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New mexico and the cold war Chapter 6 Lesson 3

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1 New mexico and the cold war Chapter 6 Lesson 3
United States Vs. Soviet Union

2 Key ideas The end of World War II marked the beginning of a Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Little actual shooting. New Mexicans served in both the Korean and Vietnam Wars. New Mexico became a leader in the aerospace industry because of the cold war arms race and the space race. Job opportunities in the military, national labs, and mining industry brought more people to New Mexico during the Cold War.

3 Key vocabulary Arms Race Capitalism Communism Propaganda Superpower

4 The Cold war begins Although Allies during WWII, after the war there was much distrust. Both countries became superpowers. Why did the U.S. distrust the Soviet Union? Because the Soviet Union was Communist. Neither country trusted the other so the Cold War began.

5 The cold war An intense competition between nations. War is considered cold because there is no direct fighting between the nations. The nations are hostile and fight each other through competition and propaganda. Propaganda is information that is designed to persuade or mislead.

6 The Cold war timeline

7 Timeline continued

8 An arms race Key events that fueled fears of a nuclear war between the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union. Using spies to steal the plans to build the Atomic Bomb from Los Alamos. The Soviets tested their first bomb in 1949. The Space Race – Soviets launched Sputnik, the worlds first satellite. Eisenhower responds by signing into law better math and science programs for students. The U.S. eventually catches and passes the Soviets in the Space Race.

9 New Mexico’s Astronauts
The United States greatest achievement of the space race was landing on the moon in 1969. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. Harrison Schmitt from New Mexico was the 12th and final Astronaut to walk on the moon. New Mexican Sid Gutierrez was the first Hispanic astronaut. He flew two missions.

10 Cold war conflicts The Korean War – 15 Nations Involved in stopping North Korea. 1950 Communist North Korea invaded South Korea. 33,000 U.S. soldiers killed. 184 New Mexicans were killed and 46 are still listed as MIA (missing in action). Hiroshi “Hershey” Miyamura earned a medal of honor and has a high school in Gallup named after him.

11 DMZ Korea’s

12 The Vietnam war Similar to the Korean War. Communist in North Vietnam attacked south Vietnam in the 1950s. Vietnam War lasted 30 years. US Involved 58,000 American lives lost. 399 where from New Mexico 13 New Mexicans still listed as MIA Five New Mexicans received Medal of Honor.

13 Air Force Bases and in New Mexico
Four biggest Air Bases in New Mexico. Vital to cold war effort. Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque biggest and most important. One of its most important purposes was to store atomic weapons. The bombs were stored deep in the Manzano Mountains. Holloman Air Force Base outside Alamogordo. Cannon Air Force Base near Clovis. Walker Air Force Base near Roswell.

14 Research Laboratories in New Mexico
Los Alamos – Developed Atom Bomb and later Hydrogen Bomb. Sandia Labs – Has also been vital in developing new weapons.

15 White Sands Missile Range
Many of the bombs and weapons invented at los Alamos and Sandia Labs were tested here. White Sands is over 200 square miles of open space in southern New Mexico.

16 Cold War Ends Lasted until the early 1990s
Communist governments in the Soviet Union and other Eastern European countries fell apart.

17 Berlin Wall

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