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Embedding Sustainability in Higher Education

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Presentation on theme: "Embedding Sustainability in Higher Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Embedding Sustainability in Higher Education
Why it matters And hOW Dr JANE FISHER

2 Why understanding of sustainability at HE is important
We need to learn to be sustainable (in the western world anyway!) Current education is focused towards vocations, perpetuating economic growth. Education becoming reductionist, target driven. Sustainability understanding requires understanding of complexity, interdependence and ‘thinking outside our constructed box’. Graduates are more likely to gain positions of power and influence!

3 Education of ‘environment’ topics is disparate- but need to be connected
Climatology Meteorology Atmospheric chemistry Astronomical cycles Human environmental impacts Plant ecology Environmental and geo-chemistry Microbial ecology Geology and sedimentology

4 The Environmental sciences are connected to the Anthropogenic world
Climatology Meteorology Atmospheric chemistry Astronomical cycles Human environmental impacts Plant ecology Environmental and geo-chemistry Microbial ecology Geology and sedimentology Political and economic frameworks Societal, business and Individual Behaviour

5 Environmental awareness in different subject disciplines

6 Embedding sustainability into HE
Transformative learning Multi-disciplinary, interconnected, creative. Embedded across all subjects Embedded into the way of life of the institution (estates management, building design, purchasing, travel plans)

7 References and Acknowledgements
Davis, J.L. et al (2009) Journal of Environmental Psychology 29: Gärling, T. et al (2001) Journal of Environmental Psychology 23(1):1-9 Sterling, S (2001) Sustainable Education. Schumacher Briefing 6. Green Books, UK. Stern, P.C. et al (1992) Global environmental change: understanding the human dimensions. NAP, Washington.

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