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Accelerating corridors – C-ITS, status quo in Austria

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1 Accelerating corridors – C-ITS, status quo in Austria
Helge Molin – II/Infra 4 Integrated Transport Management Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology

2 Content: Overview, The C-ITS Corrdior and it‘s surroundings The Austrian project ECo_AT Status Quo and Outlook

3 Kick Off in December 2012 and formal MoU in June 2013

4 3 Countries, 2 Common Use Cases, 1 Common System Profile

5 All Day 1 Use Cases of Eco-AT Phase 1 are defined and specified.

6 The specifications have been provided to more than 420 interested stakeholders around the globe.

7 Eco-AT specifications are used already in several tenders ….

8 Transparent process of specification elaboration during all stages of the project

9 Feedback from the general public, industry, OEMs, C-ITS corridor partners, road operators

10 Key components have been installed in Living Lab compliant with ECo-AT system specifications.

11 The C-ITS Corridor serves as a “Blueprint” for potential followers (C-ROADS).

12 ECo-AT: European Corridor – Austrian Testbed for Cooperative Systems
What is ECo-AT? Living Lab ECo-AT: European Corridor – Austrian Testbed for Cooperative Systems Project lead by ASFINAG Budget: EUR 11,5 Mio. Two main phases: Phase 1: Definition of System Specifications and Testing (2014 – 2017) Status of System specs is published in a set of four releases, allowing for extensive feedback by stakeholders. Setting up of a living lab to allow testing of components. Phase 2: Actual deployment after verification of the phase 1 results (2018 onwards).

13 What is ECo-AT? ECo-AT is the Austrian part of the C-ITS Corridor AT/DE/NL, close collaboration (BAST was project partner in phase 1) Focus on infrastructure-based cooperative systems ECo-AT Specifications define communication from the Traffic Control Centre to the Roadside Use Cases Road Works Warning (RWW) In-Vehicle Information (IVI) Probe Vehicle Data (via CAM aggregation) Other DENM (event information) SPAT/MAP (traffic signal phases)

14 Scope of ECo-AT Specifications
ASFINAG Central ITS Station (C-ITS-S) Data Profiles Vehicles Roadside Stations Traffic Information Vehicle Data ECo-AT Specification DATEX II ETSI+ISO Standards

15 Current status Eco-AT Specification phase (phase 1) completed in march 2017

16 Current status specifications
Day 1 Use Cases 90% specified All specifications published (actively requested by 400 organisations (64 OEMs / suppliers and 49 road operators among them ) 6 individual workshops with OEMs, road operators and and other interested parties were held

17 Living Lab built up and operated
19 installations on Road Side Units with corresponding equipment in the TMC 5 traffic lights equipped Temporary test installations in ABM Inzersdorf during Test Cycles Defined test routes (S1, A4, A23, Handelskai) 49 predefined message types are continuously sent and monitored

18 6 Test Cycles were held with vehicle industry
6 Test Cycles with participation of OEMs and supply industry were organised successful verification of the Eco-AT specification Participants: Hyundai, Opel, Honda, VW, Volvo, Fiat / CRF, Aricent, DENSO, Commsignia, Cohda Wireless, Hyundai Mobis, Nordsys, Kapsch, Siemens, Swarco, Austria Tech 3 virtual Test Cycles: recorded real data verified in laboratory by the participant of the tests 3 real tests: three days of testing in ABM Inzersdorf and Living Lab each (test phases / verification phases)

19 Impressions of Test Cycle 6

20 Future Issues The implementation phase (phase 2) is scheduled to start in the first quarter in 2018. Some open issues (security, data protection, compliance assessment) need to be resolved at a European level. Privacy: Question must be addressed in an EU context to the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Security: Working results of the European C-ITS platform are very promising and are Conformance assessment: Currently, the procedures for testing and validating C-ITS units are being harmonized. Austrian partners are represented in the respective working groups (Amsterdam group, C-ROADS, Commission expert groups) and incorporate the findings of ECo-AT.

21 Following next steps “We are ready for deployment and will start rolling out of C-ITS services once major stakeholders of the automotive industry announce a concrete date for the equipment of their vehicles with ITS-G5 applications.” Preparing the roll-out launch of C-ITS includes: Continuing the operation of the Living Lab in Vienna and incorporating industry through a "Call for Interests" for Day 1 Expansion of the automation test track in Graz with C-ITS equipment during a research collaboration for Day 2 Start of the detail planning for roll-out ASFINAG

22 Austrian C-ITS strategy
Presented to Austrian parliament in 2016. Deployment strategy for C-ITS until 2020 and beyond. Based on the experiences of the C-ITS corridor and the EU C-ITS platform. First implementations in ETSI ITS-G5, hybrid communication in the medium to long term.

23 Possible Future items Intertoperability
Cars / lorries and infrastructure Other vehicles like trams, buses, intersection safety for railway crossing, (urban rail on WIFI 8011.a) „closed“ Motorway vs open environment Urban / suburban vs. rural Other vehicles Motorbikes Pan European Release management Update of Security policy etc.

24 Further Reading C-Roads:
Cooperative Corridor: Eco-AT: Austrian C-ITS Strategy:

25 Thank you for your kind attention!
Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie DI Helge Molin

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