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Disaster Management Mechanism in Odisha

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1 Disaster Management Mechanism in Odisha

2 Disaster Deaths in Odisha (2011-16)
Sl. Disaster Total Avg. death in a year % of total death(16-17) 1 Lightning 295 373 310 403 395 1776 355 29.1 2 Fire 24 30 27 35 81 197 39 6.0 3 Sunstroke 83 16 40 60 47 246 49 3.5 4 Hail Strom 5 9 20 0.7 Flood 89 64 168 34 0.2 6 Cyclone 21 0.0 7 Boat Capsize 8 19 103 0.5 Drowning - 223 359 582 291 26.4 Snakebite 409 458 867 434 33.7 441 541 479 1163 1359 3983 1231 100

3 Sharing of Responsibility
The primary responsibility for undertaking rescue, relief and rehabilitation measures during a disaster lies with the State Governments. The Union Government supplements their efforts through logistic and financial support during severe natural disasters

4 Guiding Documents for Disaster Management
Odisha Relief Code (ORC) Disaster Management Act, 2005 Guidelines issued by NDMA State Disaster Management Plan District Disaster Management Plan Disaster Management Plan prepared by Depts. Instructions issued from time to time by Government & Special Relief Commissioner Practices & Precedents

5 ORC - Background & General Principles
Serves as an operational guide in relief matters Supersedes Bihar & Orissa Famine Code 1930 Applicable for administration of relief measures in the entire state in respect of natural calamities and fire hazards Loss of life & property due to animal menace kept out of purview of Code for which separate law is available Comprised of 17 Chapters Separate Chapters for each major calamity i.e. Drought, Floods, Cyclone & Fire Accidents Forms for Reports and Returns Also contain Rules for Rainfall Registration

6 ORC - Natural Calamities
Widespread Drought Flood Cyclone & Tidal Disasters Earthquake & Volcanic Eruption Heavy Rain Heat Wave Localized Gale wind, Tornado Hail Storm Fire Accident Accidents relating to communication & Transport Services Lightning, Thunder Squall Virulent Epidemics Locust Menace, Pest Attack Other calamities

7 ORC -Objective of Relief Measures
Ensure that no one dies of starvation Prevent physical deterioration and destitution of the people and to enable them to resume their ordinary pursuits of life on return of better times and Simultaneously, to encourage the village community in making concerted and continuous efforts to fight a common misfortune. Boosting of the morale of the public in times of disasters Approach to relief to be both preventive as well as maintenance of a common standard of economic health of the people.

8 ORC - Principles of Relief Measures
Integration of development and relief planning of the areas affected by natural calamity Shelf of projects to be kept ready to be switched into operation on the occurrence of natural calamity Drought & flood proofing through relief work which will take care of food & drinking water problem in the long run Gratuitous relief only when absolutely necessary Assistance to farmers in shape of easy availability of seeds and seedlings, irrigation facility, supply of credit, eradication of pest attack, remission/ suspension of land revenue/ collection of loans Policy is not to be relief centric Cash relief provision for repair/ restoration of damaged houses, clearance of sand cast in agricultural land and ex- gratia for death due to death due to disaster

9 ORC - Administrative Relief Organisation
Relief management is a collective responsibility of the State Government Revenue & DM Department and Special Relief Commissioner coordinate the work of all the Departments in regard to relief operations. Revenue Divisional Commissioners Other Heads of Departments Collectors Sub-Collectors Tahasildars, BDOs and other officers of Tahasil & Block Block is the unit of Relief Organisation with BDO i/c of unit State level Committee on Natural Calamities District level Committee on Natural Calamities Panchayat Samities and Gram Panchayats are also associated.

10 Disaster Management Act 2005
An Act to provide for the effective management of disasters and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. Enacted by Parliament Received assent of the President of India on 23rd December 2005 Notified on Came into effect from 1st August, 2007 Applicable to the whole of India

11 4 levels of Disaster Management
National level State level District level Local level

12 National Level National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) (Sec- 3)
National Executive Committee (Sec-8) Advisory Committee (Sec-7)

13 National Disaster Management Authority
Prime Minister is the chairman 9 members nominated by the chairman One of the members nominated as vice chairman

14 Powers & functions of NDMA
Lay down policies on Disaster Management Approve the national plan Approve plans made by Ministries and Depts. of Govt. of India Lay down guidelines to be followed by State Authorities in drawing up the State Plan Make guidelines for Depts. & Ministries Coordinate enforcement and implementation of the policy and plan, etc. Recommend provision of funds for mitigation Provide support to other countries Capacity building; Make policies for NIDM

15 National Executive Committee (NEC)
GoI will constitute the NEC to assist the NDMA Secy., MHA will be the ex-officio Chairperson Secy.s of Agriculture, Atomic Energy, Drinking Water, Defence, Environment and Forest, Finance, Health, Power, Rural Development, Space, Urban Development, Water Resources, Chief of the Integrated Defence Staff, Telecommunication - Members Chairman can invite any other officer of GoI for taking part in the meeting GoI will prescribe the powers and functions for the NEC NEC can constitute one or more sub-committees Member of the NEC will be the chairman of the sub- committee

16 Functions of NEC (1/2) Act as coordinating and monitoring body
Prepare national plan Coordinate & monitor implement the national policy Lay down guidelines for DM Plan of Ministries/ States Provide technical assistance to State Government for preparing their DM plans Implement national plan and plans of ministries of GoI Integrating preventive and mitigating measures in the development plan of ministries Monitor and direct ministries and departments and agencies of Govt. Evaluate preparedness at all Govt. levels. Plan and coordinate specialised training programme

17 Functions of NEC (2/2) Coordinate response in the event of any disaster Give directions to State Authorities GoI and others for response Direct any agency/department of Govt. to make available any resource or information. Advise, assist and coordinate Provide necessary assistance to state authorities and district authorities for carrying out the functions under the Act. Promote general education & awareness on disaster management Perform any other function as National Authority directs.

18 National Advisory Committee
National Authority may constitute the advisory committee consisting of experts. Central Government will fix the number of members in consultation with national authority.

19 State level State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA)(Sec-14)
State Executive Committee (SEC) (Sec-20) State Advisory Committee (Sec-17)

20 State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA)
State Government will constitute SDMA Chief Minister is the chairperson 8 other members to be nominated by the chairperson Chairman of the State Executive Committee is the ex-officio member and Chief Executive Officer Chairman may designate the Vice-chairman from among the members



23 Function of SDMA Lay down the State DM Policy;
Approve the State DM Plan and DM Plans of the Depts.; Approve the DM Plans prepared by the departments; Lay down guidelines to be followed by the departments for integration of measures for prevention of disasters and mitigation in their development plans and projects; Coordinate the implementation of the State Plan; Recommend provision of funds for mitigation and preparedness measures; Review the development plans of the different departments; Review the measures taken by the Depts. for mitigation, capacity building and preparedness and issue necessary guidelines ; The Chairperson of SDMA shall, in the case of emergency, have power to exercise all or any of the powers of the State Authority subject to ex post facto ratification of SDMA.

24 State Executive Committee
State Government shall constitute the state executive committee to assist the state authority. Chief Secretary will be the ex-officio chairman of SEC. 4 Secretaries of State Govt. will be members ex-officio. The chairperson of SEC will be using powers delegated by the state authority and state Government

25 Functions of SEC (1/2) Coordinate/ monitor implement national policy & plan and state plan Examine vulnerability of different parts of the state. Make guidelines for preparation of DM plans by Depts. Monitor implementation of DM plans made by Depts. and District Authorities. Implement guidelines made by State Authority Evaluate preparedness at all government and non- governmental levels Coordinate response and give directions to Depts.

26 Functions of SEC (2/2) Promote general education, awareness
Advise, Assist and coordinate activities of the departments of the government Provide technical assistance to district authorities Advise State Govt. on financial matters relating to Disaster Management Examine the construction in any local area Review response plans at state and district level Ensure communication system and disaster management drills Any other function given by State Authority.

27 State Advisory Committee
State authority may constitute an advisory committee consisting of experts. Members of the advisory committee will be paid allowances

28 District Disaster Management Authority
State Government will constitute the DDMA The Collector will be the Chairperson President Zilla Parishad will be the Co-chairperson The Chief Executive Officer of the Zilla Parishad, SP, CDMO will be the ex-officio members 2 other district officials can be nominated by the state government. State government shall appoint an officer not below the rank of ADM as the Chief Executive Officer of DDMA


30 Powers & Functions of DDMA (1/2)
Prepare DM plan for the district Implement national policy, state policy, national, state and district plans. Identify vulnerable areas of district Ensure guidelines for prevention of disasters are followed Give directions to different authorities at district level Lay down guidelines for prevention of disaster. Monitor implementation of DM plans prepared by departments. Prepare guidelines to be followed by departments. Review the preparedness and state of capability. Organise specialise training programmes Facilitate community training and awareness programmes. Set up and maintain the mechanism for dissemination of early warning

31 Powers & Functions of DDMA (2/2)
Coordinates response mechanism during any disaster. Ensure departments, prepare their response plans in accordance with the district response plan Advise, assist and coordinate the activities of departments. Provide necessary assistance and advise to the local authorities. Review development plans. Examine the construction in any area in the district. Identify building and places which could be used for disaster mitigation. Stock pile, relief and rescue materials Provide information to State Authority. Encourage involvement of NGOs Ensure communication systems are in order Any other function as state authority may assign.

32 National plan Applicable for whole of the country
Prepared by national executive committee. Approved by national authority. Preventive measures Integration of mitigation and development Preparedness and capacity building Define roles and responsibilities

33 Standards of Relief NDMA may lay down guidelines on minimum standards of relief Minimum requirements to be provided in the relief camps in relation to shelter, food, drinking water medical cover and sanitation Special provision for widows and orphans Ex-gratia assistance on account of loss of life Assistance for damage to house and restoration of livelihood. guideline-on-minimum-standard-of-relief.pdf

34 Relief provision The National Authority may in case of disasters of severe magnitude recommend relief in repayment of loans or grant of fresh loans to the persons affected by disaster on such terms as may be appropriated.

35 State Plan State Executive Committee will prepare the plan
State Authority will approve it.

36 District Plan Prepared by the district authority and approved by state authority Vulnerability index Response protocol Capacity building Procurement of essential resources Establishment of communication links Dissemination of information to the public Plan to be reviewed annually

37 Powers of district authority
Give directions for release and use of resources available with any department of government and local authority in the district. Control and restrict vehicular traffic Control and restrict movement of any person in the vulnerable/affected area Remove debris, conduct search Make arrangements for disposal of unclaimed dead bodies.

38 Powers of district authority (Contd…)
Recommend to any department of the government at district level to take such measures as deemed to be necessary in its opinion. Procure exclusive or preferential use of amenities from any authority or person. Demolish structures which may be hazardous to public or aggravate effects of disaster. Ensure NGOs carry out their activities in equitable and non-discriminatory manner.

39 Local Authorities (41, 1) Work subject to the directions of the district authority Ensure its offices and employees are trained for disaster management Ensure resources are maintained and readily available for use in disaster situation. Ensure all construction projects under it or within its jurisdiction confirm to the standards and specifications laid down for prevention of disasters by national, state and district authority. Carry out relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities in the affected area in accordance with the state plan and district plan. Local authority may take such other measures as may be necessary for disaster management.

40 Financial Aspect – Central Govt.
National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) National Disaster Mitigation Fund (NDMF) – Not implemented Response fund will be made available to the National Executive Committee to be applied towards meeting the expenses for emergency response, relief and rehabilitation. The mitigation fund shall be applied by the national authority

41 Financial Aspect – State Govt.
State Disaster Response Fund District Disaster Response Fund Not State Disaster Mitigation Fund implemented District Disaster Mitigation Fund The State Disaster Response Fund will be available to the State Executive Committee The State Disaster Mitigation Fund will be available to state authority. The District Disaster Response & Mitigation Funds will be available to district authority.

42 Financial Aspect Every Ministry / Department shall make provisions in its annual budget for carrying out activities and programmes in its disaster management plan. The national, state or district authority if satisfied can direct immediate procurement of provisions. Standard procedure requiring invitation of tenders shall be deemed to be waived A certificate about utilisation of provision of materials by the controlling office authorised by the national, state or district authority as the case may be shall be deemed to be a valid document or voucher for the purpose of utilisation of such provisions or material.

43 Offences and Penalties
Punishment for obstruction, refusal to comply direction of government and authority. Punishment for false claim. Punishment for misappropriation of money and material. Punishment for false warning. The HOD of the departments or government will be personally be liable to punishment unless he proves otherwise. Punishment for failure of officer on duty or his connivance at the contravention of the provision of this act.

44 Offences and Penalties (Contd…)
No prosecution for offences punishable under section-55 & 56 shall instituted except with the previous sanction of central government or state government or any officer authorised in this behalf by general or special order.

45 Cognizance of Offence No court of law shall take cognizance of an offence under this act except on complaint made by - The national authority, state authority, district authority, central government and statement or any authorised person. Any person who has given notice of not less than 30 days in the prescribed manner, of the alleged offence and his intention to make complain to the authorities and governments.

46 Miscellaneous Powers Powers to be made available for rescue operation.
Making or amending rules etc. in certain circumstances. Power of requisition of resources provisions, vehicles etc. for rescue operations. Direction to media for communication of warnings Only the Supreme Court and the High Court shall have the jurisdiction to entertain any suit under the act. Action taken in good faith. Immunity from legal process to officers and employees of central and state government and authorities and executive committees in regard to any warning issued for disaster mitigation.


48 Nodal Ministry for Management / Mitigation of Different Disasters


50 Institutional Arrangement (State Level)
State Government Revenue & Disaster management- Nodal Department Special Relief Commissioner-cum-Principal Secretary, Disaster Management heads State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) chaired by Chief Minister State Executive Committee (SEC) chaired by Chief Secretary of the State State level Committee on Natural Calamities chaired by Chief Minister with representation of MPs & MLAs Odisha State Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA) Odisha Disaster Rapid Action Force (ODRAF) Fire & Disaster Response Force Line Departments

51 Institutional Arrangement (District Level)
District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) District level Committee on Natural Calamities chaired by the Collector-All MPs & MLAs of the district are members Collector & Dist Level officers Administrative machinery below Dist Level OTHER STAKEHOLDERS Panchayati Raj Institutions Corporate and Industrial Houses Volunteer-based Organisations (NYK, NSS, NCC, Civil Defence, etc.) Civil Society Organizations (NGO, CBO, SHG, CSMMC, etc.)

52 Special Relief Commissioner
Looks after preparedness, response, relief & rehabilitation Responsible for emergency management in State Exercise complete control so far as relief operations are concerned Timely provision of relief, rescue, rehabilitation assistance Monitoring disaster response at district level Coordinating with Depts. for preventive/ response measures Ensure correct/ proper assessment of damage Requisition personnel, material, building, vehicles, vessels from any Govt. Org./ Dept./ PSU/ Pvt. Companies/ Individuals

53 Special Relief Commissioner contd…
Advise State Govt. on DM Mobilizing support from govt. /non-govt. institutions Documentation and reporting to Govt. SRC administers funds (SDRF/ NDRF) as decided by the State Executive Committee. SRC is a monitoring and funding agency The actual expenditure is made by the concerned Collectors/ Line Departments/ Agencies After expenditure by Collectors/ Line Departments/ Agencies, SRC ensures collection of U.C.s from the concerned recipients of SDRF/ NDRF

54 Collectors Prepare/update District DM Plans
Coordinate/consult with Depts./Others for disaster response Issue timely warning to agencies/ Depts./ people Take all possible measures for management/ mitigation of calamity Accountable for proper utilisation of funds received from SRC Seek/ mobilize support/ assistance from govt./ non- govt. agencies for disaster response Coordinate/ monitor response at district level Furnish first information report to SRC Submit Reports and Returns

55 OSDMA Long term preparedness/ mitigation activities Capacity Building
Community awareness Construction and maintenance of Flood/ Cyclone Shelters Coordinate and implement reconstruction projects Assist in drawing up/ updating DM Plans at State/ district levels Advise Govt. on planning, policy aspects of DM, damage assessment, evaluation, documentation for learning Coordination with non-state actors/other agencies in DM Link DM with community safety Communication Network

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