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Diagnostics and Service Management

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1 Diagnostics and Service Management
In this module- Learn how to find out what is going on Do something about it

2 How do you do diagnostics today
How do you do diagnostics today? How do you manage your applications and services today?

3 Challenges with diagnostics in the cloud
Many instances They move around Massive amount of data Can’t remote desktop in No remote tools

4 The Diag engine brings all of the sources together for you.
MonAgentHost.exe is started automatically by default. Listener wired up in app/web.config Need to define a storage account connection string

5 How does it work (in a nutshell)?
Role Instance Role Instance Starts Diagnostic Monitor Starts** Monitor is configured Imperatively at Start time Remotely any time Monitor buffers data locally User can set a quota (FIFO) User initiates transfer to storage Scheduled or On Demand Role Diagnostic Monitor Local directory storage

6 Sources: Data Source Default Destination Trace Logs Enabled
Azure Table Diagnostic Infrastructure Logs IIS Logs Blob Performance Counters Disabled Windows Event Logs IIS Failed Request Logs Crash Dumps Arbitrary Files

7 The Escape Hatch Allows you to collect any file that is in a defined directory Can be used for: Collecting custom audit files Any source of data Usage data for billing

8 Loading the Diagnostic Agent
The agent is loaded as an Azure module in the ServiceDefinition.csdef The module expects a connection string named: A production connection string must be HTTPS.

9 Write to Trace Output

10 Common Patterns Get Config Make a change to the config
From default Current running Make a change to the config Start the Diag agent with new config

11 Changing Config Can change from within the instance
Affects only that instance Then start the agent immediately Can change from outside for all roles Change the central file Agent notices a change and reloads Affects all instances of that role

12 Local directory storage
Remote Configuration Poll Interval Role Role Instance Diagnostic Monitor Local directory storage

13 Get the Current Configuration
First create a cloud storage account that points to the storage account used for diag data Call createroleisntancediagnosticmanager off of that, passing in the isntance info Then call getcurrentconfiguration

14 Make changes to the config
Create a perfcounter config object Add the counter specifier Change the sample rate Add the config object to the datasources collection Adjust the scheduled transfer period

15 Commit the change Then commit the change by passing in the config object from above

16 Sample Results

17 Log Filters Does not filter data collected
Only filters what is transferred transferOptions.LogLevelFilter = LogLevel.Error;

18 Visualizing the data Cerebrata’s Azure Diagnostics Manager

19 Visualizing the data

20 Visualizing the data Configuring counters remotely…

21 Schedule Transfers Each source is assigned its own schedule
Data is transferred at the right time Set interval to 0 to disable transfer

22 On Demand Transfers Handy for responding to events
Handled like an external config change Requests are handled asynchronously Returns a request id when submitted Can report success to a queue

23 Service Management API
Allows us to do almost anything the portal can do Limitations No billing data Creating a subscription Creating a storage or compute service Cannot deploy management certificates Free Don’t be stupid – may get throttled

24 API Authentication All API calls must be signed with a registered administrative certificate X509 certificates are used You can register up to five certificates You can revoke at any time Can be self signed Upload .cer through portal

25 Deploying Services Delete/Create Deployment Visual Studio does this.
VIP will change Service Model Updates don’t matter VIP Swap Bring up another environment in Staging and swap Only Input Endpoints (external ports) matter In-Place Upgrade Rolling upgrade across roles Most restrictive on changes (no size, endpoints, roles, etc.) Web Deploy*

26 Configuring VS2010

27 Deployment Environments
Two Environments to choose from Nearly Identical… <servicename> <deploymentID> VIP Swap between them

28 If the cube is Gray, You’re OK. If the cube is Blue, a bill is due. Even when you ‘suspend’ your service, you will still be charged. Suspend only disables inbound traffic. The code is actually still running.

29 Worried about leaving something running?
Download the Grey Box Application Open source, originally written by Strategic Data Systems and Mike Wood Reminds you if you have apps running, and helps you stop them Avoids overrun of MSDN allocation

30 Grey Box

31 MOCP will notify you MOCP will send an to the Live ID of the subscriber when compute reaches: 75% 100% 125% Only works for committed hours, not for pay as you grow hours

32 VIP Swap Upgrades Swap Virtual IPs between the two slots
Production becomes Staging Staging becomes Production Instances are not affected DNS and LB remains intact Happens very fast Can only use when the service model hasn’t changed

33 VIP Swap Deployment VM VM VM VM Prod Prod Deployment Stage Stage VM VM
Web Role Worker Role VM VM VM VM Load Balancer: Prod Prod Deployment Stage Stage Web Role Worker Role VM VM VM VM

34 In-Place Upgrades Rolling upgrades are IT Nirvana
Difficult to do in traditional IT Leverages Upgrade Domains Service model must be identical (ie. No new roles, no changes in .csdef, etc.) For Each Upgrade Domain Stop instances Update Start instances

35 In Place Upgrade #1 #2 #1 #2 Rack Rack VM VM Prod VM VM VM VM VM VM
Web Role Web Role Load Balancer: #1 VM VM Prod #2 VM VM Worker Role Worker Role #1 VM VM #2 VM VM

36 Fault and Upgrade Domains
Fault Domains Represent groups of resources anticipated to fail together i.e. Same rack, same server Fabric spreads instances across fault domains Default of 2 Upgrade Domains Represents groups of resources that will be upgraded together Specified by upgradeDomainCount in ServiceDefinition Default of 5 Fabric splits Upgrade Domains across Fault Domains and Across Roles

37 Upgrade Domains Defined in .csdef Instances evenly distributed
Isolated Hardware Isolated Hardware Isolated Hardware Fault Domain 1 Fault Domain 2 Fault Domain 3 Upgrade Domain 1 Role A Instance 1 Role B Instance 2 Role C Instance 3 Upgrade Domain 2 Role B Instance 1 Role C Instance 2 Role A Instance 3 Upgrade Domain 3 Role C Instance 1 Role A Instance 2 Role B Instance 3

38 How? Can be done via portal or the management API
Upgrade Mode: Automatic or Manual Manual waits for human intervention to confirm upgrade is ok before proceeding

39 Changing Configuration
Change any setting in .cscfg Change the number of instances running Three approaches: Edit on portal Upload new file in portal Upload new file with management API By default, changing the number of instances does not affect running instances. Any other config restarts the instances.

40 Deployment and Management Tools
Visual Studio* CSManage.exe Windows Azure MMC Windows Azure Service Management (WASM) cmdlets 3rd Party tools

41 Windows Azure Service Management Cmdlets
Set of PowerShell cmdlets Wraps Management REST API and Diagnostics API Enables building of sophisticated deployment scripts Works with rest of .NET CLR

42 Windows Azure MMC MMC Snapin providing graphical view of services, diagnostics, and storage Built on top of WASM Cmdlets Plugin-based, extensible Remotely configure diagnostics Download and view diagnostics

43 Monitoring Windows Azure Diagnostics
Windows Azure Monitoring MP for SCOM Available as RC now! Monitors Health, Scales, and more

44 Autoscaling Azure does not autoscale Azure gives you the tools
What is ‘busy’ for your app is different than someone else Azure gives you the tools Not an easy problem to crack Define inputs Define rules to determine busy or stagnant state Make adjustments Don’t run amok, put a human in somewhere


46 Deploying Applications in Windows Azure
Lab Exercises Deploying via the Management Portal Deployment via PowerShell Deployment via Visual Studio Securing Azure with SSL* Labs Location C:\WAPTK\Labs\WindowsAzureDeploymentVS2010

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