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1Ajai, A.I., 2Inobeme, A. & 1Alliu O. S.

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Presentation on theme: "1Ajai, A.I., 2Inobeme, A. & 1Alliu O. S."— Presentation transcript:

1 1Ajai, A.I., 2Inobeme, A. & 1Alliu O. S.
ASSESMENT OF TRACE METALS AND ESSENTIAL MINERALS IN SOME MEDICINAL HERBS IN MINNA, NIGER STATE, NIGERIA 1Ajai, A.I., 2Inobeme, A. & 1Alliu O. S. Presented at: Chemical Society of Nigeria, Kadcity 2017 International Conference, Exhibition and Workshop, Kaduna. 2Department of Chemistry , Edo University, Iyamho, Edo State.

2 INTRODUCTION Environmental contamination by trace metals has become an issue of concern (WHO, 2010). Essential elements are of interest due to their pre-oxidant activities and health benefits (Jena and Gupta, 2012). From medieval period, medicinal plants have played great roles in chemotherapy (Moses et al., 2012).

3 Trace and heavy metal contents in some medicinal herbs have been reported by different researchers (Danijela et al., 2011; Jabeen et al., 2010; Mudgal et al., 2010). There is limited research information on the analysis of trace metals content in medicinal herbs found in Minna and its environs. .

4 This study was aimed at determining selected trace metals and essential minerals in three medicinal herbs: Sorghum bicolor (Sorghum), Momordica charantia (Bitter melon) and Ficus exasparata (Forest Sandpaper).

5 Materials and Methods Samples Collection The three (3) different species of medicinal herbs used for this study were collected from the vicinity of Federal University of Technology Minna, Bosso Campus Nigeria. The medicinal herbs were coded as (A, B, and C), A= Sorghum bicolor straw (Sorgum)., B= Momordica charantia (Bitter Melon)., C= Ficus exasperate (Forest Sandpaper).

6 Sample pretreatment The plant samples were washed with distilled water and dried at room temperature for 2 weeks. They were pulverized into powdered with a mortar and pestle.

7 Digestion of the Samples
Digestion of sample was carried out using a mixture of conc. HNO3, HClO3 and aqua regia. (Mixtures of HNO3 and HCl in the ratio of 1:3).


9 Table 2: Concentration of essential minerals in the medicinal herbs (µg/g)
Elements Sorghum Momordica Ficus FAO/WHO bicolor charantia exasperate Ca ±55.45a ±29.90b ±22.26c Na ±31.96a ±67.56ab ±62.37b K ±45.26ab ±45.26b ±62.81a Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation for triplicate (n=3) analysis. Values with the same superscripts do not differ significantly at p< 0.05.

10 Conclusion The results obtained in this study show appreciable concentration of Ca, K and Na which are useful mineral nutrients. There is absence of Cr, and Cd which are toxic and pose a great threat to human system if consumed. It is recommended that regular monitoring be carried out in order to ensure that medicinal herbs are safe for human health.

11 References Danijela, K., Snezana, M., Aleksandra, Z., Milan, M., Jasmina, V. & Sasa, R. (2011). Content of trace metals in medicinal plants and their extracts. Hem. Ind. 65 (2) 165–170. Jabeen, S., Shah, M.T., Khan, S. & Hayat, M.Q. (2010). Determination of major and trace elements in ten important folk therapeutic plants of Haripur basin, Pakistan. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 4(7): Javed, A. S. & Showket, R. M. (2017). Momordica charantia linn: Review on Phytochemistry and Pharmacology. Research Journal of Phytochemistry. 11:53-65. Jena, H. & Gupta, J. (2012). Study of Heavy Metal Distribution in Medicinal Plant Basil. Environ Anal Toxicol. 2012, 2:161.

12 Moses, A. G. , Maobe, E. G. , Leonard, G. , & Henry, R. , (2012)
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13 Roshan et al., ( 2010). Analgesic and Antipyretic potential of Momordica charantia. Journal of Advance Pharmaceutical Technology 1(4): Stephen, S. (2013). West African Sorghum extracts show anti-inflammatory and Immune health benefits. Accessed 25/02/2017. World Health Organization, (2010). Quality control methods for medicinal plant materials. Published by WHO, Geneva.

14 Thanks for Listening

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