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Ski Trip February 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Ski Trip February 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ski Trip February 2018

2 Dates and Times Departure is Friday 9th February 2018
Students can put luggage in the dance studio in the morning, we usually leave at approximately 4pm We arrive in resort on the afternoon of Saturday 11th around 2:30pm

3 Dates and times We depart from the hotel on Friday 16th February at 6:30pm and travel through the night to arrive in Calais early on Saturday morning We should arrive back at school around 2pm on Saturday 17th February.

4 Hotel Plankenhof- Pill, Austria
Where are we staying? Hotel Plankenhof- Pill, Austria


6 Where are we skiing?


8 Ski groups Students have 4 hours of ski lessons each day, led by Austrian ski instructors. Students are placed into a ski group based on their skiing ability. If ski lessons are already booked can you please indicate this on the form. If ski ability changes from the original information submitted please let me know 2 weeks before the trip is due to depart.





13 Hotel rooms Room allocation is not available until 2 weeks before the trip- a meeting will be called at lunchtime for this. Rooms are between 2 and 5 people. Allocations of rooms are based on gender and year groups. Please do not be set on an exact room number- you need to be flexible.

14 Evening activities Ice skating Bowling Quiz Disco/ Presentation night
Movie night Swimming Each student will need to bring €20 for evening activities.

15 Daily schedule – Long Days
7am breakfast 8:15am on the coach to travel to the slopes 9.30 till 12 morning ski lesson lunchtime afternoon ski lesson Travel back to the hotel to shower and change Dinner Evening activity

16 Ski Kit List Ski trousers / Salopette’s Ski jacket
3 pairs of ski socks (minimum) 3 thermal tops 2 hoodless sweatshirts/thin fleece Thermal tights/long-johns Ski gloves Ski goggles Ski tie that is easy to identify Small backpack for lunch/valuables Waterproof suntan lotion (min SPF20) sunglasses

17 General Kit List Warm clothes Woolly hat Boots/trainers
Evening clothes – school appropriate. PJ’s/under wear Toiletries

18 Evening Kit List Thick socks for ice skating Gloves for ice skating
Swimming kit Bowling ‘A-game’

19 Insurance & Medicines The students are fully covered by the PGL ski insurance. Please let Mrs Pardy know of any pre-existing medical conditions that you feel need to be declared to the insurance company. Highlight current medical issues or dietary requirements on the school journey consent form. We hope that most students are old enough to self-medicate, but are obviously on hand if this is not the case.

20 Expectations Behaviour to the same standard as at school.
Full participation in all activities. Be resilient and try Hard! Follow all instructions by either St Michaels staff, ski instructors, coach drivers or PGL staff. Failure to comply may result in missing an activity or in an extreme case- being sent home.

21 Valuables Maximum of €100 (that includes evening activity money)
Phones, I-pods, I-pads etc. are all at own risk. They must not be taken to the slopes and will be left in the hotel during the day.

22 What do we need from you? Completed school journey consent form.
Ski-trip ‘student information’ form (cm and kg please) Passport EHIC card

23 Hand in dates Journey consent Form 17/11/17
Student information form 17/11/17 Passport 19/01/18 EHI card 19/01/18 Please check expiry date on Passport and EHI card to ensure they will be valid for the duration of the trip.

24 And finally… Final payment is due Friday 3rd November
I will send out a letter 4 weeks before departure date, with all confirmed timings. Any problems please see me at the end. Follow

25 Questions

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