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Julianne Falleroni DO, MPH University of Wisconsin Fox Valley FMR

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1 Julianne Falleroni DO, MPH University of Wisconsin Fox Valley FMR
Women’s Health and OB Boot Camp: Helping Residents Be All That They Can Be Kathryn Jacobe MD Elizabeth Menzel MD Julianne Falleroni DO, MPH Heidi Vanyo MD Amy Romandine Kratz MD Joseph Schuman MD University of Wisconsin Fox Valley FMR

2 Who are we? Jacobe – 1 minute
Include % of grads doing OB, stress our strength in procedure training 13 of 29 grads in the last 5 years (45%)

3 Disclosures None Jacobe 0 minutes

4 Objectives Summarize our Women’s Health and OB Boot Camp teaching strategies Hands-on experience with homemade procedure models Explore materials to facilitate creation of similar programs for your learners Jacobe 1 minute

5 Background Motivation for centralizing our OB training
13 hours of orientation time dedicated for OB and women’s health Menzel, 2 minutes Structure of OB rotations and # of deliveries, variability in preceptors including “evidence-basedness” of preceptors Gyn rotatations are with varied preceptors, residents struggled to get gyn procedures on those rotations – part of this attributable to OB/Gyn docs having more of a surgical training model (more observation first, eventually hands on) whereas family medicine with the breadth of practice really needs to get to hands-on training more efficiently 3-week orientation starts mid-June. includes ALSO, too much EMR training within 3 health systems and we have dedicated 13 hours of orientation for Boot Camp. During last week, all residents get pulled “off service” so incoming R2s and R3s get training-level-specific re-orientation to some core women’s health procedures (e.g. endometrial biopsy, colposcopy, etc).

6 Goals of “Boot Camp” Provide new residents with adequate confidence and knowledge prior to rotations Improve procedure skills Ensure hands-on skills are supported by mastery of evidence-based knowledge Orient to women’s health procedures in our clinic Orient to hospital labor and delivery Jacobe – 2 minutes Increased confidence = greater opportunities (our program does rely on self-directed learning to optimize experiences)

7 Details of our orientation process: schedules/agenda
Jacobe – 1 minute Includes objectives, schedule/structure with lecture topics and workstations, supply lists for work stations

8 Teaching Principles Brief, targeted lectures
Interactive work time with hands-on models Case-based learning to pull concepts together Use repetition to encourage retention of key topics and experiences Menzel – 1 minute If you pay close attention, you’ll see we’re employing some of these concepts today

9 Brief Targeted Lectures
15-35 minutes, evidence-based To convey key information without overwhelming To provide reference for future use To ensure all learners get the same core information Menzel – 1 minute Example included in handouts Refer to schedule for examples

10 Time with hands-on models
Interactive, small group, experiential learning Facilitator-led Additional knowledge content provided with immediate application To build muscle memory and expertise with real clinical instruments To become familiar with order of steps of common procedures Schumann - 1 minute Refer to schedule – interspersed with applicable lectures preceding hands-on experiences

11 Case-based learning Uses dynamic scenarios as capstone
To incorporate learned concepts To encourage critical thinking To foreshadow management decisions Vanyo – 1 minute copies of SEH OB cases are in the handouts

12 Use of Repetition To encourage retention of key topics, skills
To increase hands-on exposure To solidify learning using varied modalities Kratz – 1 minute Refer to schedule

13 Welcome to Boot Camp! Rotate through 3 stations, 10 minutes each
FSE and AROM Endometrial biopsy and IUD Cervical exam with models, finger measuring, post-test 35 minutes – ALL FSE/AROM (Menzel, Schumann) Endometrial biopsy and IUD (Jacobe, Vanyo) Cervical exam with models, finger measuring, post-test (Kratz)

14 Follow up reflection/discussion
Did you notice which teaching concepts we used today? Could something like this work in your program? Benefits? Barriers? Any best practices that could augment this system? Animation – just one question up at a time? 8 minutes (overflow)

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