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GIS for managing public utilities in the City of Frisco – A demonstration by Usha Eleswarapu.

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Presentation on theme: "GIS for managing public utilities in the City of Frisco – A demonstration by Usha Eleswarapu."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIS for managing public utilities in the City of Frisco – A demonstration
by Usha Eleswarapu

2 Project Aims To demonstrate the use of GIS in managing public utilities such as storm, sewer and water To identify some applications of such data in city management

3 Objectives Design and create a geodatabase for parcel, storm, sewer and water data Build a customer database for sewer and water service Build an infrastructure maintenance database for storm, sewer and water pipelines

4 Objectives contd. Create a geocoding service for houses and street intersections Create networks for storm, sewer and water flows

5 Study Area: Subdivision of Hunter’s Creek Phase 5, City of Frisco

6 Objective 1: Design and create a geodatabase
for parcel, storm, sewer and water data

7 Objective 1: Design and create a geodatabase for parcel, storm, sewer and water data

8 Objective 2: Build a customer database for sewer and water service
Customer ID Customer Database Water Service Customer ID

9 Objective 2: Build a customer database for sewer and water service

10 Objective 3: Build an infrastructure maintenance database for storm, sewer and water pipelines
Stormlines Maintenance Database Sewerlines Maintenance Database Maintenance Database Waterlines

11 Objective 3: Build an infrastructure maintenance database for storm, sewer and water pipelines

12 Objective 4: Create a geocoding service for houses

13 Objective 4: Create a geocoding service for street intersections
Accident History

14 Objective 5: Create network flows for storm, sewer and water
Network connectivity rules makes editing easier A number of simple and advanced network analysis solvers can be used Tasks such as establishing flow direction, redirecting flow, finding facilities that serve a set of customers

15 Objective 5: Create network flows for storm, sewer and water contd.
Use of weights such as pipe diameter to calculate pressure by solvers Use of Netflags and barriers by solvers Trace solvers such as upstream trace, downstream trace, isolation trace and path trace

16 Objective 5: Create network flow for stormlines

17 Objective 5: Create network flow for sewerlines

18 Objective 5: Create network flow for waterlines

19 Conclusions Geodatabase design is critical in effective GIS implementation Geodatabase format has advantages such as more accurate editing, a uniform repository of data and more intelligent features Applications such as linking to infrastructure maintenance and customer databases are useful in tracking problems with storm, sewer or water lines, utility billing and connections, etc.

20 Conclusions contd… Geocoding service helps in landowner notifications and directing repair crews Network flows help in maintaining topological integrity and in tasks such as establishing flow direction, isolating leaks and calculating pressure or head

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