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1 IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet
Teacher: Cathy Broussard 8.G.A.2 Understand that a two-dimensional figure is congruent to another if the second can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, and translations; given two congruent figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the congruence between them. Task Overview Learning Objective(s) Suggested Technology In this activity students will create a video showing similar and their congruency. The video will be shared on the class BB site I can create similar figures and explain why they are similar. Video camera and Internet to load to BB. Students will use the app, Paperport notes, to create a series of congruent shapes. I can use technology to draw congruent figures and explain how I know one point is congruent. Paperport app In this activity, the students will use technology to perform basic transformations. I can identify types of transformations. Science Kids website “In this activity, the students will use technology to watch basic transformations. . I can identify congruent shapes. Ed puzzle/ you tube REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.

2 Watching Basic Transformations
In this activity, the students will use technology to watch basic transformations. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement Get your assigned Ipad or go to your assigned computer station. Make sure the wifi is active. Follow the link on BB or click on the code. This task uses: Ed puzzle to link a you tube video on how to identify congruency on transformations. Learning Objective(s): I can identify a rotation of congruent shapes. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/ School: Maplewood Middle School Louisiana State Standard: 8.G.A.2 Understand that a two-dimensional figure is congruent to another if the second can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, and translations; given two congruent figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the congruence between them. Grade Level/Subject: math/8 Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: students will turn in answers on loose-leaf Prerequisites for students: 8.G.1

3 Performing transformations
In this activity, the students will use technology to perform basic transformations. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. Get your assigned Ipad or go to your assigned computer station. Make sure the wifi is active. Follow the link 4. Take turns with your partner until you each get three correct. This task uses: Science Kids web site Learning Objective(s): I can identify types of transformations. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/ School: MMS Louisiana State Standard: 8.G.A.2 Understand that a two-dimensional figure is congruent to another if the second can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, and translations; given two congruent figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the congruence between them. Grade Level/Subject: math/8 Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: Prerequisites for students: 8.G.1

4 M SHOW WhaT YoU KnOw Open Paperport notes on the ipad.
Students will use the app, Paperport notes, to create a series of congruent shapes. MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable Open Paperport notes on the ipad. Insert a sheet of graph paper. Draw and x and y axis. Draw a polygon in the first quadrant Draw a congruent polygon out of the first quadrant. Label the congruent parts. Use the microphone to tell how you know that one part is congruent. Save the file as your last name. This task uses: Paperport Notes App Learning Objective(s): I can use technology to draw congruent figures and explain how I know one point is congruent. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/ School: MMS Louisiana State Standard: 8.G.A.2 Understand that a two-dimensional figure is congruent to another if the second can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, and translations; given two congruent figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the congruence between them. Grade Level/Subject: math/8 Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: Prerequisites for students: 8.G.1

5 Movie stars love congruent figures!
In this activity students will create a video showing similar and their congruency. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable Get a video camera or ipad. Get a coordinate grid white board poster and a colored Expo marker. You and your partner will take turns showing a different transformation, such as the ones you have seen on the other task cards. You must show the original figure and coordinates. You must show the transformed figure and coordinates. Tell which transformation you performed. Tell how you know the shapes are similar and congruent. This task uses: Video camera and BB Learning Objective(s): I can create similar figures and explain why they are similar. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/ School: MMS Louisiana State Standard: 8.G.A.2 Understand that a two-dimensional figure is congruent to another if the second can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, and translations; given two congruent figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the congruence between them. Grade Level/Subject: math/8 Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: Prerequisites for students: 8.G.1

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