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1 01/06/11


3 TURN AND TALK Chat with your neighbors about the following questions?
What is MOLAR MASS? What is the Molar Mass of the following: Calcium Sodium Oxygen

4 Molar Mass of a Compound
What is the Molar Mass of the following simple compounds: Sodium Chloride Lithium Bromide Magnesium Oxide

5 Practice Problem Extension
Carbon dioxide – write the formula, calculate molar mass. Q1. How many moles of carbon dioxide are in 120.g? Think about how you convert mass to moles…

6 Practice Problem Extension
Ammonium sulfite – write the formula, calculate molar mass Q2. How many moles of ammonium sulfite are in 2.50g?

7 Percent Composition Chemical Compounds
Percent composition refers to the percent by mass of an element or compound within a larger compound. To find it, you need the total molar mass of the compound. And the molar mass of the element (part) that you are finding the percent composition

8 Percent Composition Chemical Compounds
Percent composition refers to the percent by mass of an element or compound within a larger compound. Practice: Percent Composition of sodium in sodium chloride Molar Mass of Na= Cl= Molar Mass NaCl = %Na = To find it, you need the total molar mass of the compound. And the molar mass of the element (part) that you are finding the percent composition Then divide the molar mass of unknown part by the total molar mass and multiply by 100 to get your answer

9 Percent Composition Chemical Compounds
Practice: Percent Composition of magnesium in magnesium oxide Molar Mass of Mg= O= Molar Mass MgO = %Mg =

10 Practice Problem Extension
Dinitrogen pentoxide – write the formula, calculate molar mass Q4. What is the percent composition of nitrogen in dinitrogen pentoxide?

11 Practice Problem Extension
Calcium acetate – write the formula, calculate molar mass Q5. What is the percent composition of calcium in calcium acetate? Can you figure out how many grams of calcium are in 50g of calcium acetate?

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