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Genre- The genre is narrative non-fiction Michael,Blaise,Allen,Robert,

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Presentation on theme: "Genre- The genre is narrative non-fiction Michael,Blaise,Allen,Robert,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Genre- The genre is narrative non-fiction Michael,Blaise,Allen,Robert,
Cowboys Genre- The genre is narrative non-fiction Michael,Blaise,Allen,Robert,

2 Main idea The main idea is about the lives of cowboys and what they do.

3 Vocabulary Cowboy Cattle Campfire herd Trail Railroad Galloped

4 fact Cowboy live on cattle ranches .

5 Setting The setting takes place in the mid west.

6 AUTHOR’s PURPOSE Author’s purpose is to tell you about lives of cowboys and cattle drives.

7 Make a connection My connection is we live by horses .

8 Opinion My opinion is I like the story because it tells facts about cowboys .

9 Cause and effect The cause is there was a lake so cowboys had to go in the lake .

10 Draw a Conclusion Cowboys are very hard workers because they work all day .

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