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A state passes a law that allows males to vote, but not females.

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Presentation on theme: "A state passes a law that allows males to vote, but not females."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identify whether each statement is constitutional or unconstitutional and WHY.
A state passes a law that allows males to vote, but not females. The government does not like a man's ideas, so it does not allow him to make a speech in public. A woman accused of a serious crime wants a jury trial, but the government says it doesn't have enough money for such a trial. A town does not like the religious beliefs of a certain group, so it forbids it from building a house of worship. A man accused of a serious crime refuses to give evidence against himself. A state passes a law that allows women to vote at age 18, but says men must wait until they are 21 before they can vote. The government orders a newspaper to stop printing editorials that criticize the government too much. A person's house is in the way of a proposed highway. The government offers the owner a fair price for the house. A group of people are arrested because they wrote to Congress saying that they did not like a certain law. A woman receives a parking ticket. She insists on a jury trial. The government says she doesn't need a jury because her offense is not a serious one.

2 The Preamble of the US Constitution
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America

3 In your notebook answer this on the first blank page:
What is the Preamble? Why is it important? What role or function does it play as part of the Constitution? The preamble can be found on page 32 of your textbook.

4 EXTRA Opportunity. Turn in through turnitin. com
EXTRA Opportunity! Turn in through Minimum of three paragraphs (5-7 sentences). DUE on 9/23/2016 by 11:59pm. The Preamble to the Constitution was written in when our new nation needed a federal government that would oversee and unite our thirteen states. Today, our nation faces different struggles but still functions by the words of the Preamble.

5 Extra Opportunity Imagine you were recruited to rewrite the Preamble to fit the needs of our country today. What functions would you include in your new Preamble? Write your new Preamble and explain your reasoning in a short essay Remember: Minimum of three paragraphs (5-7 sentences), and it is DUE on 9/23/2016 by 11:59pm, On Turn-it-In: Your class ID is: and enrollment password is: USHISTORYSAS.

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