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Presentation on theme: "CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS:"— Presentation transcript:

Pre-Algebra Ms. Chaffins Syllabus OVERVIEW: Middle level mathematics uses five critical content areas (Ratios and Proportional Relationships, The Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, Statistics and Probability) in an integrated program. There are numerous curriculum opportunities throughout the curriculum to support reading and other essential learning. Curriculum content was developed and aligned with the NCTM National Standards for Mathematics and the Kentucky’s Academic Expectations, Program of Studies for Mathematics. CONTACT: Phone Number: (606) Planning Period: 12:50 – 1:35 Room: 203 CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS: Be on-time, on-task and prepared to learn EVERY day Respect the teacher, other students, and the classroom Keep all personal electronics in your locker (unless otherwise told by the teacher) No food or drink is permitted in the classroom Do not get out of your seat unless given permission CONSEQUENCES: REQUIRED SUPPLIES: Composition Notebook Pencil (EVERYDAY) Folder Calculator (Optional but HIGHLY Suggested) MATERIALS: Mathematics, Course 3: Pre-Algebra, Holt McDougal. Pre-Algebra, Glencoe. Pre-Algebra An Integrated Transitions to Algebra & Geometry, Glencoe Pre-Algebra with Pizzazz!, Creative Publications. Verbal warning Teacher consequence (conference, detention, confiscation, etc.) Communication with parent and/ or counselor Lunch Detention Administrative referral **In some cases some or all of these steps may be skipped depending on the level of the offense.

2 Math Class Requirements:
Students are to use a pencil on all assignments, including ALL homework and tests. Any work turned into class that is not in pencil will not be graded. All assignments must have work shown (steps) and in the student’s handwriting in order to receive credit. All class work and homework is to be done on loose-leaf paper. Students are to have a composition notebook for math notes. Calculators may not be used at the beginning of the year, but can be used at a later time as announced by the teacher. Using a calculator without permission is considered cheating. Calculators are available in the classroom, although students are strongly encouraged to purchase a calculator for their use at home, when allowed. A student’s lack of a calculator will not be an excuse for incomplete assignments. When purchasing a calculator, it is best to purchase a TI-34 since this is the calculator we will be using in class. GRADING CRITERIA: (Point Based) Homework, class work, bell ringers, open response questions, participation points Chapter/cumulative tests, quizzes GRADING SCALE: A = 90% and above B = % C = 70 – 79% D = 60 – 69% F = 59% and below RETAKES: It is the student’s responsibility to come to me to set up a time to retake the test. LATE WORK: Late work will be accepted ONE day after it is due, however you will only receive half credit. ABSENCES: It is the student’s responsibility to acquire any work that was given during his/her absence from a classmate or from the missed work folders at the back of the classroom. Students are expected to turn in work that was due, make any necessary arrangements, and to make up any quizzes or tests. If there are extenuating circumstances that caused the assignment to be late, parents should me to make arrangements. Students are given 2 days for every excused absence to turn in make up work. Summative assessments only When you receive a 60% or below It is on YOU! REMIND: Text the to 81010

3 Student Expectations:
Students will: Work and learn at high levels Complete and return homework on time Maintain math notes taken in class and given by the teacher Understand the homework assignment(s) before leaving school and record them in their agenda notebook Take home all necessary materials to complete assignment(s) Bring all materials needed for class Parent Expectations: Parents are to: Provide encouragement and support; show interest in your child’s work Assist students to develop good study skills Monitor homework completion and the efficient use of time Monitor your child’s grades on IC all throughout the school year. Please don’t wait until the end of the nine-week period. Schedule a conference if your child’s academic performance is unsatisfactory If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with your child! Please sign and return the following: I have read and understand the syllabus for Ms. Chaffins’ 7th grade math class. I understand that it is my responsibility to communicate any problems, issues, or concerns I may have regarding my/my child’s participation and progress in math class to Ms. Chaffins in a timely manner. __________________________________________________ Student’s Signature Date ___________________________________________________ Parent or Legal Guardian’s Signature Date


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