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Lights, Camera, Action – Data Handling

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1 Lights, Camera, Action – Data Handling
Expected Outcomes: Children will work in pairs. They will create a spreadsheet and use formatting tools to ensure it is ready for data. They will go on-line and research relevant data and input (type) the information into their spreadsheet. Children will then select relevant data to create a graphical representation of data. They will discuss findings and form conclusions. Step 1: To understand why we use spreadsheets and how to interrogate data. Discuss with children the costs behind BIG production movies and that sometimes the costs and profits can be unimaginable. Go onto the website view and discuss some of the movies. Children are to decide upon 6 or more movies which they have seen and list them ready for research.

2 Step 2: Children to create a formatted spreadsheet.
Show children the following Spreadsheet: Discuss the formatting techniques, titles and conditional formatting that has been prepared ready to receive data. Show the children how to prepare their spreadsheet and they should work in pairs to do this. They must name and save their work. Computing Unlocked Resources can help show you how to format a spreadsheet.

3 Step 3: Children are to input their data from the movie website into the prepared Excel spreadsheet. Go to the website in Step 1 If they have tablets with a QR Reader then they can follow this code: Children can research with the tablets and input data onto a PC/ Laptop in the prepared Excel spreadsheet as shown in Step 2. On the website children can use the Search facility to find their own movies from their previous lists. Ensure they select Movies and then Budgets and Finances from the dropdown menu. Teacher to demonstrate. They should take it in turns to search and type in the data to the spreadsheet. Pupils to save their work.

4 Which movie cost the most to make? Which movie cost the least to make?
Step 4: Make sense of data by creating a graph. Explain to the children that data doesn’t tell us much. It’s just a list of text and numbers. Explain that in order to answer questions such as: Which movie cost the most to make? Which movie cost the least to make? Which movie made the most profit? How much profit did the most expensive movie made make? Then we need to see it in the form of a graph. See next Slide.

5 The first chart was created by selecting A3-A6 then hold Ctrl select C3-C6 whilst still holding down Ctrl select E3-E6. Go to Insert and select Bar Chart. The second chart was created by selecting A4-A6 and hold down Ctrl select E4-E6. By clicking into the Chart Title children are able to name their charts prior to printing. Children are to discuss their findings from the questions above. They could also write a report on their findings.

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