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Elizabeth Hange and Salma Mbano

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1 Elizabeth Hange and Salma Mbano
10. Pink Box Project Loyola High School Elizabeth Hange and Salma Mbano Abstract: This project of “THE PINK BOX” was designed by Elizabeth Andrea Hange and Salma Ally Mbano. The main objective was to enable female students to raise their performance. This pink box aids to support the girls who are not able to buy pads to use in their menstruation period and those who tend to use cloth materials to cover themselves in their menstruation period. This made us to introduce the system whereby people will be contributing pads, as a strategy to alleviate this problem. The merits of having a pink box is to aid or support ladies who are unable to afford buying pads due to lack of fund, and enable them to feel comfortable during their menstruation cycle. Also to make them attend school lessons or classes during this period since some ladies tend to remain at their home. Method: Pink box is a very simple project which aids girls during their menstrual cycle ,whereby each month all students studying in respective schools should render at least two pieces of pads to the matron in charge in their respective school of which they are deposited into the pink box .This aids the girls /some of the girls who are unable to buy them from the shop due to lack of fund / poor living condition at their homesteads and get these pads from matron for free. In solving this problem, we thought of making boxes that could be used to collect pads from different people. In seeking for efficiency, each box has the ability of collecting more than 100 pieces of pads. In making the boxes we used the following components; Normal boxes White papers Pink manila sheets We decided to decorate the boxes with pink manila. So, what we did in our experiment was, we first selected six different schools (Loyola , Mabibo ,Kigogo, Kibasila, Benjamin W. Mkapa and Jitegemee ) secondary schools. We created four boxes that were used to collect pads and supplied them to Loyola high school, Kibasila high school, Mabibo secondary school, and Benjamin W. Mkapa high school. We did not supply the boxes to Kigogo secondary school, and Jitegemee high school. We obliged to check the performance of the girls in those six schools then we observed that the girls’ performance in the four schools that we supplied the boxes was high compared to the other two schools that we did not supply the pink boxes. The table above shows the ATTENDANCE OF GIRLS IN LOYOLA HIGH SCHOOL, where by the attendance of girls was very low .And that was the time before we supplied the knowledge of the pink box to our fellow LOYOLITES. Results: Soon after supplying the knowledge of the pink box in April, we started seeing that the attendance of girls in Loyola High School started increasing in May, and that made us believe that even the performance of those girls will start improving as they will no longer miss classes . Due to lack of enough time we failed to look into the results of girls before and after supplying the pink box . But as time goes on we will be able to check all that and come with a clear conclusion at the end of this project. Conclusion: Our conclusion from the results is that using the pink box is efficient and effective. This is because the pink box is cheaply made and operational. From the results that we got it’s convenient for the school’s administration to encourage students in contributing pads for their fellows who cannot afford to buy. Our data may not be hundred percent accurate because we did not visit all secondary schools in Dar-es-salaam to perceive if the lack of facilities like pads during girls’ menstruation cycle causes low performance in such schools. Our Project contributes to scientific research and knowledge. This is due to the fact that we provide an alternative way to help providing adequate facilities to girls that sustain them during their menstruation period. Acknowledgment: We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to our lovely parents for their support when conducting this project. We humbly appreciate the Loyola Administration for their support and the supervisor together with our fellow students who were hand in hand with us to achieve this task.

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