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Food Labels: What aren't they telling you?

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1 Food Labels: What aren't they telling you?
By:Valerie Portero

2 What are GMO’s? The crop’s DNA has been played with and genes are inserted into the plant. Herbicides and pesticides are also included in this process. They use GMO’s in order to lower prices on food. And for greater durability and nutritional value. Although the consequences aren't seen at the moment, they have painful and dangerous long term effects.

3 These rats spent their whole lives eating genetically modified corn.

4 Who wouldn't want to know what's in their food?

5 People Have the Right to Know
If the food was labeled we would be able to make an informed choice. If the food was labeled than it would give us the assumption that the food is safe. Labeling won't increase food price.



8 The FDA Don’t label GMO foods because they consider them to be “substantially equivalent” to other non GMO foods. They haven't made any experiments to test that GMO are extremely harmful.

9 "The FDA has placed the interest of a handful of biotechnology companies ahead of their responsibility to protect public health. By failing to require testing and labelling of genetically engineered foods, the agency has made consumers unknowing guinea pigs for potentially harmful, unregulated food substances." -Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director of the International Center for Technology Assessment (CTA)

10 You are a Guinea pig

11 Solutions By replacing at least some of daily foods to organic.
Signing a petition online for the FDA to allow labeling on GMO foods. Buy from local farm markets from time to time. Adding just 6 words to products.


13 Sources It, Just Label. "GMO Labeling Will Not Increase Food Prices | Just Label It." Just Label It. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov It, Just Label. "The Current Policy | Just Label It." The Current Policy | Just Label It. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov Kunau, Josh, et al. GMO OMG "Should Companies Be Required to Label Genetically Modified Foods?" The Wall Street Journal. N.p., 12 July Web. 3 Nov .

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