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From: Glycerol Monolaurate Inhibits Lipase Production by Clinical Ocular Isolates Without Affecting Bacterial Cell Viability Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci..

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Presentation on theme: "From: Glycerol Monolaurate Inhibits Lipase Production by Clinical Ocular Isolates Without Affecting Bacterial Cell Viability Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.."— Presentation transcript:

1 From: Glycerol Monolaurate Inhibits Lipase Production by Clinical Ocular Isolates Without Affecting Bacterial Cell Viability Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci ;57(2): doi: /iovs Figure Legend: Stability of bacterial lipase enzyme activity in the presence of GML. Filtered supernatant from overnight cultures of S. aureus 020 grown in the absence of GML was incubated with increasing concentrations of GML, and lipase activity was assessed. Control culture S. aureus 020 was grown in the presence of GML (20 μg/mL), and lipase activity was similarly assessed. Date of download: 12/17/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © All rights reserved.

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