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Presentation on theme: "Meiosis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meiosis

2 Meiosis: creates 4 gametes or haploid cells
Halves the number of chromosomes.

3 Remember before meiosis starts the chromosomes are copied during Interphase.

4 Haploid vs Diploid Haploid: cell that contains only one set of genes (n) Ex: gametes (egg and sperm) Diploid: cell that contains 2 sets of homologous chromosomes (2n) Ex: somatic cells (skin cells, bone cells)

5 Homologous: chromosomes in which one set comes from the male parent an one set come from the female parent

6 Example Haploid vs Diploid
If chimp gamete has 24 chromosomes how many chromosomes does a chimp lung cell have?

7 Meiosis I Prophase I Chromosomes become visible. Nuclear envelope breaks down. Crossing over occurs. Crossing over- exchange of DNA between homologous chromosomes. (ex- eye color gene for eye color)

8 Metaphase I Pairs of homologous chromosomes move to equator of cell.

9 Anaphase I Homologous chromosomes move to opposite poles of cell

10 Telophase I & cytokinesis
Chromosomes gather at the poles of the cells. Cytoplasm divides

11 Meiosis II Prophase II New spindle forms around chromosomes; nuclear envelope breaks down

12 Metaphase II Chromosomes line up on the equator

13 Anaphase II Centromeres divide. Chromatids move to opposite poles of cell.

14 Telophase II & cytokinesis
Nuclear envelope forms around each set of chromosomes. Cytoplasm divides.


16 Fertilization: egg and sperm unite to create a diploid cell.
Zygote: a fertilized egg.

17 Meiosis in males: makes 4 functional sperm cells
Meiosis in males: makes 4 functional sperm cells. Called spermatogenesis Meiosis in females: only 1 of the 4 becomes a mature egg cell. The other 3 are called polar bodies and die. Called oogenesis


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