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Supporting English and Literacy

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1 Supporting English and Literacy
What can you do?

2 The aim of this session is to explore ways to support English learning and literacy.

3 There are two GCSEs in English:
Assessment There are two GCSEs in English: GCSE English Language GCSE English Literature


5 Shopping Trip Regular Outings Weekly Reads Exploring Together

6 Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th-century novel
What’s assessed: Shakespeare – ‘Romeo and Juliet’ The 19th-century novel – ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ How it’s assessed: I hour and 45 minute written exam 64 marks 40% of GCSE Questions: Section A Shakespeare: students will answer one question on ‘Romeo and Juliet’. They will be required to write in detail about an extract of the play and then to write about the play as a whole. Section B The 19th-century novel: students will answer one question on ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’. They will be required to write in detail about an extract of the play and then to write about the play as a whole.

7 Romeo and Juliet Trailer
No Fear Romeo and Juliet Jekyll and Hyde Text Jekyll and Hyde Study Guide Jekyll and Hyde Film

8 Paper 2: Modern texts and poetry
What’s assessed: Modern Texts – ‘An Inspector Calls’ (drama) Poetry – AQA Anthology ‘Poems Past and Present’ Unseen Poetry How it’s assessed: 2 hour and 15 minute written exam 96 marks 60% of GCSE Questions: Section A Modern texts: students will answer ONE essay question from a choice of two on ‘An Inspector Calls’. Section B Poetry: students will answer one COMPARATIVE question on one named poem AND one other poem from the anthology cluster they have studied. Section C Unseen poetry: Students will answer one question on one unseen poem AND one question COMPARING this poem with a second unseen poem.

9 Inspector Calls Thewlis Trailer
Inspector Calls Film Poetry Anthology GCSE Bitesize


11 Teaching grammar is engaging and relevant if:
grammatical constructions and terminology are introduced at points directly relevant to the focus of learning; grammar is closely linked to effects and meaning-making. Myhill et al


13 Supporting Writing SPaG


15 Their is alot of mistakes in this text how many can you find
 Their is alot of mistakes in this text how many can you find. Most of them are taken from the work I of just marked. You know have an oportunity to correct the mistakes I reccomend that you take you’re time and do be carefull. Your approaching the end off year 11 and its important that you dont make to many mistakes. It would be trajic if you messed up in the exam because you should of payed more attension!

16 There are a lot of mistakes in this text. How many can you find
There are a lot of mistakes in this text. How many can you find? Most of them are taken from the work I have just marked. You now have an opportunity to correct the mistakes. I recommend that you take your time and do be careful. You’re approaching the end of Year 11 and it’s important that you don’t make too many mistakes. It would be tragic if you messed up in the exam because you should have paid more attention!

17 could of / should of / would of
Spelling Common mistakes alot could of / should of / would of Sincereley believe beggining crys oportunity definately

18 Spelling Dictionaries should be used to check spellings. Use a dictionary together to build confidence. Spell carefully in written homework for all subjects.





23 Punctuation changes meaning.
Let's eat, grandma. Let's eat grandma. A woman without her man is nothing. A woman: without her, man is nothing. I like cooking dogs and cats. I like cooking, dogs and cats.



26 Organising Writing Paragraphs

27 Organising Writing

28 Why Literacy Matters 47% of employers cannot get recruits with the communication skills they need.

29 We've told you loads of times your work is rubbish so you're sacked.
Purpose and Audience Due to circumstances beyond our control, this lavatory is unavailable for use by public citizens due to problems with the flush mechanism associated with excessive blockage issues. Our sincere apologies for inconvenience caused. Please use the other cubicles to the left and right of this facility. We've told you loads of times your work is rubbish so you're sacked.

30 It is up to us to teach them, starting with the basics.
Young people need to be able to communicate appropriately and effectively in an ever-widening range of situations. Many young people lack the experience and knowledge required to succeed. It is up to us to teach them, starting with the basics.

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