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SOUND Charley Taft.

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Presentation on theme: "SOUND Charley Taft."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOUND Charley Taft

2 Diegetic & Non diegetic Sound
Diegetic sound is the noises and sound heard live in the current scene. In other words the sounds that the actors can actually hear. “Sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film:  voices of characters  sounds made by objects in the story  music represented as coming from instruments in the story space.” Non diegetic sound is something that has been added into the film/ad to enhance the performance such as music to create a mood or special effects to make the product more interesting. Non diegetic sound is usually added after the action has taken place. “Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action:  narrator's commentary sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect mood music Non-diegetic sound is represented as coming from the a source outside story space.” E.g. This video shows both forms of sound being used to create a final product. Such as the actor can hear his shoes squeaking. The music is something that he cant hear. This clip shows the comedy side of both sounds together. Source:

3 Off screen sound “Sound that is part of a scene but originating from a source outside of the visible frame.” Source: Off screen sound is when noise is heard by actors (diegetic sound) in the same scene but not in the same frame. E.g. a conversation between a couple where one person is watching the news in the living room and the other washing the plates up in the kitchen. The person from the kitchen will be in the shot but can still hear the news report from the room next door. This video is a really good example of off screen sound. It shows the difference sounds the man is hearing but yet we can not see them.

4 Voice Over Source:
“Narration or dialogue, as in a movie, commercial, or documentary, spoken by an unseen narrator or an onscreen character not seen speaking: a character whose thoughts were revealed in a voice-over.” Source: A voice over can be a narrator, used for the actors conscious/thoughts or for flashbacks/flash forwards. The voice over carries the video and is usually reordered after the acting has taken place. In this trailer one of the main characters are telling you about themselves/the story, whilst the screen shows us.

5 Thought Voice – Interior Monologue
“A form of stream-of-consciousness writing that represents the inner thoughts of a character. Movies, Television the device of showing a character on screen who does not appear to speak, although the character's voice is heard on the soundtrack to create the illusion that the audience is hearing the character's thoughts.” Source: An interior monologue is like thought tracking, the character shares there thought out loud so only the audience and the individual themselves can hear it. In this video only the audience and the actor itself can hear the interior monologue. We see the character act out the emotions using body language and facial expressions.

6 Ambient Sound “Every location had distinct and subtle sounds created by its environment. These sound sources can include wildlife, wind, music, rain, running water, thunder, rustling leaves, distant traffic, aircraft and machinery noise, the sound of distant human movement and speech, creaks from thermal contraction, air conditioning and plumbing noises, fan and motor noises, and harmonics of mains power.” Source: Ambient sound is the background noise from the location the scene is being filmed in. The sound helps to understand the location/storyline and emotions. This video is not a very good example, however if a scene was to be shot in London/NYC you would perhaps here shouting, talking, traffic and beeping of horns. This just gives a rough idea of what an ambient sound would be like if it was filmed in the city.

7 SFX (Special Sound Effects)
“Effects that are imitative of sounds called for in the script of a dramatic production (as a radio show) and that enhance the production's illusion of reality.” Source: E.g. In an action film there could be sounds of guns shooting. Special sound effects are used to enhance the film/show. They make the production more realistic and interesting. They are added after the acting has taken place. They can be created using the computer or using foley.

8 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Death Eaters vs Harry and Friends.
From 1.37 onwards this video explores a variety of different sound techniques. There is minimal dialogue through out this scene as it relies more on the music to carry the scene, I prefer this method as I feel like it is important to concentrate on the music to introduce you to the emotion. We witness different emotions such as anger, sadness and frustration. The different genres of music help the viewers to connect better and to become more involved in the character and the thoughts and feelings of the individual. At the beginning of the video the rhythm and tempo become increasingly fast which gradually builds up creating a tense atmosphere. However when one of the characters die the music becomes gloomy and slow. In addition to this there is nothing but dialogue for a few seconds, this helps to highlight the key points being mentioned. When Harry is screaming there is no noise coming out of his mouth or from anywhere on the set, there is just background music. The use of special effects in this scene is very creative and magical. The sounds used seem very realistic, this enhances the scene and makes it more interesting. Through out the section there is diegetic and non diegetic sounds, they both work well together as they bounce of each other creating the ‘realism’ of the plot. We constantly see the majority of the landscape as the characters are always moving off screen, therefore off screen sound is also present in this scene.

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