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Welcome Assessing without Levels

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Assessing without Levels"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Assessing without Levels
Caldecote Primary School Welcome Assessing without Levels Did you know? New National Curriculum Levels Year group learning The National picture Termly & Annual reports In a time of unprecedented change in Education: New curriculum New Inspection Framework New Assessment - Leadership and school organisation changes: Free , Academies, Trust, etc.

2 Shift Happens – part 2 Caldecote Primary School
Shift Happens – part 2 This will give outline of what the future will be for your children Google – will be able to find out anything they want / need

3 The future for your children
Caldecote Primary School The future for your children # 1 skill employers look for is communication Employment Toolkit- key competences are problem solving teamwork positive attitude These are the main factors when recruiting (CBI & Lord Sandy Leitch report) These are skills that your children will need They will be able to source information but it is what they can do with the information that will distinguish them

4 New National Curriculum
Caldecote Primary School New National Curriculum Year group expectations not End of Key Stage More challenging particularly for maths e.g. Year 1 name ¼ of object, shape, amount Most children will work within the Year group expectations ‘Catch up’ or ‘pre-learning’ for children below Mastery : Shallow learning: surface, temporary, often lost Deep learning: it sticks, can be recalled and used Mastery learning: can be transferred and applied in different context Specific objectives for each year group Much more content / challenge Key objectives – children need to know these, building blocks for future learning Teaching will continue very much the same Support for those who need Mastery is a term you will hear Children able to use information in different contexts, make connections between learning and apply independently

5 Caldecote Primary School
Caldecote Primary School Caldecote Primary School Website Key documents Year group expectations Key objectives in bold Year group expectations are on website Key objectives (identified by NAHT – not government) are ones that should be learnt / prioritised in each year group

6 The old system of levels:
Caldecote Primary School The old system of levels: Ranged from 1c, 1b, 1a, 2c ………….. 6b (equivalent to working at Year 9 level) National End of Year expectations e.g Year 3 range = 2a, 3c, 3b Our new system of Year group expectations: In Year 1 = Year 1 curriculum In Year 2 = Year 2 curriculum etc. 6 ‘steps’ within every year group (ties in with our 6 assessment points throughout year) Levels had become familiar Same across all schools Moderation across schools Schools have decided their own system We have been waiting for an indication from Government – hasn’t come Using our tracking system ‘Target Tracker’ Many schools in network are using same – will be able to moderate with them

7 The 6 steps Caldecote Primary School Beginning
The 6 steps Beginning None (or a few) of the year group objectives are secure Beginning + Some key objectives and some of the other objectives secure Working Within Half of the key objectives and some of the other objectives secure Working Within + Most of the key objectives plus around 75% of each strand are secure Secure All key objectives plus most other objectives secure. Pupil beginning to apply knowledge and understanding across a range of contexts with some support Secure + All key objectives plus all other objectives secure. Pupil is working at mastery level and is able to apply knowledge and understanding across a range of contexts independently Working within + & Secure are national end of year expectations i.e. this is where we expect most children to be by end of year Some may be Working within if they have been consolidating learning from a year below Some may be Secure + or, in exceptional cases, work on some objectives from year above

8 Less and more able children
Caldecote Primary School Less and more able children Work continues to be differentiated to meet needs (working to achieve objectives - especially key objectives from previous years) If a child makes exceptional progress and achieves ‘secure +’ they will not routinely progress to the next year objectives as previously. They will be expected to deepen and extend their knowledge and understanding through a range of activities which will challenge and broaden their thinking Very little difference to how we teach now

9 Caldecote Primary School
The national picture SATs at Year 2 and 6 will continue (no level 6 tests) 2016 & 2017 are ‘interim’ years As yet, no decision on how they will be reported Indications are it will be working towards expected standard working at the expected standard working at greater depth within the expected standard Tests will continue These will be much more challenging to reflect changes in curriculum After tests, will decide what ‘expected level’ is and communicate in July

10 Termly & annual reports
Caldecote Primary School Termly & annual reports Children who are working either below / above year group, there will be a sentence to indicate this Criteria for each of the 6 steps will be printed on the reverse of the reports

11 How we track progress Every child is tracked individually
Caldecote Primary School How we track progress Every child is tracked individually Targets are set dependent on their ‘starting point’ for each year Half-termly pupil progress meetings focusing on progress of every child We continue to track every individual child Assessment is ongoing (formative) and there are 6 points where teachers look at collection of work and determine progress which is entered onto tracking system Some of this may be ‘tested’ (summative)

12 FEEDBACK Not very Okay Very Please tick column or use
Caldecote Primary School FEEDBACK HOW USEFUL WAS TONIGHT? Not very Okay Very Please tick column or use post-it if you want to leave a comment Thank you!

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