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A project co-financed by Thailand EC Cooperation Facility

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1 A project co-financed by Thailand EC Cooperation Facility

2 Applicant: Thailand: Thai Italian Chamber of Commerce (TICC) LOGO TICC European partners Bioagricoop scrl

3 The is an initiative of the European Commission (EC) that aims to strengthen and diversify the relationship between the European Community and Thailand in order to support Thailand in furthering sustainable economic and social development and its integration into the world economy.

4 <Overall objective(s)> To contribute to strengthen GIs food trade flows between EU and Thailand <Specific objective> Improved protection (according to EC Reg. 510/2006) and increase value (through the use of EU logo) of Thai GIs.


6 1.1: Organize and implement the kick off meeting:
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and(GIs) will be the main topic of the discussion. Main affinities and difference between EU and Thai systems will be presented and discussed. The total estimated public is about 70 people. The meeting will be hold in English with a simultaneous translation in Thai A delegation of 40 people (GIs lodgers/farmers) is expected to attend the meeting. DIP (8 people), DEP and Queen Sirikit Institute of Sericulture (4 people), EC delegates (4 people) NGOs and Universities (4 people), Others as trade institutions, new potential GIs lodgers, consumers etc), up to 10 people. Speech by Thai and EC government representatives will be encouraged.

7 2.1 Organize and implement the Thai GIs lodgers training and follow up
& 2.2 Preparation and follow up of Thai GIs application to EU These activities aims at transferring to selected Thai GIs lodgers (target group 4: organisations) the principles of EC Regulation 510/2006 and assist them in implementing internal control procedures and control plans (first step to be registered in EU) A training will be implemented (in BKK for12 people including DIP) and a follow up (six months) will be guaranteed to GIs lodgers to implement control plans/internal control procedures Among the target group, organizations, (not more than 500 farmers with SFG scheme) will lead until the registration in EU.

8 1.2 Organize and implement the intermediate meeting: “From Field to Folks”, experience learned in the process to register Thai GIs in EU; The event will be an extension platform to transmit project results During the meeting, creation of pre-conditions, manual for the internal control procedures and control plans will be presented and discussed. The meeting will last one day, and will be hold in Bangkok (70 people). The meeting will be hold in English with a simultaneous translation in Thai. GIs lodgers representative belonging to the pilot group will inform about direct experiences in the project and lessons learned. Speech by Thai and EC government representatives will be encouraged.

9 3.1Study draw up: Preliminary assessment of Thai GIs market potential in EU;
The study activity will produce a benchmark analysis of the EU GIs market with special focus on market potential for Thai GIs. EU GIs market trend will be studied through literature review, data survey, and stakeholder interview in order to produce a Thai operators oriented information handbook. Contents: IPR issues and figures of GIs, List of Thai GIs registered in EU and potential Thai GIs to be protected, products characteristics and labels used (use of EU logos?), EU GIs production figure and share, economic performances, market distribution channels in EU, value of EU GIs domestic market, export and import, profile of European GIs consumers The study on CD support and web site.

10 1.3 Organize and implement the final meeting: Celebrating the new Thai GIs registered in EU, enlarging EU market visibility in Thailand and making the point for a wider project overall objective achievements; The meeting aims at celebrating Thai GIs registered in EU Characteristics and figures of GIs market in EU will be presented (100CD distributed) Inclusion of SILK and Fabric in EC Reg annex II will be discussed. The total estimated public is about 70 people. The meeting will be hold in English with a simultaneous translation in Thai Speech by Thai and EC government representatives will be encouraged.

11 Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 S O N D J F M A Activity 1.1 2.1 2.2 1.2 3.1 1.3

12 All Thai GIs lodgers already registered in Thailand (currently 18 organisations). A pilot group of them (4 organisations) will be followed up to prepare controls plan/internal control procedures (pre condition for registration in EU), one or two organisations (up to 500 farmers) will be led until the GIs product final registration and protection in EU. Department of Intellectual Properly (DIP), Ministry of Commerce, is the key institution engaged in the promotion of Intellectual Property (IP) and GIs in Thailand. Through the project will be trained and supported in order to further achieve Thai GIs registration in Thailand and EU.

13 3.Other governmental stakeholders: Department of Export Promotion (DEP), and Queen Sirikit Institute of Sericulture (QSIS), will respond for Thai GIs other than food staff (e.g silk and fabric) and future marketing strategies. 4.Former ECAPII , and/or staff assigned to next announced ECAP III Programme and/or staff from the European Patent Office. to guarantee coordination with the ongoing and future regional EC-ASEAN initiative on IPR. 5. Other local stakeholders such as NGOs, universities private sector operators etc. with an interest in GIs development to guarantee a wide dialogue on IPR and GIs development support. 6. Representative of European Institutions (e.g Chambers of Commerce, etc) involved in the promotion /development of EU/Thai trade to present the point of view of EU operators 7. All farmers belonging to Thai registered GIs will benefit from the value enhancement of their products. 8. New potential Thai GIs lodgers and related farmers; a certain number of new organizations are expected to ask for GIs registration 9. Consumers in EU and Thailand will benefit from and enhanced number of GIs and the introduction of completely new GIs products.


15 Contacts: Dr. Giovanni Galanti Bioagricoop scrl (Thai mob.) (Tel.) (Fax)

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