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Christ in the Penalties of Mosaic Law

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Presentation on theme: "Christ in the Penalties of Mosaic Law"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christ in the Penalties of Mosaic Law
Leviticus 20

2 Human Desire for Fairness
It’s not fair! 1 2 Let’s have some terrorism! Give me your cash!

3 Outline of Leviticus I. The sacrifices (1-7)
II. Consecrating the priests (8-10) III. Uncleanness and its remedy (11- 16) IV. Maintaining holiness (17-27)

4 Areas for Maintaining Holiness
Abstain from blood, 17 Sexual abominations of the nations, 18 Holiness in life, 19 Punishments for abominations, 20 Priests’ life, 21-22 The great feasts, 23 Holy supplies and holy name, 24 The sabbath and jubilee years, 25 Blessings and curses, 26 Exchanging vowed items, 27

5 A. The Principle of Right

6 God’s Pledge in Christ “As surely as I live forever, … I will take vengeance on my adversaries and repay those who hate me” (Deut. 32:40-43). “He will judge the world with righteousness and the peoples with equity” (Ps. 98:9). “With justice he judges and makes war” (Rev. 19:11). * 4 First Coming Second Coming application of justice

7 Answering Our Sense of Right
1 God will bring what’s fair. It’s not fair!

8 Punishment Matching Crime
“Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, …” (Exod. 21:24; Lev. 24:18-20; Deut. 19:21). “As you have done, it will be done to you …” (Obad. 15; Matt. 7:2; Rev. 18:6). Caught in one’s own trap (Ps. 7:15-16; 35:7-8; Dan. 6:24; Esth. 7:9-10). * 4 He deserves it!

9 Making It Right 1 Sometimes I can make it right. Daddy, 2
The ball belongs to you.

10 Authority of Human Governments
God 1 government (Rom. 13:1-7) perfect justice all authority 2 3 over all people in all respects limited authority over damage to humans limited justice

11 Human Limitations 1 Make it so that people never steal. Only God
can do that.

12 B. Working out What Is Fitting

13 Fit Punishment No! I want it, 1 and I will do it! 2 What do I do
to punish him?

14 Theft Exod. 22:4 ?? He takes it 1 God takes it from him (punishment)
Tit for tat.

15 violators of authority.
Wisdom in Punishment Rod of authority hits violators of authority. 2 1 Your hand touched it. Your hand gets smacked! Ooww! Sin has consequences!

16 Murder Gen. 9:5-6 He takes life 1 God takes life from him Tit for tat

17 Sin and its Punishment Gen. 3:5 you would destroy God honor and life
1 you God destroys your honor and life Consequences:

18 Justice in the Cross 1 2 Cor. 5:21; Rom. 4:25; 1 Pet. 2:24 CHRIST YOU
Christ takes your sin; CHRIST YOU 2 holiness, innocence, reward sin, guilt, punishment you take his righteousness

19 C. Holy War

20 Holy War with Joshua Josh. 6:17; Deut. 13:16-17 idolatrous town holy
people desecrates 1 God’s protection town receives total desecration in destruction desecrates Not cruel, but just.

21 Desecrating Acts in Lev. 20
idols, spiritism, curse parents, sexual violation 1 desecrates God desecrates the offender usually by death

22 Holy War in Christ sin desecrates world = idolatry 1 God
sin receives total desecration in destruction God desecrates in hell God’s protection world reconsecration

23 C C Your Refuge in Christ 1 you sin hrist dies destroyed Col. 2:20-23
restoration of life and peace hrist is risen Col. 3:1-4

24 Fit Punishment for Sin 1 How do I avoid God’s Only Christ has
taken it away!

25 Holy War in the Church sin desecrates church = idolatry 1
God’s protection sin receives desecration excommu- nication

26 application of cleansing justice
Working It Out 2 3 4 Zech. 13:1 Rom. 6:2-4 Rom. 6:12-18 Rom. 8:18-25 1 5 past now future application of cleansing justice

27 Universal Justice judgment judgment 1 all people No one escapes.

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