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Validation of Screening Methods

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1 Validation of Screening Methods
Aisling Treacy, MSc. Prof. Tom Buckley, MSc, FIBMS, FAMLS

2 Background Established in 1984 – Equine diagnostic laboratory
Screening laboratory during the “Angel Dust Era” Antibiotic residue testing for the porcine industry where there was approx. 25% non-compliance → currently < 1% non-compliance Screening laboratory for the NRCP → obtained ISO Accreditation for NRCP tests in 2005 → Currently accredited for 94 analyte / matrix / species combinations Rapid screening laboratory for Phenylbutazone (PBZ) during the horse meat scandal – 2013 Self Monitoring Plan Equine anti-doping testing → testing other species

3 Pre-validation criteria to be considered
Analyte(s) – regulatory limit – MRL, MRPL, RPA Selection of the method – LOD, cross-reactivity, single / multi-analyte method, reliability, matrix Client requirements Review of relevant regulatory or guidance documents Commission Decision EC/2002/657 CRL Guidance Paper of 7 December 2007 Community Reference Laboratories Residues (CRLs) 20/1/2010 ISO/IEC 17025:2005 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

4 Pre-validation work Test performance – recovery of spikes (various levels), reproducible results Matrix / species effects Sample treatment / optimum extraction

5 Study design / Validation plan
Analyte, matrix and species to be validated CCβ, Screening Target Concentration → validation spiking level Number of samples to be analysed Factors to be included in ruggedness Specificity testing with related analytes Applicability Stability testing Repeatability / method verification Initial validation Further validation

6 Performance characteristics to be determined according to EC/2002/657
Semi-quantitative screening: CCβ Precision Selectivity / specificity Applicability Ruggedness Stability

7 CCβ Detection capability
Detection capability CCβ – is defined as the smallest content of the analyte that may be detected, identified and/or quantified in a sample with an error probability of β The β error is the probability that the tested sample is truly non-compliant even though a compliant measurement has been obtained For screening tests the β error (i.e. false compliant rate) should be <5% For analytes with a regulatory limit, CCβ must be ≤ the regulatory limit For analytes with no regulatory limit, CCβ must be as low as possible CCβ must be established for analytes across individual matrices LOD: A consideration when selecting a method CCβ and threshold values to describe the detection capability of the method

8 Determination of number of samples required for validation and screening target concentration
The STC in relation to the regulatory limit will determine the number of samples required for validation Spiking Level CCβ / Screening Target Concentration Number of Samples required for Validation No. of acceptable False Compliant Results ≤ 50 % of the MRL 20 ≤ 1 ≥ 50 % and ≤ 90 % of the MRL 40 ≤ 2 ≥ 90 % and ≤ 100 % of the MRL, MRPL, RPA, analytes included in CRL Guidance Paper of 7 Dec 2007 and analytes for which there is no guideline 60 ≤ 3

9 Implementation of validation
Determination of STC and number of samples required for validation Analyses carried out on 3 different days by different analysts

10 Inclusion of other species and matrices / applicability
Separate validation is carried out for each individual matrix type, e.g. serum and muscle If multiple species are to be validated within one matrix type, then the 60 samples could comprise different species, e.g. 20 x bovine, 20 x porcine and 20 x ovine If an additional species is to be included after validation is complete, 20 spiked and 20 blank samples made up of the additional species may be analysed and added to the initial validation for the calculation of threshold value and cut-off value

11 Test specificity Testing of blank samples to determine threshold will demonstrate whether there is matrix interference – calculation of threshold values Testing of similar analytes – recovery should fall below cut-off value established during validation

12 Calculation of cut-off value
Two approaches to establishing cut-off levels outlined in CRL Guidelines for the Validation of Screening Methods for Residues of Veterinary Medicines 2010: Approach I – Lowest response The lowest response in the spiked samples analysed during validation is taken as the cut-off giving a response greater than this level is deemed to be ‘screen positive’ and exceeds the CCβ of the screening method Approach II – Statistical approach Cut-off factor (FM) = Mean Response – 1.64 x SD

13 Calculation of cut-off value
The multiplication factor approach to establish a cut-off value The IEC uses a multiplication factor applied to the mean of two spiked ‘cut-off’ samples analysed alongside routine samples to establish a cut-off value for each test run A one-tailed 95% confidence interval of the validation data generated from spiked samples is calculated and then divided by the mean (M) To apply this fraction to the results of routine spiked cut-off samples, this figure is subtracted from 1 to give a multiplication factor to be applied to the mean of the spiked cut-off samples Multiplication factor = 1 - (1.64 x Std. Dev.) M In routine testing, any sample with a reading at or above the calculated ‘cut-off applied’ will be considered ‘screen positive’ or non-compliant and forwarded for confirmatory analysis This approach to cut-off calculation has been approved by regulatory authorities and INAB auditors

14 Validation data generated from analysis of three related analytes
Hex serum Des serum Den serum Name STI22AU1 STI22AU2 STI22AU3 STI18JU5 STI18JU3 STI18JU4 VAL1 1 2.15 1.84 1.9 1.31 1.58 1.89 DEN 1 0.99 0.69 1.08 VAL1 2 2.21 2.02 1.48 2.18 2.55 DEN 2 0.78 0.87 1.15 VAL1 3 1.95 1.67 1.63 0.89 DEN 3 0.34 0.66 1.04 VAL1 4 1.62 2.17 2.03 1.07 1.24 1.17 DEN 4 0.57 0.51 1.06 VAL1 5 2.13 1.87 2.14 1.53 1.19 0.81 DEN 5 1.05 0.82 VAL1 6 2.09 1.57 2.35 0.97 1.38 1.5 DEN 6 0.54 0.83 VAL1 7 2.37 2.07 1.2 1.39 DEN 7 0.5 0.84 0.86 VAL1 8 2.08 1.83 1.97 0.96 0.95 DEN 8 0.44 0.88 VAL1 9 2.1 2.29 2.06 DEN 9 1 VAL1 10 2.6 2.11 0.92 0.85 DEN 10 VAL1 11 2.01 2.3 1.52 DEN 11 0.49 VAL1 12 1.59 1.22 DEN 12 0.38 0.41 0.7 VAL1 13 2.49 1.68 1.88 DEN 13 1.03 VAL1 14 1.75 1.32 DEN 14 1.01 VAL1 15 1.76 1.61 1.12 DEN 15 0.9 1.1 VAL1 16 1.79 0.98 DEN 16 0.42 1.02 VAL1 17 1.74 1.92 DEN 17 VAL1 18 2.24 DEN 18 0.75 VAL1 19 2.27 1.29 1.34 1.25 DEN 19 0.52 VAL1 20 2.59 1.7 1.09 0.94 DEN 20 0.37 0.4 Mean 2.1415 1.9225 1.968 1.1915 1.263 1.28 0.664 0.689 0.934 Std. Dev. 0.1899 Overall mean Overall std dev %RSD Validation Statistic Approach II Approach I Hex Serum Approach I: 1.38 Approach II: Mul.Fact.: Des Serum Approach I: 0.81 Approach II: Mul.Fact.: Den Serum Approach I: 0.34 Approach II: Mul.Fact.:

15 Ruggedness Introduction of minor reasonable variations and observations of consequences The Youden approach to ruggedness is employed at the IEC – facilitates the introduction of several variations simultaneously Factors that may influence measurement result are selected: Pre-treatment Clean-up, SPE Analysis Factors that influence results are subjected to further testing – these factors are described in the validation report and may be included in the SOP

16 Ruggedness parameters investigated
 Factor  Factor value F Combinations of determinations number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  Centrifugation A/a Centrifuged vs. Not A a  Vortex B/b 2 min vs. 1 min B b C/c 4000 rpm vs rpm C c  Evaporation temp. D/d 25°c vs. 35°c D d Re-suspension buffer E/e IAC WB vs. ddH₂O E e F/f F f  Elution buffer G/g 70% EtOH vs. 80% EtOH G g  Observed result R S 0.24 T U 0.06 V 0.1 W 0.16 X 0.18 Y 0.12 Z 0.15

17 Ruggedness results Mean results for each parameter
Differences between normal and varied parameters Formula Result AA = Σ(Ai)/4 0.16 AB = Σ(Bi)/4 0.205 AC = Σ(Ci)/4 0.145 AD = Σ(Di)/4 0.1875 AE = Σ(Ei)/4 0.1575 AF = Σ(Fi)/4 0.1625 AG = Σ(Gi)/4 Aa = Σ(ai)/4 0.1525 Ab = Σ(bi)/4 0.1075 Ac = Σ(ci)/4 0.1675 Ad = Σ(di)/4 0.125 Ae = Σ(ei)/4 0.155 Af = Σ(fi)/4 0.15 Ag = Σ(gi)/4 Differences (Di) Squares of differences (Di2) Z-Scores (Di2) Da = A - a = Da2 = value a 0.00 Db = B - b = Db2 = value b 0.0095 Dc = C - c = Dc2 = value c 0.0005 Dd = D - d = Dd2 = value d De = E - e = De2 = value e Df = F - f = Df2 = value f Dg = G - g = Dg2 = value g 0.0001 Standard Deviation Of The Differences Di (SDi) SD1 = √2*Σ(D12/7) Standard deviation of method Ruggedness Study Conclusion - The only parameter that showed significant difference was elution buffer of the immunoaffinity column procedure. This is controlled in the procedure. This test has proven to be robust against all other changes to the parameters included in the ruggedness testing

18 Stability The degradation of the analyte under different conditions relevant to the test / laboratory Observed through ongoing monitoring of QC materials (negatives and spikes) – plotted on Shewhart charts Stability experiments carried out if any degradation is observed over time Stability experiments – assessment of stability of analytes: Stability of analytes in solution Stability of analytes in matrix Assessment carried out in line with EC/2002/657 and SOP P

19 Repeatability Assessment of spiked samples over three days
Calculation of Relative Standard Deviation measure of within lab reproducibility  must be < 35%

20 Validation acceptability criteria – Was validation successful?
RSD < 35% Approach I – No overlap between threshold value and cut-off value Approach II – The rate of false positive is acceptable (i.e. 5%) when FM > T if B < FM < T the false positive rate is higher than 5% According to Commission Decision 2002/657/EC, CCβ is validated when FM > B If the above criteria are met the method is considered robust, specific and fit for purpose

21 Validation data generated from analysis of three related analytes
Hex serum Des serum Den serum Name STI22AU1 STI22AU2 STI22AU3 STI18JU5 STI18JU3 STI18JU4 VAL1 1 2.15 1.84 1.9 1.31 1.58 1.89 DEN 1 0.99 0.69 1.08 VAL1 2 2.21 2.02 1.48 2.18 2.55 DEN 2 0.78 0.87 1.15 VAL1 3 1.95 1.67 1.63 0.89 DEN 3 0.34 0.66 1.04 VAL1 4 1.62 2.17 2.03 1.07 1.24 1.17 DEN 4 0.57 0.51 1.06 VAL1 5 2.13 1.87 2.14 1.53 1.19 0.81 DEN 5 1.05 0.82 VAL1 6 2.09 1.57 2.35 0.97 1.38 1.5 DEN 6 0.54 0.83 VAL1 7 2.37 2.07 1.2 1.39 DEN 7 0.5 0.84 0.86 VAL1 8 2.08 1.83 1.97 0.96 0.95 DEN 8 0.44 0.88 VAL1 9 2.1 2.29 2.06 DEN 9 1 VAL1 10 2.6 2.11 0.92 0.85 DEN 10 VAL1 11 2.01 2.3 1.52 DEN 11 0.49 VAL1 12 1.59 1.22 DEN 12 0.38 0.41 0.7 VAL1 13 2.49 1.68 1.88 DEN 13 1.03 VAL1 14 1.75 1.32 DEN 14 1.01 VAL1 15 1.76 1.61 1.12 DEN 15 0.9 1.1 VAL1 16 1.79 0.98 DEN 16 0.42 1.02 VAL1 17 1.74 1.92 DEN 17 VAL1 18 2.24 DEN 18 0.75 VAL1 19 2.27 1.29 1.34 1.25 DEN 19 0.52 VAL1 20 2.59 1.7 1.09 0.94 DEN 20 0.37 0.4 Mean 2.1415 1.9225 1.968 1.1915 1.263 1.28 0.664 0.689 0.934 Std. Dev. 0.1899 Overall mean Overall std dev %RSD Validation Statistic Approach II Approach I Hex Serum %RSD Des Serum %RSD Den Serum %RSD

22 When is additional or re-validation required?
Additional validation carried out when extra species are introduced or minor changes to an existing method Re-validation will occur if: Significant change to the method Method fails on a continual basis Change in client requirements, e.g. lower STC

23 Continuous verification
QC samples Negative control (TQCN) Positive controls (Cut-off 1 and 2) Check sample (blind to analyst) Spiking analyte – the analyte with the poorest recovery (worst case / lowest specificity) is used to spike QC or most relevant analyte according to test Last 20 sets of QC analyses plotted on Shewhart charts - ≤ 1 outlier per 20 analyses, i.e. ≤ 5% Verifies overall method performance, analyst accuracy / performance, spike stability, kit performance / stability PT’s – CRL / State Lab submit samples for PT analysis for each analyte at least once yearly External providers – Progetto Trieste, FAPAS In-house Out of specification results subjected to an in-house investigation procedure

24 Thank You

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