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Revision Control, Automated Testing and Docker RSE Conference 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Revision Control, Automated Testing and Docker RSE Conference 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision Control, Automated Testing and Docker RSE Conference 2017
Chris Richardson

2 Revision Control and Testing
FEniCS/dolfin software project - on bitbucket - using git revision control Test suite (using pytest, google test etc.) test folder in repository - can run with pytest Who runs the tests: where and when? Ideally, developers run the tests when they are working on the code, but...

3 Revision Control with git and Bitbucket

4 pytest def test_UnitCubeMeshDistributed():
"""Create mesh of unit cube.""" mesh = UnitCubeMesh(mpi_comm_world(), 5, 7, 9) assert mesh.size_global(0) == 480 assert mesh.size_global(3) == 1890 def test_UnitCubeMeshDistributedLocal(): mesh = UnitCubeMesh(mpi_comm_self(), 5, 7, 9) assert mesh.num_vertices() == 480 assert mesh.num_cells() == 1890

5 so… let’s run the tests make runtests
build 24-Aug :13:50 adaptivity/ Solving linear variational problem. build 24-Aug :13:50 PASSED build 24-Aug :13:50 adaptivity/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:50 adaptivity/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:50 ale/ Current CG solver produced error in boundary coordinates 0.0 build 24-Aug :13:50 PASSED build 24-Aug :13:50 ale/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:50 common/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:51 common/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:51 common/[fun0-1b6f94ab458b b7dff] PASSED build 24-Aug :13:51 common/[fun1-be92f892d82d4002b3f1e03ff1a1f030] PASSED build 24-Aug :13:51 common/[fun2-a2080c717cf94d4788c8e477682f4a9d] PASSED build 24-Aug :13:51 common/[fun c83eae4411bd2da394badff39e] PASSED build 24-Aug :13:51 common/[fun4-a2080c717cf94d4788c8e477682f4a9d] PASSED build 24-Aug :13:51 common/[fun c83eae4411bd2da394badff39e] PASSED build 24-Aug :13:52 common/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:52 common/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:52 fem/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:52 fem/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:52 fem/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:52 fem/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:52 fem/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:52 fem/[mesh_factory0-4.0] PASSED build 24-Aug :13:52 fem/[mesh_factory1-6.0] PASSED build 24-Aug :13:52 fem/[mesh_factory2-4.0] PASSED build 24-Aug :13:52 fem/[mesh_factory3-6.0] PASSED build 24-Aug :13:53 fem/[mesh_factory0] PASSED build 24-Aug :13:53 fem/[mesh_factory1] PASSED build 24-Aug :13:53 fem/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:53 fem/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:53 fem/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:54 fem/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:54 fem/ PASSED build 24-Aug :13:54 fem/ PASSED

6 Automated Testing Run every time a change is made to “master” branch
Run on some development branches Build code with all optional dependencies (and without) Run tests with MPI (and without) Run Python tests with Python2 (and Python3) Run C++ tests Run demos (as well as tests) Check code coverage

7 A framework to run tests in: docker containers
Docker containers encapsulate an environment. Create a “development” environment, with all required compilers, libraries and 3rd party software needed to build and test our package Dockerfile: Push to online “docker registry” Linux based (so does not cover e.g. MacOS, Windows) Ubuntu based (so not covering other distributions) docker build --tag fenicsproject/dev-env:latest . && docker push FROM ubuntu:16.04 RUN apt-get install cmake g++ libboost-dev-all etc.

8 How it all fits together
git repositories docker registry FEniCS/docker Dockerfile build hook dev-env dev-env CI system Build FEniCS/dolfin run hooks master Run tests feature branch Produce report

9 How it all fits together
FEniCS/docker Dockerfile build hook dev-env dev-env Build FEniCS/dolfin run hooks master Run tests feature branch Produce report

10 Hooking in to a CI system
Simply add a .yml file to your repository, and sign up to the service version: 2 jobs: build: docker: image: working_directory: /home/fenics/working steps: checkout run: name: Configure DOLFIN command: mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DDOLFIN_ENABLE_TESTING=ON run: name: Build DOLFIN and install command: cd build && make install run: name: Run Python unit tests (serial) command: python3 -m pytest test/unit/python

11 What it looks like on the CircleCI website...



14 Price comparison: online services
There are a lot of services out there… most offer a free tier, free for open-source, or academic discount. But it is never enough!!! CircleCI: free for Open-Source (up to 4 nodes) then $$ Bitbucket Pipelines: free 500 mins per month, then $10+ per 500 minutes Shippable: free for one node, then $25/month per node Codeship: $75/month (50% educational discount) Codefresh: 5 nodes, 200 builds per month for free Distelli Travis Vexor: $1.5¢ per minute They are multiplying like bacteria… Google will find many more…

15 Another option: DIY hosting
Could use Jenkins to orchestrate, but... We are using Bamboo (Atlassian Product, free to Open Source projects) Install docker and bamboo on a server Configure to poll your git repository Integration with bitbucket website Extra complexity - maintenance burden Extra complexity - more flexibility Unlimited build hours/nodes Can add dependencies between different modules

16 How it all fits together (again)
build hook FEniCS/docker Dockerfile dev-env dev-env Build FEniCS/dolfin run hooks master-build master branch-build Test feature branch Report


18 Summary git + docker + CI is a powerful combination
I am not advertising or endorsing any particular product! Free online services are great for small projects 😃 More complex projects may benefit from running on a local server Pushing back to a docker registry after the “build” stage has benefits: We can run all the tests in parallel If the tests fail 😓, we can docker run the build image on another machine and reproduce 😌 This is not all my own work. Special thanks to Johannes Ring in Oslo.

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