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The Battle Against Shaitan And his Soldiers

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1 The Battle Against Shaitan And his Soldiers
The World of the Jinn The Battle Against Shaitan And his Soldiers

2 He meets with his troops and reviews what they have accomplished.
Iblees is the one who lays out the strategy of the battle against humans and is the leader. From his seat, he sends his troops and armies to different places for different purposes. He meets with his troops and reviews what they have accomplished. He praises those who created a great deal of mischief and misguidance among the people.

3 Imam Muslim records in his Sahih on the authority of Jabir that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Iblees sets his throne on the water. From there, he sends out his troops to tempt mankind. The one whom he regards as closest to him is the one who causes the greatest temptation. One of them returns to him and says,"I stayed with so and so and did not leave him until he did such and such,. and he is told, .You have done nothing.. Then one comes and reports, he did not leave him until he separated from his wife.. Iblees then brings him near to him and says, .How fine you are...

4 Satan is very well versed in the ways of misguidance
Satan is very well versed in the ways of misguidance. He has well-conceived plans and works of deception. And he will continue to live and will not cease in this adventure as long as humans are alive, until the day of Judgment. The Quran says, "He [Satan] said: My Lord reprieve me till the Day when they are raised. He [Allah] said: Then lo! you are of those reprieved. (al-Araaf 14-15)"

5 He made a vow to urge until evil as manv of mankind as he can
He made a vow to urge until evil as manv of mankind as he can. He does not give up nor does he get bored. There a hadith that states, "Verily, Satan has said, your Honor and Grandeur [0 Allah] enticements will not depart from your slaves as long as their souls are in their bodies.. And the Lord said, My Honor and My Grandeur, I will not cease forgiving those who ask for my forgiveness...*

6 Shaytaan has two types of soldiers - One from Mankind and the other from the Jinn:
Satan has supporters and soldiers from among the jinn. We have already mentioned the hadith that states that he sends his troops out from his throne. And it says in the Quran, "And excite any of them whom you can with your voice, and urge your horse and foot against them.... (al-Israa 64). He has soldiers that attack while riding and on foot. He sends them against Allah's slaves to incite them to evil, "Do you not see that we have set the devils on the disbelievers to confound them with confusion?" (Maryam 83).

7 Every human has a devil with him that never leaves him
Every human has a devil with him that never leaves him. Muslim recorded that Aisha narrated that one night the Prophet left her room and she felt jealous When he returned he saw her upset. He said to her, "Oh Aisha, what has happened to you? Are you jealous?. She responded, "How could it be that a woman like myself would not be jealous with respect to a man like yourself?" He told her, "It was your devil that came to you.. She asked, "Oh Messenger of Allah, is there a devil with me?" He said, "Yes". She asked, ."Is there a devil attached to everyone?" He said, "Yes". She again asked, "Oh Messenger of Allah, even with you?" He answered, "Yes, but my Lord has aided me against him and, therefore, I am absolutely safe from his actions."

8 Allah says in the Quran:
"And he whose sight is dim to the remembrance of the Beneficent, We assign unto him a devil who becomes his comrade. (Al Zukhruf 36) And in another verse, "And We assigned them comrades, who made their present and their past fair seeming unto them." (Fussilat 25).

9 Satan is mans first enemy who rushes to take him to his eternal destruction. Although that is the case, most humans take him as their friend and ally. They follow in his footsteps: They are pleased with his thoughts. It shows how senseless the human, who has been bestowed a mind, is that he takes his most devoted enemy as his loyal ally. Allah says: "Will you choose him and his seed for your protecting friends instead of Me, when they are an enemy unto you? Calamitous is the exchange of evildoers. (al-Kahf 50)

10 The one who takes him as an ally will suffer a great loss due to that choice. Allah says,
Whosoever chooses Satan for an ally instead of Allah is verily a loser and his loss is manifest. (al-Nisaa 119). They lose because Satan misguides and ruins their souls; He prohibits them from the bounty of guidance; and he throws at them misguidance and doubts.

11 Also Allah says: "As for those who disbelieve, their patrons are false deities. They bring them out of light into darkness. Such are the rightful owners of the Fire. They will abide therein.” (al- Baqara 257). And they will lose because he will lead them to the fire on the Day of Resurrection.

12 Shaytaans attack is easy because many humans follow and support him:
He is deceiving them and leading them to what will end in their ultimate destruction and ruin. He will, in the end, abandon them and forsake them. He even laughs at them. Furthermore, he will point them out and even expose them. He orders them to steal, kill, commit adultery, and so on, and then he discloses their acts to others and disgraces them.

13 Satan did this to the monk who killed the woman and her child.
It was Satan who ordered him to commit fornication with her and then to kill her. Then Satan pointed him out to her family and disclosed what he had done. Then he ordered the man to prostrate to him. When he did so, he fled from him and left him.

14 On the day of Resurrection, he will say to his patrons after he and all of them have entered the fire "Lo! Allah promised you a promise of truth; and I promised you, then failed you. And I had no power over you save that I called unto you and you obeyed me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me.] Lo! I disbelieved in that which you before ascribed to me.. (Ib rahim 22). First, he encouraged them to every evil and then he claimed complete innocense to man.

15 Satan uses his patrons as troops to serve him and to help him in his battle against the believers
Humans are of two groups: allies and servants of Allah, the Most Merciful, and allies of Satan. The patrons of Satan are all of the unbelievers, regardless of what group they belong to or what affiliation they may profess. Allah says, "We have made the devils protecting friends for those who believe not. (Araaf 27).

16 Satan gets power over them to mislead the believers by way of doubts and skepticism. Allah says
"The devils do inspire their followers to dispute with you." (al-Anaam 121)‏ The doubts and misconceptions that the Orientalists, missionaries, Jews, atheists and others spread are of this nature. He urges them to psychologically injure the believers

17 Allah says in the quran:
"Secret talks and conspiracy are only of Satan, that he may vex those who believe. (mujaddalar IO). He incited the polytheists to speak secretly among themselves whenever the Muslims were close by so the Muslims would think that they were conspiring against them. He also urges the unbelievers to fight against the believers.

18 Shaytaans patrons are also large in number:
And Satan indeed found his calculation true concerning them [humans], for they follow him, all save a group of true believers." (saba 20)‏

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