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Financial Analysis, Planning and Forecasting Theory and Application

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1 Financial Analysis, Planning and Forecasting Theory and Application
Chapter 14 Capital Budgeting Under Uncertainty By Cheng F. Lee Rutgers University, USA John Lee Center for PBBEF Research, USA

2 Outline 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Risk-adjustment discount-rate method
14.3 Certainty equivalent method 14.4 The relationship of the risk-adjustment discount rate method to the certainty equivalent method 14.5 Three other related stochastic approaches to capital budgeting 14.6 Inflationary effects in the capital-budgeting procedure 14.7 Multi-period capital budgeting 14.8 Summary and concluding remarks Appendix 14A. Time-state preference and the real option approaches in capital budgeting under uncertainty

3 14.2 Risk-adjustment discount-rate method
(14.6) where I0 = Initial outlay of the capital budgeting project; = A location measure such as the median (or the mean) of the expected risky cash-flow distribution Xt in period t; rt= Risk-adjusted discount rate appropriate to the riskiness of the uncertain cash flow Xt; N = Life of the project. (14.7) Where Ct = Certainty-equivalent cash flow at period t, I = Riskless interest rate, N = Life of the project. (14.8) and (14.7’) 14.3 Certainty equivalent method

4 14.3 Certainty equivalent method
(14.9) (14.9’) (14.7’’) CAPM Vi : market value of firm i Multiply V and rearrange the equation above, we can have Equation (14.9) If Rf = 10%, E(Rm) = 15%, = $300, I0 =$2,000, Bj = 0.80, =0.02, then Cov ( , Rm) = (080)(0.02)(2,000) = 32, and from Eq. (14.9′) we have

5 14.4 The relationship of the risk-adjustment discount rate method to the certainty equivalent method
(14.10) and (14.11) (14.12) and (14.13) (14.14) and (14.15) Under the Arrow (1971) and Pratt (1964) risk-aversion framework, α can be derived as Where E( ) = Actuarial value of risk; X is asset; and U′ (X) and U′(X) are second and first derivatives with respect to utility function U(x) and

6 14.4 The relationship of the risk-adjustment discount rate method to the certainty equivalent method
Example 14.1 We assume that investors retain the same attitude toward risk over time, that is, α1 = α2 = α3 = 0.8. Then the risk-adjusted discount rate for the three periods is: Therefore the risk-adjusted rate decreases over time. Example 14.2 In the capital-budgeting process, we usually apply a constant risk-adjusted discount rate to each period’s cash flows, r1 = r2 = r3. Assuming that this constant value is 0.185, we have: and we see that the value of the certainty equivalents will decrease over time.

7 14.5.1 The Statistical Distribution Method
14.5 Three other related stochastic approaches to capital budgeting The Statistical Distribution Method (14.16) and (14.17a) (14.17b) (14.17b’) and (14.17b’’) (14.19) Cov(Ct, Cτ) = ρτt στ σt, If the cash flows are mutually independent, then Eq. (14.17b’) reduces to (14.18) Hillier (1969) combines the assumption of mutual independence and perfect correlation in developing a model to deal with mixed situations.

8 Hillier (1969) combines the assumption of mutual independence (Yt) and perfect correlation in developing a model to deal with mixed situations. (14.19) The derivation of Equation (14.19) is as follows Assume the net cash flow at time t, Xt, is related to the sources as follows


10 14.5.1 The Statistical Distribution Method
Table Expected cash flow for new product Reprinted by permission of Hillier, F., “The derivation of probabilistic information for the evaluation of risky investments,” Management Science 9 (April 1963). Copyright 1963 by The Institute of Management Sciences. Year Source Expected Value of Net Cash Flow (in thousands) Standard Deviation Initial Investment -$600 $50 1 Production Cash Outflow -250 20 2 -200 10 3 4 5 Production Outflow – salvage Value -100 15 Marketing 300 50 600 100 500 400

11 14.5.1 The Statistical Distribution Method
Table 14.8a Illustration of conditional-probability distribution approach Initial Outlay Period 0 (1) Probability P(1) (2) Net Cash Flow (3) Conditional P(3|2,1) (4) (5) P(5|4,3,2,1) (6) Cash (7) Joint (8) 0.2 1000 0.015 0.25 2000 0.5 0.0375 0.3 3000 0.0225 0.03 10,000 0.075 4000 0.045 5000 0.4 0.06 6000

12 14.5.1 The Statistical Distribution Method
Table 14.8a Illustration of conditional-probability distribution approach (Cont’d) Initial Outlay Period 0 (1) Probability P(1) (2) Net Cash Flow (3) Conditional P(3|2,1) (4) (5) (6) Cash (7) Joint (8) 0.5 4000 0.4 5000 0.08 0.3 6000 0.06 0.045 7000 9000 0.25 0.0125 0.025 8000 0.2 0.05 11000

13 14.5.1 The Statistical Distribution Method
Table 14.8b NPV and joint probability Discount Rate = 4 percent NPV = $2, Variance = $20,359, Standard Deviation = $4, PVA NPV Probability 12,024.96 2,024.96 0.06 12,913.96 2,913.96 0.08 13,802.96 3,802.96 14,763.08 4,763.08 0.045 16,541.08 6,541.08 18,319.08 8,319.08 13,948.04 3,948.04 0.0125 15,726.04 5,726.04 0.025 17,504.04 7,504.04 16,686.16 6,686.16 18,464.16 8,464.16 0.05 10,242.16 19,388.72 9,388.72 21,166.72 11,166.72 22,944.72 12,944.72 PVA NPV Probability 4,661.2 -5,338.8 0.015 5,550.2 -4,449.8 0.0375 6,439.2 -3,560.8 0.0225 6,474.76 -3,525.24 0.03 7,363.76 -2,636.24 0.075 8,252.76 -1,747.24 0.045 8,288.32 -1,711.68 9,177.32 10,066.32 66.32 8,297.84 -1,602.16 10,175.84 175.84 0.06 11,953.84 1,953.84

14 14.5.2 The Decision-Tree Method
14.5 Three other related stochastic approaches to capital budgeting Fig Decision tree. Numbers in parentheses are probabilities; numbers without parentheses are NPV The Decision-Tree Method Decision Variables For the First Stage Net Present Value* Standard Deviation* Coefficient Of Variation Regional $610.50 $666.98 1.093 National 767.27 1.3909 International 629.71 2.4357 Expressed in thousands of dollars. NPV = 0.7(1,248.84) + 0.2(814.73) + 0.1(-14.54) = $1,

15 14.5.2 The Decision-Tree Method
Table Expected cash flows for various branches of the decision tree 1 2 3 4 5 6 NPV Regional Distribution throughout: High -2000 250 500 600 900 893.70 Medium 400 550 800 310.80 Low -250 200 450 National Distribution throughout: -3000 350 700 1100 1400 1000 1,454.47 1200 498.90 -350 100 300 -1,036.73 International Distribution Throughout: -4000 1600 2200 2,350.71 2000 969.44 -450 1500 -1,544.26

16 14.5.2 The Decision-Tree Method
Table Expected cash flows for various branches of the decision tree (Cont’d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 NPV High National – High Inter. -3000 350 -300 1600 2200 1400 800 2,145.08 High National – Medium Inter. 1200 600 1,473.88 High National – Low Inter. 700 1500 400 Medium National – High Inter. -500 1,623.63 Medium National – Medium Inter 2000 952.43 Medium National – Low Inter Low National – High Inter. -350 -900 917.27 Low National – Medium Inter 246.07 Low National – Low Inter -1,372.66

17 14.5.2 The Decision-Tree Method
Table Expected cash flows for various branches of the decision tree (Cont’d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 NPV High Region – High National -2000 250 -500 1100 1400 1000 600 1,248.84 High Region – Medium National 900 1200 800 700 814.73 High Region – Low National 300 -14.54 Medium Region – High National -600 916.00 Medium Region – Medium National 481.89 Medium Region – Low National Low Region – High National -250 -800 490.71 Low Region – Medium National 56.59 Low Region – Low National

18 14.5 Three other related stochastic approaches to capital budgeting
Simulation Analysis Table 14.10a Variables for simulation Variables Range 1. Market size (units) 2,500,000 – 3,000,000 2. Selling price ($/unit) 40 – 60 3. Market growth 0 – 5% 4. Market share 10 – 15% 5. Total investment required ($) 8,000,000 – 10,000,000 6. Useful life of facilities (years) 5-9 7. Residue value of investment ($) 1,000,000 – 2,000,000 8. Operating cost ($) 30 – 45 9. Fixed cost ($) 400,000 – 500,000 10. Tax rate 40% 11. Discount rate 12% Notes: a. Random numbers from Wonnacott and Wonnacott (1990) are used to determine the value of the variable for simulation. b. Useful life of facilities is an integer. Random number Year

19 14.5.3 Simulation Analysis Table 14.10b Simulation
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 VMARK 1 (39)2,695,000 (47)2,735,000 (67)2,835,000 (12)2,580,000 (78)2,890,000 PRICE (73)$54.6 (93)$58.6 (59)51.8 (78)55.6 (61)$52.2 GROW (72)3.6% (21)1.05% (63)0.0315 (03)0.0015 (42)0.021 SMARK 4 (75)13.75% (95)14.75% (78)0.139 (04)0.102 (77)0.1385 TOINV (37)8,740,000 (97)9,940,000 (87)9,740,000 (61)9,220,000 (65)9,300,000 KUSE (02)5 years (68)8 years (47)7 years (23)6 years (71)8 years RES (87)1,870,000 (41)1,410,000 (56)1,560,000 (15)1,150,000 (20)1,200,000 VAR (98)$44.7 (91)$43.65 (22)33.3 (58)38.7 (17)$32.55 FIX (10)$410,000 (80)$480,000 (19)419,000 (93)493000 (48)448,000 TAX 40% 0.4 0.40 DIS 12% 0.12 NPV $197, $7,929, $12,146, $1,169,846.55 $15,306, Number in parentheses is the generated random number.

20 14.5.3 Simulation Analysis Table 14.10b Simulation (Cont’d) VARIABLES
6 7 8 9 10 VMARK 1 (89)2,945,000 (26)2,630,000 (60)2,800,000 (68)2,840,000 (23)2,615,000 PRICE (18)43.6 (47)49.4 (88)$57.6 (39)$47.8 (47)$49.4 GROW (83)0.0415 (94)0.047 (17)0.0085 (71)0.0355 (25)0.0125 SMARK 4 (08)0.104 (06)0.103 (36)0.118 (22)0.111 (79)0.1395 TOINV (90)9,800,000 (72)9,440,000 (77)9,540,000 (76)9,520,000 (08)8,160,000 KUSE (05)5 years (40)7 years (43)7 years (81)9 years (15)5 years RES (89)1,890,000 (62)1,620,000 (28)1,280,000 (88)1,880,000 (71)1,710,000 VAR (18)$32.7 (47)37.05 (31)$34.65 (94)44.1 (58)$38.7 FIX (08)408,000 (68)468,000 (06)406,000 (76)476,000 (56)456,000 TAX 0.4 DIS 0.12 NPV $-1,513, $11,327,171.67 $839, $-6,021, $563, NPV=4,194, Notes. 1. Definitions variables can be found in Table 14.10a. 2. NPV calculator procedure can be found in Table 14.10c. Random number Useful life

21 [Sales Volume]t = [(Market Size)  (1 + Market Growth Rate)t]
Simulation Analysis [Sales Volume]t = [(Market Size)  (1 + Market Growth Rate)t]  (Share of Market), EBITt = [Sales Volume]t  [Selling Price - Operating Cost] - [Fixed Cost]; [Cash Flow]t = [EBIT]t  [1 - Tax Rate];

22 14.5.3 Simulation Analysis Table 14.10c Cash Flow Simulations Period 1
2 3 4 5 $2,034, $3,368, $4,260, $2,376, $4,549, 2,116, 3,406, 4,402, 2,380, 4,650,608,707 2,201, 3,445, 4,549, 2,384, 4,753, 2,289, 3,485, 4,700, 2,388, 4,859, 2,380, 3,524, 4,856, 2,392, 4,967, 6 3,564, 5,017, 2,396, 5,077, 7 3,605, 5,183, 5,189, 8 3,645, 5,303,

23 14.5.3 Simulation Analysis Table 14.10c Cash Flow Simulations (Cont’d)
Notes. 1. NPVs are listed in Table 13.4b Period 6 7 8 9 10 1 $1,841, $1,820,837,760 $4,344, $439, $2,097, 2 1,927, 1,919, 4,383, 464, 2,127, 3 2,018, 2,023, 4,423, 491, 2,157,294,016 4 2,112, 2,131,314,436 4,462, 519, 2,187, 5 2,209, 2,244, 4,502, 547, 2,218, 2,363, 4,543, 577, 2,487, 4,583, 607, 639,

24 14.6 Inflationary effects in the capital-budgeting procedure
(14.20) Where k = A real rate of return in the absence of inflation (i) plus an inflation premium (η) plus a risk adjustment to a riskless rate of return (ρ). (14.21a), (14.21b), and (14.22) (14.23), and (14.24) (14.25) Where Rt= Expected growth in cash flow, Ot= Outflow for variable operating expense, θj= The percentage change in Ot induced by inflation in period j. Ft = Expected fixed cash charge, dept= Fixed noncash charge, τ= Marginal corporate tax rate, i= Real risk-free rate, η= Inflation rate, ρ= Risk premium associated with uncertainty of nominal cash flow.

25 14.6 Inflationary effects in the capital-budgeting procedure
Define PV= present value of a one-period project, X= Net cash flow received at the end of the period, I= net investment outlay at time 0, r=risk-adjusted noninflation-adjusted required rate of return, τ=tax rate applicable to the firm, and p’= change in the price level expected to occur over the coming period. (14.26), and (14.27) (14.28) (14.29)

26 14.6 Inflationary effects in the capital-budgeting procedure
(14.29’) (14.30) (14.31), and (14.32) TABLE 14.11 From Kim, M. K. L., “Inflationary effects in the capital-investment process: An empirical examination,” Journal of Finance 34 (September 1979): Table 1. Reprinted by permission. Condition L X/TA 1 + r D/X L > L’ L = L’ L < L’ + -

27 14.6 Inflationary effects in the capital-budgeting procedure
TABLE Regression results of (Figures in parentheses are t values) From Kim, M. K. L., “Inflationary effects in the capital-investment process: An empirical examination.” Journal of Finance 34 (September 1979): Table 4. Reprinted by permission. Period a b c d e .0884 .0882 .1044 .0103 (14.74) .0131 (9.93) .0097 (5.90) .0957 (4.88) -.0079 (0.37) .1046 (4.05) (2.35) .0670 (0.15) -.8642 (1.87) -.0545 (4.42) -.0297 (1.46) -.0870 (5.63)

28 14.7 Multi-period capital budgeting
(14.34) Where V1 = Random value of the firm at the end of the time period; VM1 = Random value of the market value of all firms at the end of the time period; L0 = Market-determined price of risk; rf = Riskless rate-of-return available to all investors. (14.35) (14.36) E[Vp1] - L0E[Cov (Vp1, VM1)] - Vp0 > 0.

29 14.7 Multi-period capital budgeting
(14.37) where η = Elasticity of expectations of future earnings stream; b = Firm-specific constant measuring sensitivity of the disturbance term to unanticipated changes in the economic index; = Variance of the market asset’s rate-of-return; σIm = ; represents the unanticipated changes in some general economic index; RmT= Market return; Qt= Cash-flow multiplier for period t. E[Ri] = rf + L[cov (Cov (Ri, Rm))] (14.38) where Ri = Rate-of-return on the risky asset I; rf = Riskless rate-of-return available to all market participants;L = Price of risk in the market, (E(Rm) - rf)/ [variance of the returns on the market]; RM = Return on a market portfolio of risky securities. (14.39), and (14.40)

30 14.8 Summary The preceding discussion outlined three alternative capital-budgeting procedures, each useful when cash flows are not known exactly but only within certain specifications. Depending on the correlation of the cash flows and the number of possible outcomes, they will all yield meaningful results. Simulation was introduced as a tool to deal with those situations in which the most uncertainty existed. Also discussed were various means of forecasting cash flows, most notably the product life-cycle approach. The emphasis in the later portion of the chapter was on the effects inflation has on the ability to forecast cash flows and on the appropriate discount-rate selection. We stress the importance of this factor as its nonrecognition can lead to disastrous results. In addition, we touched upon more theoretical issues by attempting to apply the CAPM, which created problems, but the basic approach is still applicable.

31 14.8 Summary and concluding remarks
Lastly we investigated some of the more generalized mean-variance pricing frameworks and found that they were essentially equivalent. The application of these approaches is much the same as that of the CAPM, and further supports the increasing use of this technique in dealing with a very large, if not the largest problem area in applied finance theory, capital budgeting under uncertainty. The concepts, theory, and methods discussed earlier are essentially based upon a myopic view of capital budgeting and decision making. This weakness can be improved by using Pinches’ (1982) recommendations. Concern should be given to how capital budgeting actually interfaces with the firm’s strategic positioning decision: to deal with risk effectively; to improve the control phase; and to take advantage of related findings from other disciplines. A broader examination of the capital-budgeting process, along with many effective business/academic interchanges, can go a long way toward improving the capital-budgeting process.

32 Appendix 14A. Time-state preference and the real option approaches for capital budgeting under uncertainty (14.A.1) where Vst= current value (price) of a dollar for state s and time t, Zst= present value of cash flow for state s and time t, PV= present value of project. TABLE 14.A.1 Expected cash flows for Project, PV = $1000(0.1672) + $800(0.2912) + $500(0.5398)+ $500(0.1693) + $400(0.2915) + $200(0.5333) + $300(0.1686) + $200(0.2903) + $100(0.5313) = $1,140. State of Economy Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Boom Normal Recession $1000 $800 $500 $400 $200 $300 $100

33 ΔVj = Vj - Vj+1, Vj = e-1(N[d2 (Mj)] - N [d2 Mj+1])
Appendix 14A. Time-state preference and the real option approaches for capital budgeting under uncertainty Vj = e-i N [d2 (Mj)], (14.A.2), and(14.A.3) where i= Interest rate, = Instantaneous variance of the rate-of-return on the market portfolio, N(•) = Probability of d2(Mj) obtained from a normal distribution. (14.A.4) where rMj = Rate-of-return on the market portfolio for the period if M0  Mj. ΔVj = Vj - Vj+1, Vj = e-1(N[d2 (Mj)] - N [d2 Mj+1]) (14.A.5), and (14.A.6) vj = e-i (N[D2 (rMj)] - N[d2(rM,(j+1))], Vj = vj + Vj+1. (14.A.7), and(14.A.8)

34 Appendix 14A. Time-state preference and the real option approaches for capital budgeting under uncertainty

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