are you going to talk to ? I am going to talk to 2 students. Wh + N + Aux + S + verb

24 Questions about places, reason, time.
Where/ why/ when Wh + aux + S + verb If the main verb is be, use this word order. Wh + be Who is absent? Or Wh + noun + be How many students are absent?

25 Workbook pp. 32

26 Unit 6 Future tense To talk about the future, there are 4 ways:
Be going to I am going to have dinner with Kathy. Will Class will start at 6:29 PM tomorrow. (fact) Present progressive I am traveling to Boston next weekend. (plans) Simple present The plane departs at 6 a.m. (schedule) For quick decisions, to make offers or promise, use will.

27 Future worksheet

28 Unit 7 Future time clauses
We use future time clauses to talk about two future events. Main clause time clause She is going to go to school when her husband gets home. What is happening first? future present Before she goes home, she will stop by the gas station to get gas. She will stop by the gas station to get gas before she goes home. Which is happening first?

29 When, after and as soon as introduce the 1st event.
When I grow up, I am going to be a teacher. After I finish work, I am going to go to sleep. As soon as class is finished, we are going to drive home. Before and until introduce the second event. Before you leave, you are going to turn the lights off. I will work until it is 5:00 PM. While introduces an event that will happen at the same time as another event. While she is cooking, I will be reading. While she cooks, I will be reading.

30 pp. 45 workbook

31 Unit 8 Present perfect We use the present perfect with since and for to talk about something that began in the past and continues into the present and may continue into the future (we don’t know). What do you need to form the present perfect? Has/ have + past participle I have studied at Mt. Sac for 2 years. For = por I have studied at Mt. Sac since Since= desde I  2012 when it began Study the list on your best friend for past participles. Total amount of time

32 Worksheet



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