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Frankenstein words of Wisdom graphic organizer

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1 Frankenstein words of Wisdom graphic organizer
Objectives: Compare Frankenstein to a famous quote. Substantiate claims and defend interpretation with direct references from the text of the novel.

2 Frankenstein words of Wisdom graphic organizer
Procedure: Consider how Frankenstein supports or refutes our assigned quote. Explain why or why not. Select 3 direct references to substantiate your claims and defend your interpretation. Create a graphic organizer that clearly illustrates how Frankenstein supports or refutes your quotes

3 Defense Quotes “When pride is highest, catastrophe is nearest.” Welsh proverb “Every man is the architect of his own fortune.” German proverb “Man is the measure of all things.” Protagoras, Greek philosopher “Govern your passions, otherwise they will govern you.” Horace, Roman poet Does the novel support or refute your chosen quote? Why/why not? 3 references – quotes from the text Name(s) of character(s) who said the quote or were referred to in the text Identify the Chapter or Letter number

4 Aesthetics East to understand Apt illustrations
Easy to identify your position. East to understand Apt illustrations

5 Grading Rubric 4 = Great 3 = Good 2 = Fair 1 = Poor
5 = Wow! 4 = Great 3 = Good 2 = Fair 1 = Poor 0 = Unacceptable or not done Answer Quotes (3) Aesthetics Total – up to 25 points Total points will be multiplied by 4 for the total grade

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