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Li Bai a famous Chinese poet

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2 Li Bai a famous Chinese poet
Jamil Shafi Department of Pesticide Science College of Plant Protection Shenyang Agricultural University

3 Chinese Ancient Poets Qu Yuan Du Fu Li Bai

4 Chinese Ancient Poets Wang Wei Bai Juyi Su Dongpo

5 Chinese Modern Poets Dai Wangsu Xu Zhimo Su Ting

6 The China of Li Bai and Du Fu

7 Li Bai (Li Bo, 701-762) known as Li Po Genius and romantic figure
Golden Age of China

8 Name variants Li (李) is the family name
His given name is written with a Chinese character (白) Romanized variously as Po, Bo, Bai, Pai, and other variants.

9 Background and birth Birth is generally considered to be 701
Born somewhere in Central Asia Spent his childhood in Sichuan 725, Li Bai left Sichuan Hubei Marriage to the granddaughter of a retired Prime Minister, Xu Yushi

10 Li Bai Charactriestics
Greatest poet in Chinese history Capable of gaining immediate recognition in his time Never took examination but was appointed to a post in the Hanlin academy by Emperor Xuanzong He is known for his fondness for wine his ability to improvise poems after drinking

11 Emperor Minghuang, seated upon a terrace, observing Li Bai write poetry

12 A look of Li Bai Poetry

13 Night Thoughts” by Li Bai (730 BCE)
I wake and moonbeams play around my bed Glittering like hoarfrost to my wondering eyes Upwards the glorious moon I raise my head Then lay me down and thoughts of home arise

14 Farewell to a Friend by Li Bai
Blue mountains bar the northern sky; White river girds the eastern town. Here is the place to say goodbye; You’ll drift like lonely thistledown. With floating cloud you’ll float away; Like parting day I’ll part from you. You wave your hand and go your way; Your steed still neighs “Adieu! Adieu!”

15 The only surviving calligraphy in Li Bai's own handwriting

16 Li Bai’s poems continues to dominate Chinese poetry today
Various nicknames capture his legacy Wine Immortal Poet Transcendent Immortal Exiled from Heaven Poet Knight-Errant

17 Characteristics of his poems
Creative use of earlier styles Reworking of traditional themes Many poems satirize the world of fawning and hypocrisy Show his rapport with nature and his love of wine

18 Journey toward the next world
Li Bai, the great poet In his poem Song of Xiangyang, he said, “During the 36,000 days in 100 years, I must drink 300 cups of liquor every day.” Concluded his life’s journey in the town of Xuan Passing away from “excessive drinking.” left behind 20 volumes of writing 900 poems

19 Thank you

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