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From Republic to Empire

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1 From Republic to Empire
Rome From Republic to Empire

2 From Kingdom to Republic
Mythological founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus. Another myth suggests Aeneas (a survivor from Troy) founded Rome. In reality, Etruscans and Latins lived in and around what would become Rome. In about 6oo BCE the Etruscans overpowered the Latins and the Tarquin family would become rulers until 509 BCE when Tarquin the Proud was turfed.

3 The Republic The Etruscans had a great influence on Rome – arch, aqueduct, blood sport, walled cities, metal working. Alphabet, compulsory military service, … Rome was now a REPUBLIC (respublica)! In a republic, the citizens elect representatives to run the government. Early on only patricians could hold office. The republic would last for almost 500 years.

4 The Republic Early on the republic faced many outside threats – Volscians, Samnites, Sabines, Gauls. Roman military improved and gradually goes on the offensive. Also, selective conscription amongst landowners. Roman legions of 4-5 thousand men. They stuck the basti (young inexperienced men) in the front line during battle. Rome begins to expand and by 265 BCE controls the Italian peninsula.

5 Republican Rome Rome treated its conquered peoples with a degree of leniency (could keep customs, religion, language) = allegiance to Rome. Eventually a new rival emerges – the North African Kingdom of Carthage. It was a rival in the Mediterranean. They would eventually engage in 3 lengthy wars.

6 The Punic Wars (War with Carthage)
Most noteworthy was the 2nd Punic War. Carthaginian leader Hannibal launched a surprise attack on Rome when he attacked from the north after having marched his men, horses and elephants over the Alps! Many died on route. Hannibal had much success but eventually Rome won. Carthage was eventually wiped out by the Romans.

7 Decline of the Republic
Tensions begin to rise in Rome as the gap between the rich and poor widens. Social unrest. The Senate represented the interests of the wealthy and held more power than the Assembly which represented the poor. The Gracchus brothers (The Gracchi) challenged the power of the elites in an attempt to speak for the landless poor. They proposed reform to land ownership laws. Both were killed. Illustrates the desire of the wealthy to protect their position.

8 Turmoil Political turmoil ensued as powerful men (Generals) vie for power. Control over the army was the key to success. Gaius Marius ( BCE) reformed the army allowing non-land owners into the army. This created a professional army whereby soldiers were required to serve for 20 years. They expected a reward upon fulfilling their term of service. Land was coveted. Their generals offered them more support than the state. Loyalty to their general.

9 Turmoil Generals became powerful and vied for more and more power. Remember how Maximus’ men were loyal to him in Gladiator? The 1st general to march into Rome with his army (forbidden by law) was Sulla in 82 BCE. He replaced Marius and became dictator. The role of dictator existed under roman law and was meant to last for 6 months during a time of crisis. He ignored the term and served for several years.

10 Caesar A new group of generals/powerful men vie for power. Julius Caesar, Pompey and Crassus form the 1St Triumvirate. Initially they worked together but rivalries grew and Caesar emerges as the victor. He appoints himself dictator for life. Caesar was a megalomaniac who often ignored the Senate. He was eventually stabbed to death by members of the Senate including Brutus and Cassius – The Ides of March (March 15, 44 BCE)

11 After Caesar Caesar’s leading supporters – Marc Antony and Octavian (Caesar’s nephew) avenged his death by hunting down and killing the conspirators. Antony, Octavian and Lepidus formed the 2nd Triumvirate. Again loyalties frayed they turned on each other. Things came to a head when Octavian attacked M. Antony (who had been hanging with Caesar's ex-lover Cleopatra) at the battle of Actium.

12 Augustus the 1st Emperor
After Octavian defeated M. Antony he assumed the role of “Augustus” – “the highest one” thus becoming the 1st true emperor of Rome. He would rule effectively for 45 years ushering in the “Pax Romana” – period of peace and prosperity. The Republic was no more … Rome was now an Empire!


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