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TERVETULOA! Kari Kankaala, Tampereen kaupunki

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Presentation on theme: "TERVETULOA! Kari Kankaala, Tampereen kaupunki"— Presentation transcript:

1 TERVETULOA! Kari Kankaala, Tampereen kaupunki ”It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin

2 Alustatalous ei ole enää hiljainen signaali

3 Ekosysteemeissä arvo luodaan yhdessä, usein alustoilla

4 Changing world requires ecosystems
World is changing Internet of Things 21st century workforce Robotics Data Science Exponential Technologies & Social Innovation Disruptive Trends Dematerialization Democratization De-monetization In the next 10 years 40% of the current S&P 500 firms will disappear Rise of the Robots Will Eliminate More Than 5 Million Jobs by 2020 75% decline in Return on Assets performance of [US] firms over the past 45 years Ecosystems beat companies Ecosystems are dynamic and co-evolving communities of diverse actors… who create and capture new value… through both collaboration and competition. Ecosystems accelerate learning and innovation as well as foster sharing and co-creation Ecosystems create new ways to address fundamental human needs and desires Ecosystems create and serve communities, and harness their creativity and intelligence Ecosystems drive new collaboration to address rising social and environmental challenges 1 - Aggregate Return on Assets (ROA / asset profitability) of [US] firms fell to 25% of 1965 levels in 2012 (from 4,1% to 0,9%) - Salim Ismail, Michael S. Malone, and Yuri van Geest 2 - 3 - Deloitte Center for the Edge, Shift Index (Compustat, Deloitte Analysis)

5 Ekosysteemeissä lisäarvoa syntyy kaikille
Improved services and urban operations Capital efficiencies Increased revenues Economic value Social value Community value Research value Public Private Individual Equality in services, education and living standards Money savings due of improvements Sustainable values, clean environment Safety and security Democracy and openess Flexible education and knowledge Wider ability for creativity and innovation Engagement of talents and students

6 Smart Tampere -ekosysteemin rakennuspalikat
Smart Buildings Smart Infrastructure Smart Health Smart Industry Smart Government & Citizen Smart Mobility Smart Education User Experience Empower and inspire users by optimizing the human – technology interaction Analytics & AI Unlocking the value of fast data lakes by the analytics of things Connectivity Digital connectivity is the foundational infrastructure of each theme Sustainability Sustainability of the living environment, urbanization Safety Security of the living environment, information and privacy

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