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Lesson Overview 30.4 The Excretory System.

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1 Lesson Overview 30.4 The Excretory System

2 The Excretory System Excretion = process by which metabolic wastes are eliminated to maintain homeostasis Excretory system includes = skin, lungs, liver, and kidneys (ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra are also involved)

3 The Skin The skin excretes excess water, salts, and a small amount of urea in sweat. By releasing sweat in very small amounts, this process eliminates wastes even when you may not think you’re sweating.

4 The Lungs When you exhale, your lungs excrete carbon dioxide (a waste product of cellular respiration) and small amounts of water vapor.

5 The Liver The liver converts nitrogen wastes (toxic byproduct of protein breakdown) into less toxic urea Urea is then transported to the kidneys for elimination from the body

6 The Kidneys Kidneys = remove excess water, urea, and metabolic wastes from the blood and excrete a waste product known as urine. Ureters = transport urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder Urinary bladder = stores urine until it is released through the urethra Urethra = empties bladder to outside the body

7 The Kidneys Each kidney contains nearly a million individual processing units called nephrons. Nephrons = where impurities are filtered out, wastes are collected, and purified blood is returned to the circulation

8 Label the organs of excretion:

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