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Facebook and Instagram: Legal and Ethical Issues For Teachers

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2 Facebook and Instagram: Legal and Ethical Issues For Teachers
By Daniel Bethanya Aliaya Facebook and Instagram By Daniel Betaunya Aliaya

3 THE ISSUE Utilizing social media, text messaging, or any other kind of technology to form, participate in or entertain any sort of inappropriate relationships or communication between educators and students.

4 Problems that Can arise from this issue
Teachers allowing students to be friends with them Teachers posting inappropriate pictures/comments/captions , etc Teachers inappropriately communicating with students/ other faculty Parents and students falsely accusing Failing to report inappropriate, student initiated electronic communication Teachers not setting boundaries between themselves and students, including not correcting any inappropriate dialogue or sexual advances made by students toward them Teachers misguiding students with questionable pictures or statements that may be misleading


All electronic communication conducted by an employee with a student must be relative to educational services. Any inappropriate electronic communication should be reported immediately There is to be no personal texting between students and teachers without consent from the students parents Teachers must set and maintain a good example and a firm professional tone when interacting, texting or communicating via social media or with students In the event that a students is friends with a teacher on social media, it must be reported and put into file. It will also have to be looked at once a week. 6. Professors must keep classroom account strictly about classroom needs (questions for homework, assignment due date etc) 7. File and or sexual language is prohibited, this includes cursing, flirting, stating suggestive acts etc. 8. Social media communication is not prohibited between students and teachers, but we ask that all involved be fully aware of the boundaries and consequences of inappropriate interacting 9. No post can be answered before 6 a.m. and after 9p.m. 10. Account information must be given to school district.

7 All incidents of electronical misconduct will be properly documented with the time and date of the infraction as well to be added to the teacher's file. There will be a fair and thorough investigation of all incidents reported. During investigation the faculty member will be given paid leave until the investigation is complete. Once the investigation is complete depending on the outcome the faculty member will be permitted back on the school campus or be terminated and released from their job. The faculty member and student should not be in contact with each other after or during the investigation.     Please ensure that all electronic communication between students and staff are transparent (maintain openness, visibility and accountability), accessible (consider all electronic communication to be a matter of record), and professional (use correct grammar and tone, choose appropriate subject matter and choose words that are courteous). If social media is inappropriately used between staff and student, however the misconduct is not severe it will result in suspension for the student and staff. If social media is inappropriately used between staff and student, however the misconduct is severe (sexual assault, rape, sexual intercourse) it will result in expulsion and authorities will be contacted. Consequences

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