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Professional Development Program Design

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1 Professional Development Program Design
By: Janine Harper

2 School Improvement Results
Data is based on test results from MEAP, Star Math, ITBS (Iowa), and EdPerformance MEAP out of 475 students are proficient in math. Ed Performance – students across all grade levels are not proficient in multiplication, division, fractions, decimals and percentages Math Goal: Increase the Math proficiency scores across grade levels for the students that are enrolled for a full academic year including the students with disabilities. My PD focus: improve computation across the grade levels for students with disabilities.

3 Gap Analysis A large population of students that have been in our school for less than a year – “revolving door” Students learn a variety of ways to do things or they may miss a concept entirely from transferring schools in the middle of a school year Students with disabilities are struggling with math computation because 75% of them dislike math. Once they get to a certain grade the focus moves from the basic skills to more complex skills. No time to work on the basic skills

4 Research Shows Repetition * Use of Manipulatives * Use of technology*
Tutoring * Make math fun Use real world examples * Writing in math Learning of basic skills Parental Involvement * Coaching for teachers * Cooperative learning and discussions * Better use of Special Ed. teachers Items marked with an asterisk are aspects that the school already have in place to improve student achievement.

5 Theory of Action Statement
If we continue to work on the strategies included in our SIP and implement co-teaching effectively using job-embedded professional development, then our school will see an improvement in the MEAP and EdPerformance Math scores.

6 PD Plan based on Leaning Forward Standards for Professional Learning
From August to May (Implementation) Prior to school starting – PDs on Making math fun for General Education teachers, training Special Education teachers and Title 1/Intervention teachers on how to improve basic skills, and co-teaching training for general education and special education teachers. (Learning Designs) (2 required ) Co-teaching will be done during the math block Teacher leaders will attend extra trainings, so the building has on-hand experts to model and be a resource for teachers (Leadership)

7 PD Plan based on Leaning Forward Standards for Professional Learning
PLCs will continue once a week to discuss progress in math (1 hour per week) (Learning Communities) Intervention/Title 1 teachers will continue to work with the bottom 5 students in each class daily. Modeling and observation done by math coach and teacher leaders monthly (Resources/Data) De-briefing/reflection with math coach and teacher after observation (Outcomes) School administrator will select teacher leaders and train with them to be fully aware of the curriculum. (Leadership) Progress monitoring and data collection will continue based on the RTI model (Data) Teacher leaders will model proper ways to teach lessons based on trainings. Teacher leaders will utilize a sign up sheet where teachers can sign up to have lessons modeled in their classroom. Administrators will need to get guest teachers on these days.

8 Resources –National Council for Teachers of Mathematics
- Research Paper: Building Calculation Fluency Hake, S. (2007). Saxon math. (1 ed., Vol. 1). Orlando: Harcourt Achieve Inc. Clements, D., & Sarama, J. (2007). Number worlds: A prevention/intervention math program. (1 ed., Vol. G). Columbus: SRA/McGraw-Hill.

9 Resources cont.… Furner, J. M., & Duffy, M. L. (2002). Equity for all students in the new millennium: Disabling math anxiety. Intervention in School and Clinic, 38(2),

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