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Benefits to Each Institution

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1 ReDVA Meeting Barcelona Wednesday 15th April 2015 WP 1: Research Supervision & Management

2 Benefits to Each Institution
Limerick Objective: Computational fluid dynamics analysis through ReDVA Benefits: Acquisition of 3D MRI NHV and patient data Imaging research Contrast media MRI expertise Pulse sequences Protocol design US expertise Identification of different fistula models - elastography CFD research in relation to VA – hardware & software Industrial Collaboration Medical devices Flow rig

3 Benefits to Each Institution
Guerbet Objective: Development of new methods of assessment of ReDVA using imaging techniques Benefits: Expertise in: imaging vascular access surgery medical devices Clinical imaging research in relation to VA Development & validation of imaging techniques Data mining and development of imaging techniques – contrast usage in ReDVA population

4 Benefits to Each Institution
Birmingham Objective: Clinical data mining of ReDVA patient events Benefits: Imaging contrast media research and usage Data mining & development of techniques Research into clinical imaging of VA Development of imaging techniques Medical device research

5 Benefits to Each Institution
Vascular Flow Technologies Objectives: To outline the surgical strategies and optimisation of VA devices to improve long-term VA patency; To develop business planning opportunities for commercial partners Benefits: Expertise in clinical imaging and clinical research Flow rig analysis CFD research – vascular hemodynamics Medical device research

6 Benefits to Each Institution
Dundee Objectives: Definition, supervision & reporting of research activities: Flow rig simulations of ReDVA models Benefits Medical device research Imaging research & strategies for ReDVA CFD research - hemodynamics Clinical research VA surgery Contrast media research & education

7 Milestones Milestone Name/Comment Month M1.1
Project website – Complete M3 M2.1 Clinical data mining & analysis - Complete M12 M5.1 Imaging data collection – Not Complete Dundee struggling to recruit M18 M3.1 Validation of US/MRI techniques Guerbet Milestone – Conor/Katarina? M24 M1.2 Fellow career development plans Circulated before fellows leave M30

8 Deliverables Deliverable Centre Description of work Deadline D6.1 UD
Serum Analysis M12: Completed D2.1 QEHB Data collection & archiving Imaging - regulations? Dundee M18:Completed D3.1 GU Standardisation of US/MRI techniques across ReDVA centres. RR/LB designed protocol M18: Completed D4.1 UD/UL Identification of different fistula models. This work to be linked to flow rig D5.1 UL Acquisition of patient 3D MRI data Dundee struggling to recruit patients M18: Incomplete D3.2 Validation of imaging techniques across ReDVA centres (MRI,US) M24: Conor? D5.2 Construction of safety meshes M24 D4.2 Flow rig report: Time! M36: D5.3 Inlet Criteria: Time! M36

9 Dissemination Project going to plan –
Meeting most milestones & deliverables Many successes linked to our work Thinking ahead – milestones and deliverables Focus on Recruitment/Secondment Patient Recruitment

10 Knowledge Transfer/Training
Opportunities available to UD, UL, & VFT Secondees Interventional Radiology Course Session with Vascular Surgeon Designing an MRI Protocol MR Imaging Techniques – Pulse Sequences Supercomputing Overview Flow Rig Simulations Ultrasound Techniques including Elastography Developing a Pre-Clinical Model CAD Stent Design All secondees are encourage to attend course/conferences/meetings

11 Knowledge Transfer/Training
Opportunities Open to QEHB & GU Secondees Cochrane training modules on systematic reviews and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies (University of Amsterdam and University of Birmingham). Cochrane author training module for diagnostic test accuracy systematic reviews (university of Birmingham) Seminar and meeting with European Renal Association regarding guidelines group and data extraction from scientific literature. Guerbet introductory program.  Medical and regulatory affairs training- provided by Guerbet and Dr E Lancelot.  Theory of MRI and contrast agents-provided by Guerbet, Dr JS Raynaud.

12 Events Attended Event/Date Poster Presentation (n)
Oral Presentation (n) British Renal Week 2014 VASA 2014 VASBi 2014 Yes ASN 2014 Yes (3) WCN 2015 Yes (1) VAS 2015 Yes (9) Yes (2)

13 Publications During and after the project, the coordinator shall provide reference of all scientific publications relating to foreground at the latest two months following the publication. All publications shall include the following statement to indicate that said foreground was generated with the assistance of financial support from the European Union: “The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ ) under grant agreement no ” Only publications that acknowledge ReDVA can be included in our publications list! Dundee - QEHB – 7 publications drafted, in press, submitted or requiring minor revisions GU UL - VFT -

14 Collaborations & Proposals
Centre Collaboration or Proposal VFT Potential collaboration commercial partners in Europe & USA QEHB Collaboration with vascular surgeons in Paris UD/QEHB Nationwide data mining – multi centre collaboration ERBP collaboration - review of vascular access guidelines QEHB/UD EuroDOPPS proposal – assessing data QEHB/UD/GU Cochrane Review

15 Questionnaires & Newsletter/Outreach
Centre QEHB Multi-centre questionnaire based study to define imaging practice in UK and EU centres UD Patient focused questionnaire to create patient timeline from vascular access creation onwards – success/failure Quarterly newsletter - outreach Project website

16 Commitment to Outreach

17 IPR

18 Mid Term Meeting Report
Submission date: On or before Cover significant outcomes of the work performed research & training methodologies, scientific results, networking and opening up career opportunities to Marie Curie Research Fellows. Publications & Presentations Should cover the period from the beginning of the project

19 What I need For Mid-Term Review Report
Agreement to milestone & deliverable changes Work performed since start of project Highlights – potential impact List of all publications that have acknowledge ReDVA Conference attendances/presentations linked to ReDVA Training opportunities offered to secondees Knowledge exchange A Paragraph detailing your use of resources – VFT/UL Financial statement from each beneficiary Collaborations Outreach work

20 Secondee Questionnaire
At least two weeks before the mid-term review meeting all recruited researchers employed in the frame of the project must complete and submit the on-line Mid-Term Assessment questionnaire Questionnaires can be found at: Information in questionnaire will be treated confidentially and will mainly be used to assess the satisfaction of fellows and the overall impact of the action. Questionnaires should also be used as an opportunity to make suggestions on how to improve the training opportunities in the network.

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