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Learning Objective Marketers frequently have occasion to focus on data in one or several tables that is most relevant to the problem they are trying to.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objective Marketers frequently have occasion to focus on data in one or several tables that is most relevant to the problem they are trying to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Objective Marketers frequently have occasion to focus on data in one or several tables that is most relevant to the problem they are trying to solve. And they often need to sort data or aggregate the values in one or more fields. Explain what feature(s) of ACCESS can be used to select out certain fields from one or several tables. Explain, for example, how you would select out just the name and phone numbers from a customer table containing many fields then sort the names alphabetically. Given a table that contains all the data from the year, how would you select out only the purchases made in July or August and only for regions 2 or 3. What would you do to add up all those separate July and August revenues to get a single overall value? What would you do to have the database report separate average revenue values for July and August? What would you do to subtract overall costs (found in a separate table) from overall revenues? You would use the query-by-example grid including the sort, criteria, and total rows. You would also be using the Group By and Where functions in the total query row along with the Sum and Average functions of the total query. You would also need to know how to use the And/Or logic of the query by example grid and the Expression Builder.


3 The life buoy when you are drowning in data is a Query.
I’m drowning in data, too much data. Help me! Save me! The life buoy when you are drowning in data is a Query.

4 A query permits us to isolate and focus
attention on the data that are essential to understand and resolve a business problem. The query does this by pulling out of one or more tables only the fields that are relevant to the issue at hand. Unlike a table that exists physically on the hard drive, queries exist only as virtual tables or dynasets. They look like tables but lack independent physical existence. Data values in queries are dynamic, derived from the underlying tables and subject to change as the data in the underlying table changes.

5 TAAPS Virtual Table/Dynaset Address this question. If you create a
query, run it and look at the results, close it, then without making any changes in the query, run it again, will the results of the query look the same or different than the first time you ran it? Virtual Table/Dynaset Unlike a table that exists physically on the hard drive, queries exist only as virtual tables or dynasets. They look like tables but lack independent physical existence. Data values in queries are dynamic, derived from the underlying tables and subject to change as the data in the underlying table changes.

6 Problem: to focus on data in one or several
Marketers frequently have occasion to focus on data in one or several tables that is most relevant to the problem they are trying to solve. And they often need to sort data or aggregate the values in one or more fields. Explain what feature(s) of ACCESS can be used to select out certain fields from one or several tables. Explain, for example, how you would select out just the name and phone numbers from a customer table containing many fields, then sort the names alphabetically. I’m drowning in data, too much data. Help me! Save me!

7 $ Productivity Drivers Creation of Value Through Exchange
Competition: $ $ (Falling Prices) $ Productivity Drivers $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Mass Marketing Customize, target low incidence, high value customers Mass Customization DATABASE Marketer Pushes Product (Queries, Mail Merge) Customer Pulls Product (Web App) 1 to to 1 Segmentation & Targeting Identifying Segments Measuring Market Segment Value: Predicting Consumer Response (Models) Cluster Analysis Gain Scores Lifetime Value Analysis Non-Statistical Table Design Relationship Editor --Joins: 1 to 1, 1 to ∞. ∞ to ∞ Queries --Select Query (Bring data from one or more tables into virtual table.) ● Sort ● And / Or Logic RFM (current customers) Market Basket Analysis (Web, Directed Web, Apriori) +Error: False Positive -Error: False Negative Will Buy Won’t Buy

8 Solution: Use a query to select out and focus on subset
of fields within a single table.

9 Solution: Sort data in a query using sort row: ascending/ descending
options. Use Show field— uncheck-- to sort on field but not have it appear.

10 Solution: Pulling data out of multiple tables varies little from pulling it out of just one table. Just post both tables, then pull fields down as you would with a single table.

11 Problem: When pulling data out of multiple tables, the tables must be linked by a join. If the tables are not linked in that way—as below—every record in one table is linked with every record in the other. I’m drowning in data, too much data. Help me! Save me!

12 Solution: Though no data is pulled from the transaction
table, it must be posted as a bridge table that links the two tables from which we are pulling data. This solves the problem discussed on the previous slide.

13 Workshop Exercise Start at the relationship editor. Identify which
tables and fields are needed. Then create the query. -- Create a query that reports the first and last name of the bride and the city and state where she lives in that order. Sort on last name, then on first name. of the bride, the name of the music group which will play at the reception (pname), the price for the group, and the genre of the group in that order. Sort by genre, then by group name.

14 Question 1

15 Question 2

16 Given a table that Problem: contains all the data from the year,
how would you select out only the purchases made in July or August and only for regions 2 or 3. I’m drowning in data, too much data. Help me! Save me! 7

17 Solution: Enter values into criteria rows. Only records that meet those criteria are selected

18 Problem: Be careful in how you combine criteria
in different columns. Here >100 applies to apparel but not to flowers. Apparel must be >100, but flowers can be less. I’m drowning in data, too much data. Help me! Save me!

19 Solution: Here >100 applies to apparel and to flowers. Apparel and flowers must both be >100 for records to be selected.

20 And/Or Logic: Criterion Record Status flowers > $100 Logic
And/Or Logic: Criterion Record Status flowers > $100 Logic Criteria on different rows same row

21 Solution: OR logic operates vertically and is inclusive since records are kept if they meet any of the criteria. AND logic operates horizontally (criteria must appear in the same row) and is more exclusive. Records must meet both criteria to be kept. Or Logic music or flowers or food And Logic food class and less than $50

22 Solution: Markets may be segmented very
precisely using combinations of And / Or logic.

23 Workshop Exercise Everafter staff must stay on top of when ceremonies will be held in order to schedule their work load. If you sort the ceremonies from the last one that will be held to the first that is recorded in the database, what is the last name of the bride whose ceremony will occur earliest among the final 6 ceremonies in the database? (Your answer will be the last name.) How many brides are there in the database who are either Black or Hispanic and who live in Virginia (VA)? Focus on the marketing mode and genre of music to evaluate the effectiveness of past marketing efforts in various media. How many brides were brought in by radio or telephone and have booked country or piano music or were brought in by word of mouth (wom).

24 Practice Exercise Question 1 Answer:

25 Practice Exercise Question 2 Answer:

26 Practice Exercise Question 3 Answer:

27 Due before next class: Select Query Assignment. Specified on Due Tab

28 Problem: What would you do to get a single aggregate value for
the number of ceremonies held in a given month or the total or average spending broken down by month? In other words, what can you do to add up or average or count all the values for a particular field. Discuss the implications of focusing on a count value versus an average value verses a summed value when analyzing marketing performance. I’m drowning in data, too much data. Help me! Save me! 7

29 Solution: Click ∑ to open total row. Use one of
the aggregate functions (e.g. average, sum, count) to combine all values into a single aggregate value.


31 The Problem with Price

32 Relationship Buyers Transaction Buyers
“Here is the big secret. You can’t make much money from transaction buyers. The money is in the relationship buyers.” Arthur Middleton Hughes

33 Problem: What would you do to subtract overall costs
(found in a separate table) from overall revenues--or to multiply price times quantity or carry out any other function involving two fields either in separate tables or in the same table? I’m drowning in data, too much data. Help me! Save me! 7

34 Principles of Table Design
Derived attributes--fields that can be calculated from other fields--should not be created.

35 Solution: Open the Expression Builder with the
icon. Open appropriate tables and post the fields and numerical operators (+, -, *, /) to do the calculation.



38 Workshop Exercise Start at the relationship editor. Identify which
tables and fields are needed. Then create the query. -- Create a query that identifies the product by the PID and PName and that calculates the commission you would earn if a product is sold. Get commission by multiplying price times finder fee. Sort the results from high to low. What is the PID of the product that yields the highest commission. How much will Everafter earn from selling that product?


40 Workshop Exercise Start at the relationship editor. Identify which
tables and fields are needed. Then create the query. -- Now create a query that calculates the total commission earned from selling each product. You get this by multiplying the price times the finders fee times the quantity and then summing up all revenue earned. Group on PID and sort from most profitable to least profitable product. Which PID yields the most profit. How much money does it yield?


42 What would you do to Problem: add up all the separate July and August
revenues to get a single overall value? Be able to differentiate the WHERE and GROUP BY commands. What is the function of these alternative commands? I’m drowning in data, too much data. Help me! Save me! 7

43 Solution: Here is an example of a query with GROUP BY and its
result: three separate values since values are grouped on city.

44 Solution: Here is an example of a query with WHERE in the
place of GROUP BY. In this case, all records that meet the criteria are put into one overall group.

45 Group By Waynesboro Bridgewater Broadway Average: $6.40 $4.45 $8.25
Charlottesville $6.50 Broadway $9.00 Charlottesville $2.40 Bridgewater $5.70 Harrisonburg $2.30 Waynesboro $7.20 Average: $ $ $8.25 Waynesboro Bridgewater Broadway

46 Where Waynesboro Bridgewater Broadway Average: $5.58 Waynesboro $5.50
Charlottesville $6.50 Average: $5.58 Broadway $9.00 Charlottesville $2.40 Bridgewater $5.70 Harrisonburg $2.30 Waynesboro $7.20 Waynesboro Bridgewater Broadway

47 Workshop Exercise Start at the relationship editor. Identify which
tables and fields are needed. Then create the query. -- Calculate the average price charged by the musicians affiliated with each agent. Which agent (give the agent’s name) has the highest average fee? What is the average fee charged by musicians who have either Musical Bookings Inc. or Musicians Unlimited as an agent—report a single value, the overall average.

48 Answer

49 Answer

50 Features to use: Sort And/Or Logic Expression Builder Total Query Group By & Where

51 Identify language that suggests you must
Create a query that lists the name of each product you sell. Subtract the cost of purchasing the product from your sale price of the product (to get the margin) for that product. Rank order the products to determine which have the highest margin. Now select out the top three products and calculate the overall average margin for those products. Identify language that suggests you must use particular features of ACCESS to run the query.

52 Identify language that suggests you must
Select female customers who are 30 or younger and everyone who has logged on to your website within the last three months. Count up the number of purchases each person has made. Which customer has purchased more than any other? How many purchases have been made in the aggregate by people with at least 5 purchases? Identify language that suggests you must use particular features of ACCESS to run the query.

53 Due before next class: Total Queries and Expression Buidler Assignment. Specified on Total Queries Tab.

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