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CPUC Rate Proceedings Relevant for TOU

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1 CPUC Rate Proceedings Relevant for TOU
Demand Analysis Working Group DR Subgroup October 7, 2014 Robert Levin Energy Division California Public Utilities Commission*

2 CPUC Proceedings: TOU Rates
Relevant Scope Key dates Rate Reform OIR R Are the utilities’ proposed opt-in tariffs and pilot programs for untiered TOU rates, reasonable, compliant with law and Rate Design Principles? Do they support Commission and state policies? In what type of proceeding should the Commission review residential TOU periods? Should SDG&E’s proposal to develop and implement a 2018 default TOU rate be approved? Should SCE and PG&E be required to propose 2018 default TOU rates for evaluation? What are the optimal procedural next steps for development, evaluation and implementation of default TOU rates if Phase 1 determines that default TOU rates should be permitted in 2018? TOU period definitions are EXCLUDED from the scope Intervenor Opening Testimony, served September 15, 2014 Rebuttal Testimony, served OCTOBER 15, 2014 Evidentiary Hearings November 3- 21, 2014 Opening Briefs, filed DECEMBER 8, 2014 Reply Briefs, filed JANUARY 5, 2015 Proposed Decision expected March, 2015 2

3 CPUC Proceedings: TOU Rates
SCE Rate Design Window A SCE proposed a new TOU rate, available to all residential customers, with a 2:00 PM-8:00 PM summer peak period. A settlement, adopting SCE’s proposal subject to a 200,000 customer enrollment cap, is pending CPUC approval; existing TOU rate schedules would remain open* and retain the current Noon-6:00 PM summer peak period PD expected 4th quarter, 2014 SCE GRC Ph. 2, A SCE proposes to eliminate two optional TOU schedules in this Application—schedules TOU-TEV (the whole-house EV rate) and TOU-D-T (the 2-tiered time-of-use rate)—and replace those schedules with the non-tiered TOU rates proposed in SCE’s 2013 Rate Design Window Application. If the pending RDW settlement is approved, Schedule TOU-D-T would remain open, with the current Noon-6:00 PM summer peak period, until the 2018 GRC. “An aggressive opt-in campaign for Schedule TOU-D would also facilitate SCE’s rate design objectives in R , where SCE has expressed a practical and policy preference for opt-in, rather than default, residential TOU rates.”** ORA Testimony Served February 13, 2015 Other Intervenor Testimony Served March 13, 2015 Concurrent Rebuttal Testimony June 19, 2015 Evidentiary Hearings July 13-17, Opening Briefs August 7, 2015 Reply Briefs August 21, 2015 ALJ Proposed Decision (PD) November, 2015 Final Decision December, 2015 Phase 2 Rates Implemented January 1, 2016 *Except Schedule TOU-TEV **SCE testimony in A , Ex. SCE-01, p.20, June 20, 2014 3

4 CPUC Proceedings: TOU Rates
SDG&E Rate Design Window, A SDG&E proposed a 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM summer peak period to apply to all of its TOU rates. SDG&E is proposing to reduce its PTR incentive levels by $0.25 per kWh Intervenor testimony served November 14, 2014 Rebuttal testimony served December 12, 2014 Hearings January 6-8, 2015 Opening briefs January 29, 2015 Reply briefs February 12, 2015 ALJ Draft decision March, 2015 Commission Decision April, 2015 Rates Effective May, 2015 PG&E Rate Design Window Expected to be filed, November PG&E will likely request changes to its TOU periods and rates. 4

5 PG&E Present & Proposed TOU Rates

6 SCE Present & Proposed TOU Rates

7 SDG&E Present & Proposed TOU Rates

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