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Search Engine Optimization

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Presentation on theme: "Search Engine Optimization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Search Engine Optimization
Plus a LOT more!!

2 Overview Background and “Proof” Starts with “Positioning”
Fix Navigation & Site Key word research Current ranking Optimizing site Link Strategy Moving Up the Page

3 Sample Competitive analysis
#1 ranking in the world on Google for over 50 key words and phrases #1 resource in the world for high tech marketing - highly specialized visitors

4 Overall % Clicks vs. Page Position
How Important Is It? Overall % Clicks vs. Page Position Rank % Clicks Click Vol Difference 1 42.1% 2,075,765 2 11.9% 586,100 3.5 x less 3 8.5% 418,643 4.9 x less 4 6.1% 298,532 6.9 x less 5 4.9% 242,169 8.5 x less 6 4.1% 199,541 10.4 x less 7 3.4% 168,080 12.3 x less 8 3.0% 148,489 14.0 x less 9 2.8% 140,356 14.8 x less 10 2.9% 147,551 14.1 x less 1st page 89.9% vs 2nd Page 10.1% traffic Move from 10th to 1st, can increase traffic 1,400% Move from 8 to 3 can triple traffic Every single rank increase = dramatic increase 10,000 visitors can to 140,000! All things being equal, sales can increase proportionately. $10,000/month to $140,000/month

5 Organic Search Results
27% paid ads Ad words – PPC (pay per click) Ad word on top more valuable Ads on right column – little attention Paid get “slightly” more results for B2B, “slightly” less for B2C

6 Variables to Consider Traffic Relevance Conversion
# of visitors coming to your site Ranking on search engines Relevance % of visitors coming that match your target Lots of traffic that doesn’t qualify is useless How specific your key words are Conversion % of visitors that either convert to a lead or a sale Your close ratio No value increasing traffic if you can’t close 0% close of 10,000 visitors is still 0% of 100,000 visitors Increase Positioning, plan-o-gram, ease of navigation, persuasive copy, violators

7 What To Do First? Fix conversion first Positioning Persuasive copy
More leads or revenue from current traffic Many sites have terrible close ratios Why do all this SEO work to bring even more prospects to a website that can’t close a door, let alone a sale! The dog won’t hunt! Positioning Persuasive copy Navigation Can’t find what they need Confused prospects don’t buy Violators Call to action What do you want them to do?

8 Positioning The apex of all strategy
How is your product or serviced positioned within the market place? What makes it unique (in an area the prospect values)? Why is it BETTER than the alternatives? Why would I be a FOOL if I didn’t get it? Good positioning is self evident…

9 Positioning - Example

10 Positioning - Example Re-creation of the original fax.

11 Positioning - Segmenting
Basic Project Management Enterprise PPM No matter how much you dress the dog, it’s still a dog…. Enterprise needs more horsepower! Notepad MS Word

12 Persuasive Format Your web copy must persuade and PROVE—not just inform Persuasive copy follows a specific format Attention Credibility Problem Solution Best Solution Overcome Objections Visualization Step to Actuate

13 Violators On Home Page and subsequent pages (prior)
Like a relentless puppy dog… begging for attention!

14 Call To Action Violators Get them to DO something! Close something!
Convert to prospect to a lead or a sale Progressive commitment (low to high) What Next? Read the FAQ Watch a short video Download the FREE trial Attend the webinar Live Chat Send an Call us at (phone) Violators Violate the design – call to action

15 Plan-O-Gram Similar to a “site map” – except designed to lead the people where you want them to go Like a retail plan-o-gram Unless a resource site, job is to SELL, convert, close! Maximum revenue per square inch of space

16 Site Structure Site structure Similar to an organizational chart
Obvious hierarchy. Bone simple to navigate Redundant navigation (Side, Breadcrumbs, Next) Leads people through your argument Linear or step-by-step Point of Purchase (POP) Everything they need at the point of purchase Competitive matrix, FAQ, Screen/Product shots, Price

17 Sample – Elements Redundant navigation Violators Point of (2nd page)

18 Key Word/Phrase Research
Follow process in Chanimal Use SEO Keyword Analysis – Sample spreadsheet Start with Competitor’s keywords List top 5-10 competitor’s Those you run into most frequently Those that show up in the search when you try to find your site Get their keywords from View/Source META NAME “Keywords” Use tools like Free for some, $69 for advanced Get their Google & Yahoo Rank Also get their Alexa rank And Alexa # Incoming links This info starts to help you see why they may be doing well

19 Example - Analysis Get the Google and Yahoo Rank Capture Search Volume
Get Alexa Links and Rank List Competitors and their keywords

20 Example – Sorting & Selecting
Sort by searches Initial recommendations – then CHECK Final recommendations

21 Now What? Selected your key words and phrases
Modify your website in THIS order URL (put keyword(s) in URL (use “dash” separators) – 25 Actual web page name - 20 Title - 15 Description - 13 Headings - 10 Body text - 10 Add keywords to graphics - 5 Increase keyword density to body text - 10 Optimize specific pages for keywords Think of it as a point system for each variable

22 Linking Strategy Quantity, quality, context
Get “points” for websites that link to you You must be important if others think you are worthy of referencing Can “beg” and trade Issue a press release, put on top 16 “free” sites CallPro CRM – got over 400 hits in two days Online ombudsman activity Affiliate program Reseller program

23 Tools – Free & Paid Google Webmaster Tools Google Analytics
Google Website Optimizer SemRUSH (free and $69) More listed throughout the Internet plan of action

24 Resources Google SEO 2010 Starter Guide Basic intro to SEO from Google

25 Any Questions? Q & A

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