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5-5 Theorems About Roots of Polynomial Equations

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1 5-5 Theorems About Roots of Polynomial Equations
Solve equations by using the Rational Root Theorem and the Conjugate Root Theorem. 5-5 Theorems About Roots of Polynomial Equations

2 Rational Root Theorem Let 𝑃 π‘₯ = π‘Ž 𝑛 π‘₯ 𝑛 + π‘Ž π‘›βˆ’1 π‘₯ π‘›βˆ’1 +…+ π‘Ž 1 π‘₯+ π‘Ž 0
Integer roots must be factors of π‘Ž 0 Rational roots must have reduced form 𝑝 π‘ž where p is a factor of π‘Ž 0 and q is a factor of π‘Ž 𝑛 . Ex: 21 π‘₯ 2 +29π‘₯+10=0 Factors of constant: Β±1, Β±2, Β±5, π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘Β±10 Factors of lead coefficient: Β±1, Β±3, Β±7, π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘Β±21 All possible roots are Β± 𝑝 π‘ž Roots are βˆ’ 2 3 π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ βˆ’ 5 7 π‘₯ π‘₯ =0

3 Finding a Rational Root
Find the rational roots of 2π‘₯ 3 βˆ’ π‘₯ 2 +2π‘₯+5=0 Constant factors: Β±1,Β±5 Lead coefficient factors: Β±1,Β±2 Possible factors:Β±1,Β± 1 2 ,Β±5,Β± 5 2 Looking at a table of possible factors, We see that -1 is the only rational root (the only one that causes P(x) to equal 0)

4 Practice List all possible rational roots of 3π‘₯ 3 + 7π‘₯ 2 +6π‘₯βˆ’8=0
Β±1,Β± 1 3 ,Β±2,Β± 2 3 ,Β±4,Β± 4 3 ,Β±8,Β± 8 3

5 Using Rational Root Theorem
Find rational roots of 15π‘₯ 3 βˆ’32 π‘₯ 2 +3π‘₯+2=0 Possible: Β±1,Β± 1 3 ,Β± 1 5 ,Β± 1 15 ,Β±2,Β± 2 3 ,Β± 2 5 ,Β± 2 15 Test each possible rational root until you find one. 1 3 is a root Factor using synthetic division. βˆ’ βˆ’9 15 βˆ’27 βˆ’ βˆ’2 0 π‘₯βˆ’ π‘₯ 2 βˆ’27π‘₯βˆ’6 =0 Factor the rest to find other roots

6 Continued Factor π‘₯βˆ’ 1 3 15 π‘₯ 2 βˆ’27π‘₯βˆ’6 =0 π‘₯βˆ’ 1 3 (3) 5 π‘₯ 2 βˆ’9π‘₯βˆ’2 =0
π‘₯βˆ’ 1 3 (3) 5 π‘₯ 2 βˆ’9π‘₯βˆ’2 =0 π‘₯βˆ’ 1 3 (3) 5π‘₯+1 (π‘₯βˆ’2)=0 Zero-product property: rational roots are 1 3 ,βˆ’ 1 5 ,2

7 Conjugate Root Theorem
If a complex number (a+bi) or an irrational number (a + b ) is a root of a polynomial equation with rational coefficients, then so is its conjugate. Conjugate of π‘Ž+𝑏𝑖 is π‘Žβˆ’π‘π‘– Conjugate of π‘Ž+ 𝑏 is π‘Žβˆ’ 𝑏

8 Identifying Roots A quartic polynomial P(x) has rational coefficients. If and 1+𝑖 are roots of P(x) = 0, what are the two other roots? Using the Conjugate Root Theorem, we know that the conjugates are also roots. βˆ’ 2 and 1βˆ’π‘–

9 Constructing a Polynomial
What is a third-degree polynomial function P(x) with rational coefficients such that 𝑃 π‘₯ =0 has roots -4 and 2i ? Since 2i is a root, so is – 2i. 𝑃 π‘₯ =(π‘₯+4)(π‘₯βˆ’2𝑖)(π‘₯+2𝑖) Multiply factors: 𝑃 π‘₯ = π‘₯+4 π‘₯ 2 +4 𝑃 π‘₯ = π‘₯ 3 +4 π‘₯ 2 +4π‘₯+16

10 Assignment p.316 #15,16, Odds 17-29,39

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