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Learning English Ekram AL-Khuwaildi :

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Presentation on theme: "Learning English Ekram AL-Khuwaildi :"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning English Ekram AL-Khuwaildi : 201202314
Maria Al-Qahtani : Reem AL-Baijan : FATEMAH AL-SINAN :

2 KNOWLEDGE : State : Can you tell what is the best ways to learn English ?

3 COMPREHENSION : Discuss : What is the main idea of this article ?

4 APPLICATION : Illustrate : What is the benefit of going to learn English in Britain ?

5 ANALYSIS : Contrast : What is the differences between studying English in home or in the UK ?

6 SYNTHESIS : Compose : What can people do if they do not have enough time or money ?

7 EVALUATION : Debate : What do you think is the best place to study English in ?

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