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Boat Shows & Public Events

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Presentation on theme: "Boat Shows & Public Events"— Presentation transcript:

1 Boat Shows & Public Events
D5 Marketing: 2011 Spring Conference Boat Shows & Public Events

2 Contents How to setup and run an exhibit or booth
The message we want to get across How to be comfortable in a sales role Kinds of things to discuss Follow up after the event

3 The Exhibit or Booth

4 Objectives Introduce Visitor to USPS – Explain who we are and what we do Find out their interests Identify how we can help them Get their contact information Get them to the next step

5 Booth Layout & Contents
Layout open and inviting; do not put a table between you and your audience Keep it simple and un-cluttered Use USPS and squadron materials; show OUR logo Use our USPS Tri-fold Brochure!! Use our USPS PowerPoint slides in kiosk mode A few freebies from DNR etc OK, but only a few

6 Booth Layout & Contents
Display USPS course manuals prominently Have handouts and info cards handy Have a course & seminar schedule Provide brochures and takeaways to interested candidates, but not to every passerby

7 Common Sense Rules Don’t eat food in or around the booth
No alcoholic beverages When visitors are nearby, don’t talk to each other; focus on the visitors Have 2-4 workers at the booth at all times Dress in khakis and USPS or squadron polo Behave informally but appropriately

8 Contact Card Gather information from the visitor Complete Contact Card
Critical information MUST BE LEGIBLE! ZIP Code critical Best means of communications (Phone, ) What can we do for them? (Classes, VSC, Membership, OWT)

9 Contact Card - Sample Sample 9

10 The Message

11 Demonstrating the USPS Brand
OUR MESSAGE: OUR BRAND: As a United States Power Squadron member, you are more than a boater. You belong to a community of confident boaters who love spending time together on and off the water.

12 Our Promise We are more than your connection to the water. We are your source for unsurpassed education, community service and your access to a membership built by boaters, for boaters. For more than a century we’ve been steadfast in the belief that an educated boater is a better boater, a safer boater. We’ve kept our promise to continue learning, teaching, laughing and helping our fellow members enjoy boating. We look forward to helping you build a lifetime of memories and welcome you to a membership that delivers beyond boating.

13 What You Want to Convey Excitement/Anticipation Welcoming/Inviting
Benefits to viewer Learn Engage Connect Belonging

14 Sales and Salesmanship

15 What Is Selling in OUR Context?
Sales is not a dirty word. We are all salesmen/saleswomen. We represent USPS! Just be friendly and engaging Be welcoming; no exclusive Club attitude LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN before telling them everything you know about USPS Be an expert, but not a Know-It-All

16 Salesmanship You’re not pushing anything, just talking
Don’t say that we are the best; instead, explain USPS in a way that they will reach that conclusion themselves REMEMBER: Most people are either convinced or not within the first few minutes of the first encounter

17 Understand Our Customers
Recognize how people make decisions: Emotional vs rational They want a connection; sense of community Remember the messages: Welcome to the neighborhood Learn boating skills Engage with boating friends Connect with the boating community

18 The “Interview”

19 Identify Their Interests
What kind of boating do they do? Where? Why might they want education? What need does it meet? What about the spouse/significant other? How about prospective new boat owner? Other???

20 Identify Their Specific Needs
It’s not just about safety What needs can we fill? Competence on the water Buying a first boat Boating knowledge for knowledge sake Want to socialize with other boaters Saving on insurance premiums Being compliant with state requirements

21 Respond To Their Needs Feedback your understanding. Simplify.
Provide explanation, information, and examples of how we can meet the needs just identified Ask for their general reaction Ask for their contact information Invite them to take the next step (seminar or course, come to a dinner meeting, etc.) Do NOT leave it with “look at our website” or expect them to call on their own

22 Follow Up

23 Follow-up Create a list of potential members from the contact cards
Distribute contact info to squadrons based on person’s zip code Squadrons should call, as well as Try 3-5 times; be patient and persevere Repeat invitation to meeting, a seminar, or whatever their interest

24 Follow-Up Activity: Seminar
Provide a Recruitment Packet (brochure, newsletter, other takeaways Use Intro slides at seminar (available on Marketing Committee web page) Brief “welcome visit” by Commander or other squadron representative At the end, invite them to take more courses and/or join the squadron

25 Follow-Up Activity: Dinner Meeting
Social event or monthly meeting Greet them by name Introduce them around Introduce them in Commander’s remarks Prearrange for them to sit with someone By showing up, they are interested Ask their reaction Invite to next event

26 R/C Paul Mermelstein, SN
For more information: For more information: R/C Paul Mermelstein, SN

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