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The Respiratory System Anaerobic

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1 The Respiratory System Anaerobic
Understanding anaerobic respiration and the impact of oxygen debt and recovery times

2 Session Outcomes: By the end of this session we should be able to:
Consider how anaerobic respiration compares aerobic respiration Understand why anaerobic respiration applies to certain activities Know the connection between blood, oxygen debt and recovery The examiner needs you to know examples of types of sports that use anaerobic respiration

3 Question 1 Respiration that occurs in the presence of oxygen is known as ... ? A. Respiration B. Oxygen C. Aerobic Respiration D. Breathing in

4 Question 2: Which of the following is a waste product of aerobic respiration ... ? A. Oxygen B. Carbon Dioxide C. Glucose D. Helium

5 Question 3 Abdominal muscles between the ribs that assist in the process of breathing are known as ... ? A. Gaseous Exchange B. Alveoli C. Sternums D. Intercostal muscles

6 Question 4 Which 2 activities predominantly relies on the aerobic respiration system ... ? A. Football midfielder B. Females 110m hurdles C. Marathon runner D. Mens Rugby winger

7 Keywords: Date – 19/03/2013 Title – The Respiratory System: anaerobic
CW Underline all with a ruler Keywords: Oxygen Debt Glycogen Lactic Acid Recovery Period Blood Glucose Respiration

8 Who is this? How long does it take him to run 100m?

9 What position does he commonly play? Who is this?
When he sprints with the ball, how long does this last?

10 Is he working with oxygen?
Who is this? What is happening here? Is he working with oxygen?

11 The respiratory system: anaerobic
Anaerobic respiration In the absence of oxygen Quick events Short time span Maximal effort High energy demand Get glucose from glycogen Lactic acid build up (poison) Oxygen debt

12 The respiratory system: anaerobic 2
Oxygen debt: The consequence of muscles respiring anaerobically during vigorous exercise. You are not breathing, so effectively you are borrowing oxygen, this has to be paid back Recovery period: After vigorous exercise we have to breath in extra oxygen. This extra oxygen pays back the debt and helps to break down the build up of lactic acid, turning it in to a waste product to get out of the body Role of the blood: The blood does control body temperature, but it also help transport oxygen, glucose and waste products around the body

13 The respiratory system: Recovery period
Expiration of breath removes carbon dioxide and other waste products from the lungs Perspiration This is temperature control, removing excess water in the form of sweat Excretion This is in the form of urine and faeces and it gets rid of more waste products

14 Exam Question... Define Anaerobic Respiration and outline the process of Oxygen Debt and Recovery Period. (7 marks)

15 Quick re-cap! True or False? Sprinting uses the aerobic energy system
Lactic acid is ... ? Name 2 ways the body gets rid of waste products What is used for energy when working anaerobically? Identify 2 roles of the blood List 3 sport specific examples where performers work anaerobically

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